Can someone explain the ending to this show to me? Was it meant to be confusing or was it just bad? Other than the last episode, I though it was alright, barring the lack of development between the girls and the MC.
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
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It was some crap about the spirit of the self and baseball. Keep in mind the author was dropped by his publisher to the point he had to put the ending online.
A different ending from the anime?
only nerds remember anything but the opening
And the ending. -2 points for forgetting.
Absolutely, because it didn't really have an ending at all did it? "Oh hey new character, are you actually an AYY LMAO!?"
See, you guys get it.
There was also a girl that dressed up as an eggplant?
Where can I find the ending? I hope MC doesn't take the incest route, Ryuushi for life.
Worst girl lost and that's all I cared about. I hated that brown haired bitch.
Sorry not to be more useful, it was one of those shows at the beginning of that terrible LN boom that anime is still suffering from. It was also a victim of cancellation.
Incest happens in the light novel. They had a kid.
you best not be talking about Ryuuko, user.
So they did take the incest route, god dammit Japan.
She was a jerk to Erio for no reason. It made me immensely dislike her.
user, I'm sorry, but it was generic LN trash the moment every character seemed to not question who this girl was abducted by and if she was abused or traumatised.
"yeah, she went missing, 's all good".
I'm a shallow watcher so stuff like that flies over my head when I'm watching anime. I like to just accept the world the show is putting forward instead of questioning it in relation to the real world.
Honestly, I thought that's what the plot of the show was going to be.
It was confusing yes.
She was jealous of her, so there was a bit of a 1-sided rivalry. It's dumb to say there was no reason.
It was weird there was so much sexual tension, but at the same time nothing was happening.
Jealousy isn't an excuse. That's still his cousin and he cared about her and was an important person on his life. She only cared about herself.