ghost in the shell
more like
more like pig in a blanket
ghost in the shell
more like
more like pig in a blanket
Fuck off, we've had enough of these crossposter threads.
Ghost in the Shell
More like fat cunt shit actor whore
Well, Major is supposed to be ripped, and that's not really like it.
You're pathetic, OP.
k scarlett
Why does this faggot look like Zoolander?
The only scene we really want to see will be censored or not done at all
>be ScarJo
>being paid bazillions for being in a movie, even as cameo
>top 3 cache current female lead in hollywood
>still not comitted enough to build some muscle and play the Major properly
>after that many capeshit flicks cant do an action scene even if her life depends on it
Why was she casted again? Even if Scarlettfags say "she was pregnant you misogynistic fuck" she should have step aside and let other actress take the spot.
Also if Jewllywood wanted a white female lead role, they should have gone with Emily Blunt, she showed an impressive physique in that LN adaptation movie, a better strong wymin attitude and good action sequences.
Fuck this shit, hope it flops but I know normies will be swallowing this shit entirely.
Fucking christ she has chanced after the fappening.
I guess she wouldn't be cast since her big role looked exactly like the Major but..
Olivia Wilde is my fucking waifu
She looks like a ghetto padme from star wars episode 1 when she was in the white body suit thing
That waht After Effects are for. Nothing is real in Hollywood movie anymore. Even the new Star Wars was heavyliy CGIed.
This is why you don't do live action adaptions of anime or manga. You will always have hideous 3DPD.
It's Ghost in the Shell. I don't care who stars in it or how well it's produced. This is an iconic, generation defining, (next word is) awesome (fuck u) amine with madd rep (SEGA Genesis games even though they didn't live up to the name...) that hit the big screen and I can't wait to see it. Say what you want, maybe you like yuri on skates but this is a must see no matter what.
>(SEGA Genesis games even though they didn't live up to the name...)
There is no Genesis GiTs game, what the fuck are you talking about?
Does your mom knows how you call her in internet?
Trailer looks pretty cool. Only main actress is fuckin cow and Batou is meh
>Nothing is real in Hollywood movie anymore.
I don't understand that. When a movie is so chocful of (bad) CGI like the Star Wars prequels or the Warcraft movie or perhaps this movie as well, why not animate everything? Why go through the trouble of making a scene where everything is animated except maybe two or three guys (and even then perhaps only their faces) when it would be cheaper to animate everything? Is it because anything drawn is automatically for children?
is this pasta?
But then the jewish celebrity cartel would die off!
Because westerners need real humans in their movies or else it's "kids stuff" i.e. what you said in the last sentence
A lot stuff in Hollywood movies are not CG but looks like CG. It's "mount stupid"
ScarJew has no muscle tone.
Also the plot is going to be
>hanka builds major
>major and section 9 investigate laughing man
>laughing man tells major that hanka is evil
>major finds out hanka is evil
>major fights hanka
>major and section 9 wonder off and leave room for a sequel.
>3D is vastly inferior to 2D
Wow stop the presses!
wow so deep
Anya Taylor-Joy from "Witch" is cute like anime character
Fuck off normalfags.
From the screens, this thing looks like it had a budget of about 4-5 mil and that's it
This is a bad year for anime. Just last year when you said "Berserk" everyone thought of of the 90's anime classic, and when you said "Ghost in the Shell" everyone thought about the excellent anime movie. From this point onward, Berserk and Ghost in the Shell will refer to the horrible 2016 adaptation and a shitty Hollywood movie that probably has only the vaguest connection to the source material. From now on you'll have to add "the 90s adaptation" to the title Berserk, and specify that you're talking about the GitS anime rather than the live action movie.
Anime isn't immune to the scourge of moneygrubbing faggots ruining good memories.
You mean The VVitch
Original GitS movie is just average Hollywood blockbuster. Not some magnum opus of anime.
>I feel you my friend.
I saw it in 2002 and wondered what was so DEEP about it. Lain was DEEPer.
Even if that's true, you agree that it's detrimental to its reputation and its content to be associated with the inevitable pile of shit the adaptation will become. Anime and Vidya adaptations are almost universally bad, and if this somehow turns out to be good I'll by quite surprised.
It's not the Laughing Man, this movie is the Kuze plot from SAC 2nd gig.
Edge of Tomorrow is example to follow
All this retelling of a story just so Hollywood doesn't have to be creative
>ever committing to a role or putting any effort into something
you only have yourself to blame for having your expectations crushed
>for having your expectations crushed
but I had zero since the casting came up, not for the whitewashing faggotry but because ScarJo cant into action flicks, neither can do a beliavable fictional spy
trailer looked like shit, post-production gonna have a hard time CGing the shit out ScarJo to make her look decent
Even if actresses are on average worse than actors, ScarJo is below average even among her fellow actresses. She jsut sucks.
can't argue with that
That doesn't make sense. Wouldn't a robot be able to go at full power immediately? Why would she be straining? Is it some sort of bio based technology?
I'm confused.
Fat people are disgusting and should be gassed.