>so we rip off Robocop, but give it tits
>baka gaijin won't even notice!
So we rip off Robocop, but give it tits
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Robocop didn't have tits
pecs > tits
Can you put Ghost in the Shell in the OP next time so my filter catches this?
Idiot, that could actually be a decent adaptation. Think about it, every iteration of the series has a distinctive tone a set of themes. I'd love to see an American made GitS that goes back to the sort of goofy style of the manga, something like GitS crossed with Robocop's satire would be amazing.
Instead we're getting Oink in the Shell: Eat Alone Complex
Blade Runner, Robocop, Ghost in the Shell, Matrix, Minority Report, AI: Artificial Intelligence. It's all the same shit.
More like
>rip off matrix
Blade Runner is kino
Tits make everything better.
user, I...
oh shit, it's like it could be a whole genre
This has to be bait.
no, they ripped off a one off character from a sci-fi novel from before the 1990 something, /lit/ had this thread before. Wait I'll try to find it.
What makes it remotely like Robocop?
This, I see absolutely nothing in common.
Robots duh
Robocop is the rip off of robot detective K.
actually found the time to rewatch 1995 film
anybody feel like the movie ended too fast or is it just me?
you could have said neuromancer and be legit and a good bait.
gits is overrated? who knew.
>blade runner
dystopian scifi thriller based on what it means to be human, what happens when you create tiers of humanity, and whether you can really create an objective and accurate view of your own humanity.
Whether authority can be trusted with sweeping powers, whether machine can actually control the better nature of man, and what it actually means to be human.
>Ghost in the shell
Crime conspiracies one season, philosophy the other. Empathy, the sheer will of humanity, and existentialism seem to pop up a lot; I'd say what it means to be human pops up, but not as much as you might expect, as a direct before/after comparison isn't done, thank god.
Whether reality can be proved to be real, can humans be trusted with the future when their massive effects on the world ravage it, is ignorance bliss and whether rebelling against the system truly possible. There's a lot of philosophy in the series of course, and what it means to be human pops up about as subtlely as a vuvuzela in mourning silence, but all of that is mostly in 2 and 3, and people got fucking pissed.
>Minority Report
Is a lesser evil worth it to prevent the evil of so many others, is guilt an actual tangible item, is evil something that can be stamped on someone, does destiny really exist if we consider our choices carefully, and to what lengths will society go to be either free or safe?
The most common theme is what it means to be human, but it's not exactly the only one. Besides, have you seen the original GiTS? Find me a film where a robotic wendigo is set on people and that's about the only equivalent you'll get for the action.
Should I watch AI?
>Minority Report
That shit worth watching? I hear it has a unsatisfying ending
What's in the Gits anime all exists in Gits manga. They just stretched them and disregard the jokes.
The real masterpiece is the manga. I miss its nonchalant tone.
You dumb fuck
robocop was a RIPOFF of Japanese METAL Series like the Space Sheriff series
>The real masterpiece is the manga.
Sac was objectively better than manga.
The manga is insignificant besides being the storyboard
The movies and the TV shows is what made the series a big hit
This is complete bullshit. The manga is the best of GITS
It has the best version of The Major
It has the best action scenes
It has Shirow's borderline autistic attention to details
Shirow doesn't just tell you that this character is a cyborg. No he goes into great detail about how they are created, how long it takes, the cost of maintenance, the effect having a prosthetic body has on your sex life to the effect on society itself.
Just reading all the fucking cliff notes that go with the pages makes the original manga better than everything having to do with GITS that came after
>Implying almost every piece of post-modern art isn't a rip-off of something else
>It has the best version of The Major
2nd ugliest major which is lead by 1995 major
>It has the best action scenes
This is so wrong, the action scenes in both movies are far better you must be smoking.
>notes at the bottom of the pages makes it a superior medium
kek that shows a author is too lazy to have that described in the actual chapters and gotta have notes on the side just like those autist who translate manga add trans note on the side, ruining immersion
I doubt you've ever even touched the manga if you're saying this.
You are a moron.
It's 1997 PS game that has the best major and the best action scene. youtube.com
Only the visual, the core came from 8th Man.
it's alright even disney has ripped off japanese stuff and people defend them for it
It has a meh ending. It's not a bad ending, and it does wrap up some stuff i.e. fate of certain characters, but it likes to leave broad societal questions ambiguous like everything else in this wide genre.
The real hooker is the premise, the execution, and the twists.
Brazil is the greatest dystopian future film ever made.
There's definitely a sense of anti-climax to it. I like that about it.
Are you gonna post this on every relevant board?
>Hiroyuki Kitakubo
What the fuck ever happened to this guy? He directed some of my favorite shit from the 80's-90's and then just vanished
naw son
You cheeky fucker
>It has the best version of The Major
fuck no SAC S2 has the best followed by the movie
>whole genre
Literally scared my dog from the laughter
I don't mind it that much but I feel like I skipped through some parts of the movie or I'm missing something.
I mean it's basically an abriged version of the manga's story.
more like superficially ripped off ghost in the machine
That was pretty good user.
As for AI... It's Spielberg's take on Kubrick's vision. It's like a really good forgery - everything is basically the same, but if you know where to look it'll bug you at how different their styles are.
I watched it, but it wasn't anything special. Robots are people too, slavery is bad, people are monsters.
So did Sup Forums decide to invade Sup Forums or something? What the fuck.
>We declared war on the whole world and lost. This is obviously the jewish people's fault.
GITS was a mistake.
Robocop pretty much took inspiration from both Metal Heroes and Judge Dredd.
Hollywood was a mistake, not GITS.
Modern Hollywood is a mistake
It's due to the shitty live action
can anyone suggest a good anime for /k/?
Sabagebu :^)
Not even close. Merhy has a soul to begin with.
batou was a faggot throughout the movies and the series. I think this is a good choice of actor.
I hope they don't fuck up Ishikawa
Read the fucking manga
Granted it's a ripoff of Necromancer
If you guys like sci-fi, you should definitely start reading books in case if you didn't do it yet.
If Ishikawa is even in it, he's probably the black guy in 1:27-1:28 :^)
The first movie is absolute garbage and a stain on the manga it's based on
>Sac was objectively better than manga.
Was SAC a literal scientific thesis?
>The movies and the TV shows is what made the series a big hit
Yeah, a big hit with braindead burgers like you. Oshii's film was a fucking mistake. Read a book nigger.
Mamoru Oshii is a pretentious autist who should have never laid hands on this property.
We're talking about a franchise so raped, its fans don't realize the name of the series isn't even Ghost in the Shell.
Kill yourselves
Most of them think that Oshii created it.
Believe me I know. The YouTube comment section on that live-action featurette with Oshii is filled with morons saying "even the creator approves of it!".
Let's see:
Manga Major: acts the most "human" of the three. Hangs out and drinks beers, takes her men to a strip joint after a mission, calls Aramaki "ape-face", has a boyfriend in Section 1 , and two chicks on the side that she has virtual lesbo sex with, is very expressive and can even be silly at times, all while being and efficient and ruthless as fuck when dispatching terrorists. She doesn't start acting all robotic like movie Major until later in the manga when the Puppeteer case starts. So you actually notice the change
Movie Major :super robotic with little personality except when she occasionally slips into bitch mode.
SAC Major: sort of a middle ground between the manga version (the fun one) and the movie version (the dull one)
Gunsmith Cats
The original manga was shit. It's not rape, it used it as an inspiration but it got improved in any possible way. Only elitist autists prefer the original source in this case
You probably just now looked it up because you didn't realize there was a manga. You newfag GITS fans should off urselves
95 film was a huge mistake
Kill yourself immediately
Read the manga before you write it off as something for "elitist autists". Oshii's film was a joke and served as the wrong standard for the rest of the entire series.