SaPu is canon.
One Piece
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Who is best new girl and why is it Amande?
Pudding is ugly as shit
But she isn't
LuNa is canon.
>smothie is a swordman
She has a fucking lance
This is canon
Smoothie for nakama
Vert, please.
How strong are the retards that defeated Luffy? I really can't grasp the powerlevels anymore...
>trips of truth
Hancock was raped by celestial dragons.
Nami was raped by Fishmen.
Robin was raped since she was 8 by a variety of men.
All are used goods.
You guys are missing one
Pudding is a obvious virgin
The difference is how they dealt with the trauma of being raped
The difference is
>Nami became a lesbian
>Hancock became a one-man woman
>Robin became a complete slut, sucking dicks at every streetcorner
Why can't we see what Zoro and Law do for a chapter or two. No homo though.
Her big brothers fucked her
Press F to pay respect
Get fucked baum.
>Robin became a complete slut, sucking dicks at every streetcorner
Are you fantasizing about this when touching yourself?
Makes no sense. BM clearly lets her daughter marry some fuccbois as virgins.
Can someone give me the exact chapter this was in, I'm drawing a blank (yes it was Roger Whitebeard originally I know)
It's just the natural conclusion to draw from a woman who just grabs a guys' junk like she did.
She's kinda ugly.
She's actually not huge. That's an armor she made using her Juice powers.
Not uglier than pudding
You just don't like Robin.
You're not impartial. Also you're a nami faggot.
So back to the forum you came from.
She looks very manly. No wonder they call her Lord with all the masculinity she projects.
All of Big Mom's children are ministers of different forms of candy. What about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Justice, Defense, Education, Interior, Treasury and Health? Who runs all that?
>chicken legs
> still has the oda waist
yeah, great design guys.
Those proportions are really fucked once I pay attention.
>head is too small for body
>arm is too small for hands
>leg facing the viewer is almost impossible due to anatomy
>thighs become ducking huge compared to the torso
>torso is not in sync with anything
>Cute face
>Dat ass
>Dem boots
>Oda waist
>Fluid druid
Literally top waifu and nakama material
I like Robin just fine, I'm just cognizant of the fact that she is a slut.
Fuck off Carlos
>she is a slut.
Your mom is slut, fucked by glory ussr liberators.
Toward the end of Marineford, faggot.
Big Mom is the Minister of Sex
Oda, what a hack.
Big Mom knows that all of her children are crazy screw-ups that can't possibly handle complicated administrative, political and logistical issues, they're only good at fighting and making candy. She gives those positions to experienced people that know what they're doing, then gives all of her children made-up candy ministries to make them feel better about themselves.
Do you think Brook will kill Smoothie?
Pudding is ugly tbqh
He will bone her.
Did you not assume the candy words are just another way to say that?
Found SaNafags's tumblr
Oda, what a Sabo.
Most likely just exaggerated foreshortening.
Smoothie being hot pisses me off.
Why doesn't the ugly one have to be marrying Sanji?
am i the only one who think that this chapter has similar feels with walking dead's recent episodes?
This is probably the best arc of One Piece since marine ford, pre-timeskip days
Well done Oda, the plot build up is 10/10
Didn't watch it. Shit is getting boring like one piece. But how?
the way big mom talking to sanji just like negan
But the ugly one DOES have to marry Sanji
No, didn't see any barbed wire baseball bats in this chapter
Jack is better
A major plus for me this arc is that the strawhats are completely outmatched without the big bad even having to lift a finger.
I just can't guess how this arc is going to end.
Yeah that's what I meant. The ugly bitch pudding
Actually it's pretty damn suspect Sanji is getting Pudding.
As Big Mom said the straw hats have pissed her off far too many times and Sanji's family hates him. They don't care what his bride looks like.
Even Capone went to Big Mom of his own free will and still ended up with a fugly chick.
Pudding is going to have some defect that Sanji will hate. Hope she's a futa.
They might have just needed this arc to have higher stakes?
Her third eye probably weirds most people out.
But Sanji was willing to fuck literal furries so his standards are non-existent.
Big Mom lied to him, I'm sure of it.
It would be funny as fuck if she is a okama.
She looks like one too. Ugly
>What is the Longleg tribe
Proof the majority of you faggots are speedreaders or bandwagoners in the pool of shitposting.
last one should be 'Big Mom'
guys, what the fuck happened????
you told me luffy was gonna fucking wreck them all! why's he getting trashed what is this shit!!?
"I see you want to remove my juice"
"But I am BONE DRY"
What if Pudding has a dick
He is a jobber
All of Big Mom's promises so far are full of shit.
What she tells you isn't necessarily wrong, but you need to read between the lines. Her deal with Jinbe is a good example of that.
i think what sanji feed her first and then begined the negotiation
jeez everybody was waiting for see jimbei...
inb4 strawhats have to rescue carrot
She said the core crew can live. Not the rabbit. The rabbit is a girl so Sanji will flip his shit.
Nah, she has Chopper with her. She'll be fine.
Smoothie is lovely and juicy
She moves and twists real groovy
Tall with a phat plump booty
And after that gooey
Please oh please just screw me
I love you, Commander Smoothie
Does Sanji have a plan? Or is he just gonna go along with the wedding?
>PK material
He should give up and go home.
Oda might fix her later on, Kaido had a ridiculously tiny head the first time we saw him but looked better when we saw him talking about law and luffy
I'm having a hard time seeing that fat tube of mass being able to compete against other yonko.
That's his plan
His plan is to go along with the wedding so his friends can safely escape.
This is going to get fucked up by any number of actions said friends are about to take. Honestly this is a bad situation due almost entirely to the stubbornness of the crew.
Then again
>Trusting Big Mom
Sanji x Carrot canon soon.
You forgot to say you wrote her a song
She's clearly a long leg person like blue gilly or whatever his name is from the dressrosa arc. Are toy all retarded?
I'm really curious to see what he does, or even CAN do throughout the rest of the arc.
quick anons post DBS chapter 66 reacts
Imagine smoothie moving her ass around your lap
I'm imagining a broken pelvis
Her proportions are a mess even without taking the legs into consideration though.
But it's Oda and he changes character proportions every other scene based on how he wants to compose the panel, so it's not worth getting upset about. She'll probably shrink down and get a larger head when Brook actually confronts her.
I like that she actually looks pretty fucking strong, with Hancock you only get the idea that she's strong because of her titles and conquerors haki but when you look at smoothie you can really tell she can fuck shit up
>Big Mom will let the crew go unharmed just to make her son in law happy
Best Yonko
Luffy only lost because he didn't go gear four
She's a big girl.