Damn, remake looks worse in every way
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Did they make her boobs smaller?
Looks pretty kawaii uguu to be honest
Just get rid of the saber face and she'll look quite good.
Type Moon still gives a shit about things that aren't Fate? Considering they treat that like a joke fanservice franchise cash cow with no clear direction now I can't wait to see what if any effort they put into this
You do know this shit is from 2012?
Friendly reminder Arcueid is more beautiful, much stronger and way cooler than Saber.
I can't wait to see Arc hop on Gudao's dick in the Grand Order x Tsukihime Crossover.
What would her Servant class be? Ruler?
I like her outfit
I hate that she looks like another saber
>Short skirt
This is an improvement.
Fuck your NTR fetish. Arc is too pure for that shit.
Why? Everything looks better than trash deviant tier art
Liked her original skirt a lot though it did seem impractical to fight in.
Takeuchi probably didn't know how to coloring pantyhoses and draw legs, so he hid everything under skirts
They don't care about Fate at this point
>I can't wait to see
No one will translate Tsuki remake for you.
>NTRs Shiki from Ciel
Wasted trips
Arc's new sign is overall better. Practical, sleek, sexy, and a bit action-ready tomboyish even with those boots and pantyhose that avoids vulgar panty shots when moving around. I like it.
Yes because she did not look enough like SABA.
whatchu talkin about op? arc looks fiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnne
3 is best
2 is best.
I'm fine with it if it means we actually get a Tsukihime anime. It's criminal that it's the only Type Moon series that hasn't had an anime yet.
Best milf
>I'm fine with it if it means we actually get a Tsukihime anime.
In 2025? Maybe.
>wanting more anime shit instead of visual novels
Because EOP
B-But what happens if they make a tsukihime anime, and it turns out to be bad? W-What do we do then? Pretend it never exists?
I don't even want to think about that user.
I think a lot of people who like to lament the current state of TM are just hipsters have concocted a fake image of what the company is like. These same people also seem to think that TM used to be a very serious company that didn't do any comedic highjinks.
The manga is better
Type Moon are rich now. They don't need DEEN service anymore. And Ufo is their official studio
Look at F/GO and Extella. It's nothing like KT. It's crazy. Can Nasu write something like KnK/DDD and even Mahou again? I really fear.
>tfw we'll never read mahoyo or CCC in english in our lifetime
Get out, EOP
Even if you speak Japanese, you will never read those two VNs in English, just like my post says.
It's almost been a year since the last Mahoyo French patch, the next one is also supposed to be the last. I'm hoping it comes out on new year's at the one year mark. I tried to read some of the rest in Japanese but it's an awful feelings when you're not sure if you understood a sentence correctly.
I miss knowing no Japanese and not understanding anything, understanding some of it and not knowing exactly what you didn't understand is awful.
Apparently the Italian patch was almost done too (87%), but it's currently halted.
9/10 design. Pure sex. Missed out on perfect score because RIP intakes though.
>no air vents
Is there any particular reason why people call it Saberface? It seems to me that it's more like TM has sameface syndrome and that you could take any hairstyle and put it on any face(granted you change the expression) and it would look like the characters's hair you put on.
Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think you could mistake OP's thumbnail as a Saber pic while on the other hand you could easily mistake the actual Artoria clones for her if you weren't paying attention.
the boots don't look good with the long dress. 4 is better
what, you don't like blood saber?
What are you talking about? She looks more like Saber now, and that automatically makes her 10 times better.
Shut up, Takeuchi.
How does she look more like Saber?
You're not wrong. It's just shitposting.
Will it have Saber in it?
Arc and Ciel look like Saber now, so sure.
So only two Sabers then?
>that one expression where she has her tongue out as if she's licking the cum off her lips
They better not disappoint and provide us a student/teacher route.
I've said it so many times, but just for you I will say it one more time:
The new Arc design looks really good, but that's the main flaw it has.
Arc isn't supposed to know how to dress..
why does typemoon like using clones so much.
I have nothing against that redesign except maybe the haircut wich is better here: , but I just don't understand this one why would you change the hairband color in black, it's just stupid
Yeah, but she won't be stronger than Grand Seibah
Ultimate One.
Link dem torrents.
What torrents? There are no torrents you flaming retard.
Well excuse me, faget.
Tsukihime for PC
Kagetsu Tohya
Kara no Kyoukai (Boundary of the Void)
Lunar Legend Tsukihime complete manga (v1-v10)
Melty Blood ReACT -Final Tuned-
Melty Blood Act Cadenza
Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
Melty Blood Drama CD Pack - Ladies In The Water and Back Alley Pyramid Night
Melty Blood and MB X complete manga (v1-v11)
Melty Blood Soundtrack Collection - Lossless & Mp3
Take Moon (comedy manga)
All Around Type-Moon (comedy manga)
Tsukihime and Melty Blood doujinshi (fan-created, self-published comics)
Holy Grail 2.0 - Rips of Type-Moon's PC games by Keripo
It's worse than the old one in every way.
Arcueid and Shiki's sex scene actually had some emotional value and contributed to the relationship's development unlike most Type-Moon sex and now it's gone
Suped up Avalon+ Excalibur+Rhon+Knights of the Round Table at her beck and Call+Power of Dragons+Lion King+Fairy Power
I'm glad she has at least a tiny tuft left
Oh look, its Seiba Arc ...
>Not based Silver Link
Right, but my point is that the new Arc is not a Saberface.
yeah she's where the Saberface was based on.
Why post this when most of the links are dead?
Well kinda but honestly, if you remove hair and eyes they pretty much have same face, this why hairs tend to be very distinct from other characters, eyes kinda tend to be similar but also with some differences thats the problem with Takashi, the only difference ends up the hair, also doesnt help he a self-admitted Seibafag so small fucking small wonder of Arc being Seiba Type XIV in the remake.
I just want fate to die already. I got into type-moon with Tsukihime and Melty Blood, and have already found that side of universe more compelling. It is pretty clear at this point that extremely slow because Nasu has too keep writing more lore for the latest Fate EU spinoff game.
Means shit when aliens who made cells and anti cells > types. And Excalibur > Arc. It's the actual most powerful thing Gaia made now.
>anti cells > types
This is not true. It's made up by shitposters to bait people like you.
Did you not see Extella spoilers? Nothing on Earth could deal with Giant Sefar on Earth.
Except for the mysterious wielder of the holy sword of the planet.
Do you not know your lore? Neither Arc nor the TAs exist by that point.
>Friendly reminder Arcueid is more beautiful,
How many admirers does she have? Two? Three at most? Saber has a harem of people lusting for her. And her clone, Nero, became the embodiment of love and beauty.
>much stronger
Call me when she actually has feats to name, aside of jobbing to everyone.
>way cooler
kek. More autistic doesn't make her cooler. Saber with a suit > cooler than anything Arc ever had.
Full power Avalon + Excalibur >>>> Ultimate One by several leagues of power, especially because Ultimate One only boosts her base parameters to be better than her opponent. It doesn't matter if Arc does that to Saber because Saber's skill and Instinct and Mana Burst allow her to easily defeat opponents that are superior to her in every parameter, and if that fails, she can just use the unsealed Excalibur on them. If THAT doesn't work, she can just use Avalon to reflect their most powerful attack back at them and beat them that way.
Yeah, instead there were gods and other beings several dozens of times more powerful than everyone and everything that exist in the time Arc is alive.
Moon Cell literally BTFO Crimson Moon and is the organism in control of that celestial body. How is it not true?
Anti Cells are basically beings created to wipe out planets and their lifeforms/civilizations and Cells are tasked to protect them. Mooncell is keeping the Solar System invisible to the Anti Cells and the Velber.
Moon Cell ayy liens are implied to be responsible for generating life on Earth in the first place. So next installment will have more of this.
Unless you actually think that Notes is canon when Nasu already said it isn't.
>what is time travel
Neither does Saber, but she went there.
You're retarded if you think Nasu isn't reshaping Type Moon to focus on the cash cow, Fate franchise, and make Tsukihime secondary canon. Specially with a convenient remake to change that.
Do you know the new lore? Now aliens made everything and the only ones who can fight these aliens are Servants.
Human Heroes > vampire sluts
It's Nasu's law now about "fuck yeah humanity!" She can have all the powers you want, but at the end of the day, she'll be nothing but an irrelevant jobber whose merit is getting fucked by some teenage boy and do absolutely nothing while Servants are busy fighting aliens and other creatures to save the world.
Reminder that as long as Seibah stays in Mooncell, the whole Solar System is safe.
>Moon Cell literally BTFO Crimson Moon
Do you have sources on this?
Seibah > all Types put together confirmed
All the planets combined couldn't save themselves from the Velber
Where does it say this?
It's in CCC Material. Mooncell is referred as the "Type Moon", not Crimson Moon.
RIP. Now Type Moon = Shit from Fate franchise.
The fact that the Mooncell is the only thing keeping the Solar System safe from the Velber, and that Saber is the only thing keeping the Mooncell safe?
Backstory in the Archimedes story. The Velber have been wiping out planets every 14k years for eons. Their seeds can indeed destroy planets, power wise when they grow big. The Cells are the only thing that halts them. And apparently, the Earth's holy sword (Excalibur).
We don't know anything about which aliens built Cells, but it's not the first one or the only one (Gilgamesh and Hakuno travel to another Cell on another planet, so there's a Network). Nasu went full sci-fitard on us. He also made it seem like all timelines that humans don't triumph are pruned from existence (but I'm not sure who does this, perhaps this is Solomon's doing).
That's probably why Notes is non-canon.
Yes and Nasu also said that the Moon Cell has nothing to do with Crimson Moon he also said that the "Earth-Brain entity" exists in Extraverse and that the MC only exists in Extraverse.
Excalibur has a conceptual advantage against enemies of the Planet, as do Heroic Servants as per what Solomon revealed in FGO. Types are not necessarily enemies of the planet even less so if like ORT they're invited by the Planet. I'm not sure whether or not Excalibur would still have it's conceptual advantage there.
Some people here seem to be going down the "powerlevels in numbers" rabbit hole and completely forgetting Nasu's rock-paper-scissors conceptual approach to combat.
>Nothing on Earth could deal with Giant Sefar on Earth
Sefar only killed a bunch of weak aliens and gods. Arc's Authority is Ultimate One, it's literally the power to increase her strength above her foe and Nasu himself stated that on Earth she is all-powerful and no god can compare to her.
Also the reason gods lost is because any exotic power such as nature interference of gods get nullified by Anticell. The only thing that can hurt it is physical strength and raw energy. Guess what ARC is the best at? Yes, you guessed it, at outputing raw energy attacks and beating things with physical strength. Hell going by Archetype Earth's route epilogue Arc was able to match Archetype's planet level nature interference with her sheer physical strength, this was stated.
If Arc had been there 14000 years ago she would have beaten that Sefar alien or whatever as badly and as strongly as Saitama beated Boros.
Yeah, the fact humans decisions (and only human decisions) start a parallel dimension is pretty interesting. There's also the mess of multiple worlds born from that and how the ones without a future and grow stagnant are destroyed. It's probably going to be connected to FGO because Solomon burned down all timelines.
Arc jobs every time she appears, don't be stupid.
And no, those weren't 'weak' aliens, it was the whole Mooncell Sefar fought against. And those gods aren't the weakshit in Arc's time, they were the PROTOTYPICAL of concepts where gods were born from by the fucking way.
>Heroic Servants
I meant Heroic Spirits there, oops.