IF YOURE HOLDING ONTO ANY AND WANT A QUICK BUCK. It's going to dip again down to around 5k.

Cool! Thanks for the venting notice
God Bless

>5K when?

It would have to be soon, since it’s guaranteed 10K on Jan 1 2018

I've been holding on my 2.1 BTC for years now, the only reason i haven't sold it's because i'm afraid of getting scammed.

Just lowball it too some idiot through an escrow and run...

I really want people who invest in bitcoin to get hurt. I really do.

You people fucking stupid. It's making me sick.


Such fucking cringe.

Ask anyone if theyve put a down payment on a house with bitcoin......



For all the literal retards in this thread who just started holding, keep holding.

As someone who has gained and lost plenty and learned their lesson over a number of "crashes", the only way you lose with crypto is to sell or fuck with shitcoins.

lmao nice meme

After the dip this time, its going to skyrocket to 10k+. All good if you hold, but you can make more profit if you sell now and buy back at 5k in ~36 hours.

There's a credible rumor Amazon is going to confirm they will start accepting bitcoin in the next 2 weeks.

Nice, just bought 100k

>buy high
>sell low
/biz/ that way --->

You can still sell at a reasonable price, for now.

I hope bitcoin crashes while you faggots still have all your coins on the exchange.
You deserve it for spamming multiple boards and begging people to buy.
Fuck you.

Yo, I think it'll dip lower than $5K.

My post is literally about selling. I don't want anyone to buy at the moment.

>nigga went 5x short on king BTC and tries to shill his way to riches on Sup Forums
Nobody likes kikes here m8

no it wont

>$300 down from all time high
>/biz/ floods boards with "it's crashing"
I love Sup Forums.

So this is what envy looks like.

Tripled my money in a month sitting on my ass, stay mad fggts.


Ok then don't sell, but this will be another failure to add to your list for not selling.

Says increasingly butthurt poorfag for the 361876487641 time this year

Ok well you could've made a lot more but that's why I said it's ok to hold too. It's going to skyrocket after this dip.

This crypto scam is the millennial version of the housing bubble "buy buy buy it's going to the moon, you wouldn't want to miss out when it's all bought up". At least the fools who gambled in the housing bubble still had a physical piece of property even if it's value halved. All the cryptofags might as well fart in their closed fist and take it to the bank, when the smart money pulls out the rug from under you idiots you'll be left with nothing but wasted electricity recorded in 1s & 0s

*Tear in eye* I.. ONLY tripled my money POOR ME

If only I listened to selll fags!

Can you fucking faggots stop cross-posting between /biz/ and Sup Forums? One is serious and the other is a pajeet shill board.

Ok but it's literally impossible that you tripled your money in the past month by just holding

I am too poor so I only have 2 ethereum and 3 litecoins :c

Sell the etherum and lite coins and buy bitcoin when it dips in the next ~36 hours. Trust me you'll at least double your money.

This. It's fucking monopoly money.

yeah I have been pretty dissapointed in eth and lite. I just scream at the screen when I see bitcoin and I have my shitcoins.

What do you think about Iota and ripple?

It's monopoly money the same way a domain name is monopoly property.

Nice try kike but if anything its time buy!

Stick to bitcoin, nobody makes money on these shitcoins unless you're a day trader.

Thanks OP, bought my first half coin after reading this post.

lol no coiners are so before right now.

ok pajeet... good idea just buy when it's high and sell when it's low. No wonder India is so well off

I use coinbase. There is no way to trade ETH to BTC or LTC to BTC? Only lets me sell to USD and I think that takes a few days to go back to my bank account. I am just a poor ass college student down to my last 2 quarters at UCLA. Need the moneyssssssssssssss

Dont sell nigga you will regret it for the rest of your life

I haven't used Coinbase, only kraken and Gemini. It should let you sell them for USD and allow you to keep the money on your coinbase account rather than automatically transferring it back to your bank.

BUY MORE , yes buy more it will go up in jan

OP's post on biz: Don't listen to this dirty kike trying to steal your digi-shekels

If you're too scared, just hold.

oh sweet. I was hoping ethereum would take off but, I think bitcoin is the only way to go right now. How large is your portfolio?


I don't believe bitcoin. It's supply is too limited to be a global currency. People use it to make money, that's it. Electronic money is the future but once the us makes their own coin, btc has lost its use.

>he didn't get in at $0.01
>he didn't get in at $1
>he didn't get in at $21
>he didn't get in at $100
>he didn't get in at $1000
>he didn't get in at $2000
>he didn't get in at $5000
>he didn't get in at $7000
>he didn't get in at $10,000
>he didn't get in at $50,000
>he didn't get in at $100,000
>he didn't get in at $1,000,000
>the year is 2055 and 1 satoshi is now the basic denomination of global currency while he tells his wife's son how smart he was to avoid the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of humanity.

Why would it dip?
Especially when you say that Amazon will soon say that they will take bitcoin

I have .001 of a bitcoin :)

Buy bitcoin and it'll be zero when his short gets squeezed, margin called, and liquidated. He can't shill on /biz/ any more so he came for the sheeple on Sup Forums

This meme isn't even wrong tbqh

tfw people said the same thing at 1000$

I mine that in less than a day kek

CME group is going to fleece you faggots, do you how the paper derivatives market works? Just look at gold prices the last few years. Bitcoin is a dead man walking.

Digital money is the currency of TODAY. bitcoin is a decentralized trustless peer-to-peer currency system of the internet. The US already has a currency and it is rapidly depreciating against btc. It doesn't sound like you've though this through very far.

>I've been holding on my 2.1 BTC for years now, the only reason i haven't sold it's because i'm afraid of getting scammed.


People like this is why I come to these threads.

are you saying that I should buy bitcoin? FUCK I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE. RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEE

BCH is going to rise again and BTC will drop and people will start panic selling just like what happened a week ago.

CME is not til 2nd week of December; Big Bang Theory + Christmas shopping is end november early december; means uptrend can easily continue til mid December followed by slow wall st. accumulation of short position during december FOMO at new ATH (possibly ~10k); followed by the biggest reckoning the BTC market has ever seen.
t. /biz/

virgin day traders pink wojak their money away on trades like OP is doing.

chad maximists just buy more whenever it dips and are gonna sell when bitcoin reaches $100k in late 2020



Why would BCH rise?
Because of last dip?

Just buy during this dip, it will moon afterwards and you'll at least double your money.

I am just going to take a nap and then probably stare at my shitcoins for an hour before I spiral down back into my corner of despair.

This is sort of the last stand for BCH before it completely crashes. I sold at the last all time high and bought when it dipped down to 5k a week or so ago.

Holy shit you fucking cashies just won't shut the fuck up about your stupid coin; it's getting worse than the fucking mETHheads.

If you don't know exactly what the fuck you're getting in to, never sell/short bitcoin. Only invest what you can afford to lose. Don't buy BTC above 8k no matter how much you feel like you're missing out (at least in the next month or so). If you don't feel confident about an investment, don't make it and save your money for later.

Buy a little every month desu


>mfw Sup Forums is /biz/ now
The pink wojaks are coming.

So why exactly is it supposed to crash?

I sold my 7.32 BTC about 3 hours ago. Most of which I made about a week ago when everyone was shilling that BCH was going to replace Bitcoin indefinitely and people started panic selling...

Oh wait wrong pic

i made 709 bucks yesterday and didnt do a fucking thing except fap.

Honestly though. I have only taken out 1 student loan of 4500 and I am gonna be short 2k for next quarter. I am almost fucking done with this piece of shit UC education system and I guess my econ degree will get me at least 40k starting, but So Cal has turned into a mexican shithole with rents as much as 1.5k if I dont want to hear niggers murdering their wives and children at night.

Because according to (((sources))) Roger Ver and Jihan Wu are going to dump a massive amount of BTC against their own financial interest because they are in a gigantic pissing contest with r/bitcoin over who is more in line with the anonymous psuedonym Nakamoto Satoshi's dream.

How does one get into buying and selling crypto currencies? I want to buy some of the low penny ones and see if they shoot up. Hear things about LINK and would love to invest but have no idea how to even get into this

You're not going to make 2k going in to this if the money you're investing is potentially your rent/food.

Ok mutt stop projecting and suck your daily bbc

>penny ones
You gotta go to a Pajeet exchange like Poloniex for those
>how to buy crypto
You can buy BTC from multiple online vendors including Coinbase, and then transfer said BTC to an offline wallet (most secure) or an exchange to trade into shitcoins (like LINK, don't buy it) or between the big 3 LTC/mETH/BCH. The most solid idea for most people is to buy about half as much as they were planning on investing, and keep it in BTC in an offline wallet for a few years.

Ok yuropoor, whatever you say

Since you started this thread BTC has gone up faggot. You will never unload your BCH bags

Is etherum the go to wallet?

Thank you for the analysis detective

> what are altcoins

Is crypto only good for long term investments? I want to make instant cash off it, like at least a couple hundred a week.

Except he said he tripled his money solely off of holding bitcoin

Sell now so I can buy some


Look into alt coins but prepare to lose all your money thanks to gooks and pajeets


I just made sure I have money for rent, I have been surviving off of shitty ramen. K....

I am just going to put everything I have left over from rent into bitcoin once it dips down below 6k. FUCK IT. FUCK THE JEWSSSS!!!


>underestimating my autism
rookie mistake.


Good plan; stick to it. You can also do what's called "dollar cost averaging", i.e. buy $100 worth of BTC every month and then if the price goes down, you get more BTC for your $, and if the price goes up, your holdings are worth more.

fapping so hard to the clickbait at the bottom. RRREEEEEBITTCOOINNN

EVEN IF YOU DONT OWN ANY BITCOIN IM LETTING YOU GUYS KNOW TO BE PREPARED TO BUY WHEN IT DIPS. Don't miss out again, keep an eye on the price. Go and register at Gemini and have everything set up to be able to transfer money if you need to. You have nothing to lose by buying when it dips. It will only go up from there.

no, canadians cant invest in crypto its illegal there until 2019