Why do feminists hate clothes Sup Forums?

Why do feminists hate clothes Sup Forums?

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because they get more attention without them.

Where's David Attenborough when you need him?


Because men designed it.

why is cuckalonia so feminist ?

serious replies pls

Look at them. I kinda pity them. Manipulated into behaving like total moronic sluts. Women are just sheep.

They adopt Western values...

Yes they are "radical" but still what they do is still in the range of what's acceptable in the West.

You can be like:

>ohh, it's totally okay to be almost naked

Then claim that removing those few inches of cloths between almost naked and naked is an uproar.

So they can air out the old fury bean burger?

they're crying out for some discipline and structure in their life that a husband is supposed to bring

grown women are just mental children in 18+ bodies

Imagine a baseball bat to her teeth at the point of impact


holy shit what wrong with her face
it look like her teeth are trying run away



These are not western values, these are globalist values.

Western values are Christian.

The western world has been falling away from Christianity since the end of World War 2 and it's rapidly getting worse with Christianity being the most persecuted group of people on earth for the past two years.

"And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes."
>1 Timothy 2:9

Is that the pale horse of the apocalypse?

Now use the makeup app on all their faces and send it back out.

So at some point did a bunch of feminist thought leaders get together to brainstorm on the best way to shock and offend us nasty patriarchal men and what they came up with was to get their tits out? Because chauvinistic men are so famously afraid of naked breasts?


Sorry to bring it to you user, Western values are the Enlightenment, they were like that for centuries.

Christians aren't the most persecuted in the world, that's BS, they are only losing ground peacefully, you got converted by ideas not by anything else. Stop it with the Christian persecution complex.

You know how I know Sup Forums is a bunch of virgin faggots? Complaining about pics of naked women.

>Imagine thinking you married a good girl
>See here in that pic
>She arrives home
>Grab her, shove her in bed and fucking belt her ass until it's red.
Women are truly degenerate, all they do is based upon the most basic of animal impulses, there's no thought, no rationality to them, only pure instinct.

clothes are a social construct.

Ok but do I have to reject modern medicine and just hope God will miraculously
cure me?

They should be arrested for indecent exposure and have to be added to the sex offender list and never allowed to vote again due to criminal record.

This would happen to any man who does what they did.






>Stop it with the Christian persecution complex.
Fuck you and go slap yourself with bacon.

Why aren’t they getting arrested for public indecency?

Because men don't want to take them of for them. The act of self removal in public is catharsis

They lack basic education on morals, modals, and self-integrity. That's the same reason why they're feminists in the first place.

Every time i see women "protesting" anything, it always includes exposure of genitals or at least somehow revolves around them. Rather repulsive to think about it, allowing any public presence of a creature whose brain unable to process things unrelated to copulation was very bad mistake.

I never tell if this chick is really mad or if she just saw a picture of her own teeth and is screaming in terror.

I'd actually smash 2nd from the left. Good aryan genes and a nice hairy cunt to play with.

memeable? you decide

Slacktits everywhere

what did he mean by this?

It doesn't have to be a movement. It may just be too hot.

>what did he mean by this?

fugly ass bitches, inside and out

>Christians aren't the most persecuted in the world
Literally anywhere on Earth that isn't North America, Europe, or Australia is a non issue, iside of these places Christians are the #1 persecuted group
>muh America thinks only they matter
It's a fact, and all European vassals need to get onboard with that

Cause want to get layed. Can’t cause feminists see sex as rape. Secretly want to get raped. But since people don’t rape everyone all the time they don’t. Take off cloths in hopes of better chance of being raped.

memeable/ you decide

>when you hate daddy so you get nude with other people who hate daddy/got diddled/etc to scream about how you hate daddy
baka desu

Looks like she is singing this

Patriarchy built them. Plus some little Jew in their ear told it was a hip cool way to rebel.

anyone know what causes big gums like this? i see this all the time on Tinder and it's one of my biggest peeves. literal deal breaker.


Nigger genes



>when the guy on the bus mansplains to you

What causes it? Genetics.
Are you trying to ask if it's a medical problem? It isn't. Just good ole fuck you genetics.

>Why do feminists hate clothes?
clothes are oppressive and probably designed and invited by men.
Females don't need them, all they need to stay worm is their menstral cycle and their saggy tits flapping against each other in the wind like majestic sacks of rice.

Feminists are just ugly and fat women desperate for attention, obviously.

Wrong, the persecuted people in Australia are individuals. It's got name like tall poppy syndrome


Women want to be the man of the house and get to decide for the family, but they want to keep their woman privileges. I want to know 6/10 males who can watch the house while women work. Or the men who get 50% of their partner's money after divorce.

We need to meme #woman-privileges to a thing.

Someone needs to combine This image (screaming naked woman) with the Al Franken two handed grapple. Pic related. I lack the technical skills.

Close enough

>you will never streak through this crowd naked
Catalonian men should've organized naked counter protest hehe


>childless women

put her head on donkey standing next to shrek

I don't know la

Catalonia = land of bearded tattooed hipster nu-males & horse face feminists

Not a good timeline


Literally not true.




That Second Franken HA!! Her Face!

Wew laddie

I'd love to pass by one of these protest and yell I'D FUCK YOU ALL IN THE SEXY BUSHES

Because they hate the fabric of society


Is that you?


I d be afraid to let her suck me off. Look at those teeth

I'm starting to think Al Frankenstein is pretty funny..

Ahaha, holy shit the super saiyan bush makes the whole pic!

looks like a hapa
clearly a mongrel of some sort.


I'm drained! Stop posting pictures like this.

would understand if only the face is ugly, but these hoes are ugly from top to bottom. every single one. how dare they walk like that in public.


Also that image brought back all of my homosexual thoughts.

Opress fat bodies

Many women look for any occasion to dress slutty or otherwise gain attention. They used to generally keep it contained to halloween and clubs here, but the anti has been continually upped and protecting men is the new approved venue. They target then Christian, white or otherwise traditional western man, because he is the last unprotected group, like "Polish people" are in the UK.

They don't hate clothes. They hate lack of attention or direction. As soon as being normal becomes the cool thing again, those same bitches will be bundled up, sporting oversized crucifixes, looking for a "real man".

That face is a proofe that we chimps..

March of the unfuckables ?

*spooks in the spell-check

wait... is that my country?

Like faggots, then.


It's Marxist Critical Theory at work and a bunch of brainwashed, attention starved children

end kebab

The shrieking beast distracts you from the 7/10 immediately to the right of her gaping maw.

The total state of white women. Filthy animals.

>muh white wymanz

Good work, user.

and let niggers run a mock on the planet because christ cucks love watching their wives get fucked by them so much , yeah... how about fuck no faggot.

White Sharia now!!!

Can you imagine waking up next to that?

Top wew la

It's easier to get attention when you are nude amongst people wearing clothes.