

Nuns won't get stoned to death for not wearing their headscarf.

I don't like muslims

Nuns dont suddenly blow up in crowded areas

The nun made a lifestyle choice. The hijabi wears it because her islamic pedo daddy told her to in order to stop her brothers and uncles raping her.

>becoming a nun is entirely a personal choice and only nuns are required to cover themselves
>a hijab is forced upon you and you get splashed with acid if you show too much face
golly gee gosh, sure activated my almods


OP got rekt by all the replies. Kys


This. When nuns start blowing up we can talk about them

For a nun it's a choice to those who serve God for their lives
For muslims it's forced and widespread

Only the muslim lady will get the fuck beat out of her if one day she decides not to wear it. Well?

True if huge.

Now that i read it a second time i think blow up nuns is not a good choice of wording

how many faiths actively suicide bomb Bong?

Nuns don't get raped for not wearing a habit do they?

This is typical post by someone completely ignorant about each and all the religions depicted in this picture.

Go learn about these religions and get back to us.

Let's see, one is a choice, the other is obligatory in many Muslim regions or else you will be stoned or raped or murdered.

One is donned by women who CHOOSE to enter a religious order, they are never forced to do so it's completely their own choice, and they have the freedom to leave said order whenever they want and return to a normal life.

The other is forced upon children and women even if they don't want to wear it. They have no choice whatsoever, no freedom otherwise or they will be murdered / jailed.

Lastly, one of an extremely small segment of the religion itself, the other applies to the vast general population in most Muslim majority countries.

Well, you're saying that the average "mainstream" Muslim woman is as extreme as the most zealous of Christian women. It's like claiming monk attire should be the norm for all Christian men. Basically, in other words, Islam is an extremist faith....

This is a huge reason.

So will Muslims except in Saudi Arabia.

>whatabout'ism: the sequel

guys, its almost 2018. Let's try to be original.

Explain what you mean in greater detail iyp.

>pol yells about hijabs
>pol then creates a thread about how modern women dress like whores

The nun isnt being forced to do under threat of beating/rape/acid attacks if she chose not to wear it.


Nuns are part of a religious order that they choose to join.

MFW these bugs are allowed to enter universities in Turkey nowadays.

I had a big arguement with a fucking dumb as fuck finnish girl a few weeks ago because she was claiming that its a freedom of religion to force your daughter to wear this shit. god I hate these stupid liberals more than the islamists themselves


>Faggot thinks all of Sup Forums thinks the same and thus, creates a thinly veiled straw man

i made the post because i saw this bullshit on facebook and obviously couldn't comment anything lol

the nun is the only one who wears hers voluntarily. the other's have theirs forced on, either through shame or extensive backhands.

Using comparatives and analogies is not whataboutery, you dipshit 56er.

nuns choose to enter that life, muslim women dont have a choice but to cover up or else ahmed shaheed ajmal will publicly stone her

Nuns are also considerably easier to identify, given that the Church keeps record of them, which is a comparably quite small number vs all the Muslim female immigrants.

Actually, many of those posts adequately explained the difference between a nuns habit and Muslims hijab.

To boil it down to "whataboutism" is asinine.
Which is funny because OPs post is literally whataboutism

His argument is "I've heard that reason before, come up with a new one" without trying to figure out why those reasons might be incorrect.

How much of a requirement is the hijab in Turkey? I've heard people claim it's not enforced, but I'm curious what the social opinion is.

or shlomo shekelstein will withhold shekel stipends.

they might rape the jinns outta her before

Islam is the nigger of religions.

Nuns choose to do it and there are literally no legal, emotional, or physical repercussions if she decides to no wear it or that she no longer wants to wear it. Nothing will happen to her, and if someone does try and do something everyone will be on her side.

Muslims are forced to wear it, and unless they're in a Western Christian/Secular nation, they're going to face legal, physical, and emotional punishment for not wearing one. Every single major muslim nation has horrific human rights abuses in their laws. Even if Saudi Arabia women can and will be hurt because of the lack of a hijab. If a man beats his wife for not wearing one, he will not face any repercussions.

Do you ever notice that all of these people who tout about how great Islam is and how its so free and feminist all live in White, Christian (or Secular) nations with laws that protect women and minorities? Of course wearing a Hijab is no big deal in the United States, we protect people from abusive husbands and communities. Try doing that shit in any majority muslim country.

Nuns have a choice, have to go through testing before they become a nun and can quit any time.

>How much of a requirement is the hijab in Turkey?

its not.

>I've heard people claim it's not enforced

its not unless you live in a shithole rural town with your retarded parents and your asshole of a father forces you to wear one.

the new islamists are not like the ones who used to get beaten up trying to enter universities with hijabs though. the new ones have full make up, really tight jeans or yoga pants, luxury jeeps and money. they wear leopard designed hijabs and shit. basic whores who orbit the government party to get free handouts or contracts for their retarded husband's construction firms or someshit.

islamism is dead in turkey. in 90s they were real islamists who wanted to install sharia and all that shit. now islamism in turkey is just a corrupt and abomnination of an ideology that looks like central right with leopard hijabs and randomly memorized arabian verses from quran.

>there is no middle ground
You retard

The difference is between choosing and being forced to wear it, as well as then forcing society as a whole to comply. This isn't difficult


John Oliver is a loser cuck

and all religion is a tool for mass population control, today, in the civilized world there is no need for such measures. wait

>woof woof woof woof


This is why people think we're retarded

same jewry, different names.

One of those cannot take that shit off without being whipped until blood flows where the law of her retard-religion reigns. Give you a hint - it is not the nun.

Not many feel pressured to become a nun. Most girls are forced to wear a hijab

It's not the clothing, I actually kind of like the habit look. I just honestly fucking dislike Muslims and want them to stay away from my country. I dislike their doctrine, their behavior, and their beliefs, I dislike their language and I dislike their general attitudes.

people think OP is an hero for saying blatantly retarded shit, I'm not looking for mass appeal

I don't care what you choose to wear faggot, just don't impose it to other people because your jew god says it.

Yea it's not a high quality thread. I was just chuckling to my self at the thought of some vice "journalist" or some shit lurking this thread, desperately looking for the hidden racist message in those posts

Key word is: CHOICE

other religions from other countries can stay in other peoples lands

> Protestant
> Thinks he is in the position of telling what the Christian Orthodoxy is

Orthodox Jew > Sabian > Muslim > Nun > Hindu

Fight me

Becoming a nun and choosing to live a religious life apart from regular society is a choice. Muslim women typically do not have a choice, they are required to be covered. I don't think there's anything wrong with women covering their hair / head, but I think being FORCED to do so defeats the whole purpose of submitting to God. If you're only doing so because your family makes you, you aren't really submitting to God, you're submitting to your family out of fear and / or respect for tradition.

Because nuns also are devoted to the church and are considered to be wed to god, muslim women dont get to make that choice, if you are muslim and a women you wear the scarf or get stoned.

nun: chooses to live a life of quiet service and modesty
muslim woman: groomed to lead a life of oppression and to have her clitoris removed, killed if she leaves

Are random Muslim women married to God and shun contact and the need for men?




i believe those are called habits.

one is voluntary, one is enforced by threat of death
hmm, what IS the difference?

>one does it out of choice & devotion to faith
>the other does it because her owner threatens to stone & rape her if she dosent out of sheer jealously & faith
Yeah completely same thing

nuns are married to God....they wear a wedding ring...big difference...

Muslim women are not married to Mohamed and chaste...they are one if 4 wives making baby bombs

many nuns dont even wear it anymore and they will not be killed or beheaded if they take it off or leave the faith

also nuns wear this in western society. this is completely different than in eastern or middle eastern society. there they wear it because it is expected, here it is NOT expected and NOT encouraged but they do it anyway.

fuck all liberals

ive literally never seen a nun

Its simple. Bad times=woman wants her body covered to make pussy made of gold, Good times=inner whore unleashed. The fact that Muslim women had their own men cover them and take accountability means they are the best female supermacists around, just check what Muslim women were wearing before the middle eastern SHTF. Western women are amateurs, porn disabled that option for them they are gonna die during western SHTF.


>Being a Nun is a voluntary choice that one can leave if they no longer want to participate, mostly autonomous
>Wearing a hijab is compulsory for all women, enforced by an institutional patriarchy, and can result in severe corporal punishment for not complying


This could be on to something.

You are right. Every religion is shiet.

No fuck foreigners and their gay religions
This isn't a phobia
This is hate

Nobody is arguing against headwear that doesn't cover the face.

A sexual deviant can put his dick in consenting vagina in order to devote himself to degeneracy right? But then if a rapist does the same thing why is he a criminal?

I knew you faggots worshipped the Jews
Fucking puppet

jew > hindu > catholic > muslim > sabian


Monastic personal lifestyle choice versus externally enforced oppression for literally everyone. If a nun goes out without her habit, no one is going to bat an eye. If a Muslim goes out without a hijab/burka/garbage bag, it's apparently open season for raping.

Muslims are viruses that do nothing but destroy their host to make more of themselves. They do not belong outside of their sandbox.

You literally worship Mary. She's mentioned like 20 times in the bible and you pray to her more than Jesus Christ. Catholicism is an idolatrous sham that should just change its name to Maryism.


>trumpfag logic

Women in many Islamic nations don't get stoned to death for not wearing their shitty headscarf.

Stop listening to (((alternative))) and boomer tier ''right wing'' media

Christians generally could care less
Catholics are assholes
Hindu's are more or less forced but at a lesser degree than Muslims.
If you show your hair as a Muslim woman, you die.
Muslims force women to wear it, or die.
Muslims kill their own women if the women do not wear their head scarf
Jewish women work inside the rules, finding loopholes, the sneaky jewish women cuts off all her hair, or most of it, and wears a wig. Wigs are fake are do not count as real hair, to add to that, the women technically are covering their hair, with a wig.
Jews are sneaky.
Any other non religion applies as Christians.

Because they stick explosives under that shit and try to blow people up you stupid cunt.

A nun is not forced to wear her habit. She does so out of her own free will when she personally decides to take her oath.

A Hindu married woman wears a ghoonghat again of her own choice as only some wear them and it is a symbol that they are married and are no longer to be desired by men other than their husbands. It is NOT sanctioned by Hinduism,

A Jewish woman wears her veil again when married same as the Hindi women. It is because she is not to try to entice desire in men other than her husband because it is a shame to her and to her husband to do so.

Sabians (also called Mandeans) are not required to veil themselves and were even persecuted by other Iraqi's for NOT veiling themselves. They are literally facing extinction as a religious group because the Muslims were slaughtering them.

Muslim women on the other hand are FORCED to wear their hijab in most Muslim nations. They are beaten and shamed if they do not as well as tyheir family for allowing them to not wear it.

Notice the only woman on that image that is forced to wear their head scarf is the Muslim. Learn what these groups actually are. Your ignorance is NOT an excuse.

Being a nun is optional in catholicism

the fact that Islam is a death cult deceiving its followers into satanic worship should also be taken into consideration

>Nun takes off robes
>chastised by other nuns if not wearing in holy ground, but doesn't get stoned to death
>muslim takes off burqua for any reason
>gets to know what concrete tastes like

>deceiving its followers into satanic worship
satan doesn't exist. u fucked up christfag

let the grownups continue the conversation.

>Notice the only woman on that image that is forced to wear their head scarf is the Muslim.
This is a dumb generalization.

Some muslim are literally forced into it. While others are socially pressured. And finally, there are some others that genuinely wear it on their own accord. It's not as cookie cutter as you make it out to be.

Also, I take offense to your dumb comparisons to Hindus, Jews and Nuns. A lot of those women are certainly shamed into wearing their headscarves (especially in conservative enclaves in Israel and India).

>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah catholics are christian
>amerimutt logic

Fucking papists man...I thought america was protestant..too many spics nowadays?

>I take offense to something that has literally nothing to do with me
Keep on virtue signalling libiot