Btfo Denmark

>btfo Denmark
>outmaneuvered and contained Britain and Russia
>btfo Austria
>btfo France
>unified Germany
>survived an assassination attempt by deflecting the bullets with his Prussian superiority

Is Bismarck the most based leader of modern times?

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Redpill me on Ost Preussen. Is it going to get back to Germoney?

And now Muslim Hordes are taking over his beloved country

he was bigly smart

pretty much the only politician in Germany who resisted the colonialism hysteria at the time, because he realised that countries had colonies because they were rich, not that they were rich because they had colonies

How does this reflect poorly on Bismarck?

>How does this reflect poorly on Bismarck?
he didn't instill patriotism in his useless people.

>btfo Denmark
That Prussia lost war with Danes before he did was an achievement, him winning it? He was just being a bully.

He didn't unite Germany because he was such a big fan of the idea. In fact most conservatives at that time opposed a German nation state. That was a liberal idea. Bismarck simply gave in to the pressure. He wanted to prevent a second revolution. It was the same with his social reforms.

He was the man among men when men were still men.


Unfortunately, yes, apart from the possible exception of Teddy.

You forgot
>correctly predicted the downfall of the Prussian Empire when "Cousin Wilhelm" fired him.

Basic history. That isn't a secret.

There was absolutely no reason for Germany to fuck with Denmark.

Bismarck was a lukewarm Republican.

Social reforms are quite obviously true(the Bismarck's social policies were generally beneficial to the state more than to the "people" but took the talking points from the socialists so it was win-win), dunno about unification of Germany tho.

>no reason

They already had it, it was just removed with 70 years of "anti nazi" indoctrination.

>In fact most conservatives at that time opposed a German nation state.

This is wrong. He had always strived for a united Germany under Prussian domination. There was massive support for the idea among conservatives and even the national liberals (not to be confused with today's definition of "liberal"). The victories over Denmark and especially Austria created a wave of nationalist sentiment among Prussians of all stripes and colors.


>Basic history. That isn't a secret.

You need to brush up on it. I recommend Otto Pflanze's two volume biography on Bismarck.

Politics were different at that time. The conservatives were royalists and not nationalists. The people who waived German flags and sang the national anthem were young liberals (see Wartburtfest). It is true that Bismarck wanted Prussia to have a strong influence but he himself criticised the idea of a German nation states for quite a time. Just look up his quotes.

The you-know-what in 1863 allowed the German unification by preventing war between Prussia and Russia I think. Not that it would help with the discrimination and all that horrible stuff from Bismarck.

>The conservatives were royalists and not nationalists.

This is absolutely wrong, and the mere fact that you seem to suggest that those two are mutually exclusive concepts tells me you should probably leave this thread.

Go pick up a book. Have you missed the history classes where your teacher brought up how Bismarck had to convince King Wilhelm of Prussia to accept the crown? Jesus, I didn't think this was even controversial.

What does that have to do with the fact that there was a widespread wish for unification, you retarded cunt.

No, the Polish just want gibs

And Bismarck bowed to that wish. He was known for his pragmatism. That doesn't change the fact the he fiercely opposed the nationalist movement of 1848/49.