Based Stickman is BASED FEDMAN


he's actually right though. Unironically kys.

silly goyim

>rubbing her cunt into his legs
>those disgusting shower curtain drapes
what did she mean by this

Optics mate. Use your fucking head. The time isn't right for outright attack the enemy first mentality when the eternal enemy has full monopoly of the (((media))). Look at the bullshit spun at C-Ville which has since been ignored after the revelations the bitch died of a heart attack not trauma injuries related to a car.

Of course if they attack, you destroy them as is your moral right to. Otherwise don't react. It's better to ignore them as if they don't exist.
Show the masses what violent thugs the commies are particularly at a time of relative peace where such actions are unnecessary. The only time the "attack first" mentality is justified is in a climate of political chaos i.e Trump somehow gets impeached or a constitutional crisis is called due to the undermining of the executive office by the senate and traitors in the party. Better yet when its an economic collapse. People always look to far left and far right groups since the dawn of civilisation in times of political,demographic and economic problems. Those times call for violence due to a atmosphere of desperation. I firmly believe there will bea demographic race war in the US which will lead to Balkanisation within the next 15 years. White minority(by population) will hit by the early 2030's.

Names and faces change but the themes remain the same. The world is just one big millennia spanning game of chess.

explain this then

green light means violently assault ofc


Based chopstick man is known to be THE most hung guy in the alt-right, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed Brittany's pussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting herself wet enough just so she can take it. i can just imagine her begging for it, with kyle barely able to force it past the knob, and brittany moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. she would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to her cervix.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with her vaginal muscles clamping down on kyle throbbing monstrosity, her whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet she still masturbates to the memory of it



I don't care if she is a half breed i just want to fall asleep between her melons.

He had to have fucked at least one of them kek. If you are hanging out with the same chicks multiple times over the age of 18 you are fucking at least one of them.

How does he do it? He doesn't even have a Chad body. He's chubby as fuck; sure he has some muscle behind all his fat, but a guy like this would get ridiculed by /fit/

he has the cocaine. gets the bitches everytime. look at his face in the more recent livestreams, classic coke bloat.

it's easy to do this shit when you're budgeted by the government along with a lot of money from gofundme

quoting another user:

> two strikes
> videotaped violating parole
> "radical" right-wing views
> suddenly starts showing up at right wing rallies and physically attacking other organizers on camera

Assistant district attorney in flyover state here - this guy is 100% an informant. I suspect it's probably for a state agency (CA OAG is hilarioiusly political) rather than federal but his right wing views and violent autistic behavior coupled with the lack of intervention from local/state authorities (who have him dead to rights) means that he's either feeding information to someone in law enforcement or outright taking order from them.

Take note - when police interactions (arrests, interrogations, etc.) is a prelude to erratic behavior, it is likely that the person is operating with government protection.

Once your out of high school the Chads are rarely shredded. Metabolism slows down and it's harder to cut. Just gotta stay in decent shape and be an alpha, the attractive facial features don't exactly fade.

lol i got blocked for posting that vid on his twitter posts


>what did she mean by this
Attempting to mark him as "hers" with her female scent.

based stick man who cares what the fuck he says or does?
> was funny seeing him stick the hell out of antifa
just a small happin' in a world of happin'

Based stickman vs black lives matter
This Saturday at Boston common.


Jesus, this video makes him look like a total psycho hahahahahah. Maybe he really is a fed.

Kyle sounds and acts like a nigger.

Gonna need a rundown here faggot. Based stick man was /ourguy/

said this months ago.

Not suprising. Most "alt right" leaders no one wanted to be there in the first place, that just suddenly got really popular", are Feds.

>original post by tactical jew


Someone local bring your baddest boombox and blast the Mortal Kombat theme

He's just a scumbag ex-con. I don't know why he's a thing on here.

>Based stick man was /ourguy/
lol no

that's a sigline not a quote


>popularity = fed
this is such a fucking stupid meme. back in my day a fed was someone advocating violence and other illegal behavior, not just "person i don't like"

hopefully you kill yourself when you realize how fucking stupid you are.

that said, based stick man is probably a fed

>le plebbit spacing
pls go

you beta faggots need to go shill somewhere else
SAGE these whiney (((cucks)))

Nice proxyfag, Kyle Chapmen Internet Defense Force

Not popularity user, instant popularity never heard of this man before and he suddenly is everywhere like Spencer? Spencer is a nobody and all the sudden he is the leader of the "alt right" and is being interviewed by cnn

Can you imagine how awesome it is to be Kyle? You can bang all the tradthots, you can probably even bang underage girls and skate on it because Confidential Informant protection. You get to do all the coke and booze you want, and beat people up, and try to turn "alt right politics" into a mafia turf war where you're the don. And all you gotta do to stay outta prison and keep the fun train going is take orders from the puppet masters pulling your strings.

>Cringe is Comped
So I am supposed to trust the nigger faggot in the ill fitting blazer and shitty tie. It is so cringe worthy when some on wears "nice" clothes and then exude the vibe that they know they have no right wearing anything "nice".


Listening to that video filled me with disgust. Not only for Stickman but all these LARPing faggots.

Goddamn whore fucking informants spying on /our guys/.

That's what we're doing and that's how we're winning. It's a formula that works. You bring out the oppositions bullshit and make them face it. Then they get angry at you, then they try to fight you, then you win. Persistence, endurance, and reasoning. That's how we'll get rid of niggers, gays and free sex nation destroyers.

>but a guy like this would get ridiculed by /fit/

Getting fit and staying fit means 1 hour of working out, five days a week, for the rest of your life. REST OF YOUR LIFE. A routine you have to stop at some point in time cause of reasons, and the moment you do, all the weight comes hitting you hard. It's easier to not be fat than it is to stay fit.

>classic coke bloat.
Yeah it could(doesn't mean it is) actually be that, they are often a bit red too though

Could also add up with a downer he had here after antifa had trashed his car, he was out of coke then and are really using a lot

Just saying it can be this, not that it necessary is. I have a couple of friends that really shat them self with that stuff when it got popular here.

>Getting fit and staying fit means 1 hour of working out, five days a week, for the rest of your life. REST OF YOUR LIFE. A routine you have to stop at some point in time cause of reasons, and the moment you do, all the weight comes hitting you hard. It's easier to not be fat than it is to stay fit.

Bullshit, it doesn't take that much work to stay trim. It barely takes that much work to be huge when you're doing roids and eating all day.

The "I spend SO MANY HOURS IN THE GYM" is a what roid users say to make themselves look hard working and make natural lifters feel like the reason they aren't as huge as fast is because they aren't working hard enough

This is spot on. I'm going to screencap this.

All superheroes go through a dark and depressing story arc where their morals are tested and they almost sell out.

This just confirms that reality has become fiction.

He's still our hero. Still /ourguy/. Still...our Stickman.

>reddit spacing
>complete faggot

checks out

he hasnt clobbered anyone with a stick in a while, why does Sup Forums care?

he's a violent alcoholic/coke fiend at best

Alan Moore is writing him.


He is /ourguy/

Sup Forums is being hijacked and infiltrated. It's blatantly obvious.

I'm getting more of a Frank Miller vibe
lol kys newfag

Fuck u shill

chopsticksman blows trannies too btw

Unironically a bunch of money grabbing scumbaggy jews

I want to go
Based stickman will fight the commies,fags and Niggers.

that why "leaders" and "spokesmen" are always a bad idea

decentralized, fully independently operating individuals / small close knit cells are the best option

He still smashed that communist antifa faggot Dustin sawtelle over the head with a stick.

lol kekistani flag

go back to plebbit