There's still the occasional anime that tries to do storytelling. Not every anime is going full tilt to try to sell merchandise to otaku or using the low road of tits and ass to market its merchandise.
Occultic Nine is the fall 2016 anime season's stand out for storytelling. But it lacks the positive raves of those fans who look primarily for instant gratification, lots of miniskirts and pantsu in choosing which bluray to buy. Surprisingly the huge tits didn't even save it.
Brayden Myers
Great review, but you should have posted it on MAL.
Lucas Gonzalez
Preaching to the choir. MAL already loves DEEP edgy manime. Should've posted it on some Japanese site translated into their runes.
Brandon Adams
Pic unrelated. You can stop cock-sucking A-1 this hard like they're some kind of amazing white knight studio not interested in the money or merch (no studio is built more strictly to be a commercial whore than the sweat shop that is A-1) trying to do what's right for anime considering they can't even get basic pacing right with this one as usual and suck at conveying a rather simple story by over-complicating the shit out of things with "look mah I'm directing" style cinematography because they think they're audience is fucking retarded and need Monogatari style distractions all the time to keep their attention.
Nobody is really buying into it outside of Sup Forums that has turned into a really disturbing love in for a shit studio that it used to rightly revile for obvious reasons.
Grayson Scott
Literally the only fuck reason Sup Forums is trying to go the apologist route for this series is that it's failing in every other venue. When even MAL can't bring itself to give an A-1 Hypebeast thing with popular people and involving a popular franchise (sort of) even an above average score you know something has gone horribly horribly wrong.
This show shouldn't be struggling so much that it gets mixed reviews at best from even hyped up teenagers.
Jaxson Williams
I don't really follow studio wars and trends here but I think this show has been rather nice so far, not amazing though. MAL, normalfags, etc. hate this show.
Jason Williams
I dropped the show because the main characters are super annoying.
Jayden Bailey
No one said anything about A-1. The show is about storytelling because the LN it is based on is about storytelling.
Blake Hill
>Anime characters who act like anime characters annoy me Picked the wrong hobby, bro
Gabriel Barnes
I'm watching 20 shows this season, pretty sure I picked the right one.
Anthony Cook
I just fap to ryo-tas fanart on pixiv and don't really care about the stroy
Nathan Hall
Better drop 18 of them because anime characters acting like anime characters
Brody Murphy
No, I'd rather not pick up this turd.
Lucas Rivera
I don't know what's worse, OP's shitty bait or you dumping your rehashed word salad in yet another thread.
Gavin Hill
Then to be consistent drop any other Anime Character series
Eli Perez
Is it just me but is the dialogue really fast in this anime?
Charles Morris
OP's shitty bait is fine. If someone believes Occultic9 is a slow burning masterwork that will finish with a dramatic revelation then more power to him.
Christopher Martin
>I'm annoyed by these characters >then I bet you're annoyed by every other series' characters! What a fucking leap in logic.
Tyler Harris
That's because they don't the audience like it's mentally handicapped as so many other modern series do, with stock phrases and people shouting each other's names making up half the dialogue
Samuel Bell
Sure, I'll do my best to drop the anime that resembles this turd.
Lincoln Russell
Not every, just 18/20 series. Not really that far of a leap. They act like your typical spaz character in other anime. Maybe it's just that there are too many spazzes in O9. That might be the issue.
Andrew Howard
Good grief, can he not started the thread with his opinions? Do you want him to put in the opening >What went wrong? >Why is she so perfect? >Who X here? >Everyday until X >Daily Reminder >Is X worth watching?
Like you guys always do? Stop thinking a little bit of change is horrible.
Samuel Rodriguez
don't TREAT
Angel Hill
09 is doing it badly which simply makes it a wasted effort in the end.
James James
>You can stop cock-sucking A-1
Huh? OP was talking about A-1 in the opening? Hold on, let me check
Leo Young
Literally this
Caleb Sanders
>Not every, just 18/20 series
Ok, then name MCs from this season that act exactly like the big tits girl and the male MC in this show.
Cameron Watson
Hyper Retardo Kensuke and Shut In Haxor Girl from Trickster
Oliver Jones
Huh, I also dropped this show because of that.
Elijah Martinez
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the ; series is all by the same guy or at least group right? Why does everyone love Steins;Gate and yet hate everything else he/they put out?
Jeremiah Howard
I still can't believe that POS Trickster got 24 eps in this era when it was obviously bad by ep2 (which was a filler ep in 2016) and even earlier if you hate edgelords.
Nolan Butler
Because they are not as good as Steins:gate?
Isaac Price
Creators typically have a somewhat consistent level of quality output. They don't create a masterwork and then make 3 absolute turds after it. you don't see Michael Bay making an AFI Top 100 movie. They're all turds, because he's Michael Bay.
Carson Morales
Liam Wood
Ryan Allen
Lum is an alien
Wyatt Walker
The guy was responsible for S;G planning, he didn't write the script.
Evan Wood
So basically he needs to go back to doing that and they need to bring in whoever wrote S;G
Luke Wright
Joshua Williams
Chiyomaru is the creator of SVN and SciAdv. That includes entries such as Steins;Gate and Occultic;Nine. He had more input for some shows more than others, but more of his work goes into the visual novels than the anime adaptations. Though, he does still stay involved to make sure they're adapted well.
There's a great deal of unknowns with O;N here because the ongoing LN was cancelled along with the show plowing through all of volume 1 in the very first episode. It seems like he wants to tell the story via the anime first and there's a lot of creative leeway.
Jack Powell
>Though, he does still stay involved to make sure they're adapted well.
>tfw he failed with this by most people's metrics
Caleb Edwards
>i've watched 20 whole animes Kill yourself.
Gabriel Bailey
I think the issue is that people just don't want what he's selling here. They want Steins;Gate 2, not something totally unrelated. In fact this may be the effect that drives people to only make safe decisions with things like sequels rather than starting over with new IPs.
Thomas Taylor
If you're talking about R;N, that was more 5pb's shitty marketing team trying to force things to work. There's only so much one can do to salvage something that wasn't all that great to begin with.
Brody Bell
This is a huge simplification, user, and I'm not sure how you could fail to realize that. People's work can vary in quality greatly. Also, people generally don't hate R;N, they just thought it was so-so, and only the anime adaptation of C;H is hated.
Xavier Jackson
Well, you aren't wrong. Steins;Gate 0 is on the way though so 5pb has their cash cow covered, not that I'm complaining. It is confusing that Chiyo decided to declare SciAdv a fictional series inside SVN where Occultic;Nine and Anonymous;Code take place though. Not really sure why he decided to push for O;N and A;C adaptations now while limiting possibilities with SciAdv.
Juan Russell
I'm talking about O;N. The show is selling like a disaster and not even MAL likes it
William Murphy
I went in expecting shit I even didn't bother with it the first few weeks Been pleasantly surprised so far
Ryan Davis
I've seen posts to this effect in like three or four threads in the last hour. I get that you're really mad about something, but stop taking it out on random people who said nothing related to your rant.
Mason Scott
Nolan Morris
>tfw O;9 is turning out to be far more than decent >S;G0 PSV is bugged to hell, fucking 5pb >C;C will probably suck and a second course isn't even confirmed wake me up
Eli Scott
Tyler Howard
CGs are fucked up, they don't show up as intended. The PS4 version seems to be fine tho.
Easton Flores
>S;G 0 EU release only >S;G 0 PC never >C;C is in chaos world with non-source VA
Parker Collins
>probably C;C will sure suck, they're adapting a >50 hours long VN
Juan Butler
>EU only You should use other stores than amazon. NA version is up on ricedigital and VGP. I heard even the JP PC version has some issues, even if minor. Not like I'm that fond of playing VNs on PC
Jason Martinez
>Not like I'm that fond of playing VNs on PC
>Not playing VNs on the platform they were born on
What the fuck?
John Bell
They're probably trying to scam people into buying the PS4 ver
Noah Sanchez
I'm not fond of inputs methods nor the size, even on a laptop. That's why I'm buying a windows tablet. Maybe. But I'll just confine it to PQube lack of QA and 5pb incompetence ( like S;G steam version )
Asher Gutierrez
>tablet. You truly are Japanese. Everything must be super tiny and low res to be enjoyable.
Andrew Fisher
To be fair the Steam version is under MAGES, not 5pb.
Grayson Green
it's literally related though
Logan Roberts
>low res It's a 1080p tablet though. And there are not that many VNs with assets at a higher resolution. The only problem I can see is the windows 10 OS. There could be compatibility issues. Isn't 5pb part of MAGES?
Luke Green
Those retarded huge tits are the worst thing about it.
Other than that it's one of the better series of the year.
And witch is best girl.
Gabriel Johnson
Steins;Gate managed fine with just some smart choices made in deciding what parts of the source to priotritise. It's perfectly possible that the adaptive writers for C;C learnt from that, and have been making smart choices of their own. Don't lose hope!
Liam Price
You shouldn't have expectations to begin with.
Jaxson White
Silver Link is shit and has not made anything serious or good, ever. Even the director has not made anything good outside of moeblob trash.
C;C will join C;H in hated adaptations. Everyone will think the Chaos story is horrible when it's not.
Luis Wright
>Those retarded huge tits are the worst thing about it. It's one thing to not like them for one reason or another, but it's another to be a complete fucking faggot about your cocklust.
Asher White
>The only problem I can see is the windows 10 OS. And what a problem it is
Anthony Perez
>Silver Link is shit and has not made anything serious or good, ever I disagree, they've made a number of good shows. >the director has not made anything good outside of trash This is a weird as fuck statement. Do you think they're good or not?
Dylan Sanders
Not him but I do note that Silverlink is a pretty low class outfit, mostly focusing on moeshit and when they do do a serious adaption it's lazy and half assed, almost like they long for the comfort of their moeshit back
Sebastian Mitchell
> Silverlink is a pretty low class outfit, mostly focusing on moeshit Sounds like your own shit taste is preventing you from enjoying an entire set of genres, Sup Forums. NNB, soft ghost, Prisma Illya, StB, Baka to Test, Nourin, Invaders of the Rokujyouma, YKA, Kyou no Asuka Show, Anne Happy, and Tanaka-kun were all varying degrees of good.
Caleb Thomas
Maybe you mean his high tier taste is preventing him from eating shit like that