Do lolis have magic, thread deleting powers? That explains everything!
Do lolis have magic, thread deleting powers? That explains everything!
Git out.
>tomboy thread isn't a general
>milf thread isn't a general
>it's time general isn't a general
>REE loli general fuck off get out of my safe space
You are retarded
user she is 500+ years old
>other shit threads exist so why can't this other shit thread exist
When will people stop using this as an argument? It's just a deflection. Just because other faggots are shitting in the pool doesn't mean you should do it too.
Until you loudly complain about those then you're just an extra shitposter.
>stop talking about anime characters in the anime board
They're just a huge bully target. I guess it can't be helped.
>bullying the small, harmless, cute and innocent creatures
Why are mods such assholes?
lolis don't exist.
Another pedos circlejerk.
Ropponmatsu 2 a cute!
They are afraid of losing money,For some reason America hates lolis,Just look at Monster Musume and Doraemon,Since they tried to appeal to U.S.A. the loli fanservice is pretty much dead.
Eternal lolis are best lolis.
Would the shitty clickbait advertisers really quit giving Sup Forums money just for having a pedophilia board?
I dunno ask them yourself.
LRD going extra retarded today.
Lolis are one of those "don't ask don't tell" subjects
>Just look at Monster Musume
Did Okayado tone the Papi service down? She isn't a loli but she's the smallest cast member I can remember right now, I don't think there were ever any full lolis (in appearance at least) in there.
>Being this American.
Or maybe its the fact that your general threads contain nothing other then ''I want to fuck a kid in the cunny because im a mentally ill pedophile''
Yeah,she's a background character now and the entire last manga volume has only 3 nude panels all of them Cerea/Bee girl.
if you get a boner from this shitty art, there is something seriously wrong with you.
That's as much fanservice as a photo of a baby in a bath is CP. You've got some serious fucking issues if you consider it as such.
You guys are trying way too hard to get this Thread deleted again.
Whatever you say,user.
Is this a good representation of the average pedophile on Sup Forums?
they admitted to viraling for 8gag earlier today
GEEZ,And they are call us sick.
The anti loli shitposter strikes again.
Why guys can't you leave us and our lolis alone? we are not hurting you or anything.
That was never in question
Answer the question.
You are a pedophile. Everyone hate your guts even the most disgusting of murderer would hate you.
Go back to Fapservice or 8Gag.
>Bee girl
Looks like I need to catch up, I kind of forgot about the series around when the titty minotaur happened.
Thanks for being here for the usual false-flagging.
Did someone make a thread on /qa/ again? I'd assume so, given .
I know for a fact that a lot of the lolicons here are girls.
I miss 8Gag pedo boards.
This,Men are more into shota.
I like lolis, but not as much as my friend, goddamn she likes loli.
So fat landwhale instead?
You do too?
Fuck off normalfag.
One fo them is kind of chubby I guess.
You really don't show any signs of being much better.
You saying you're unable to bond with anyone, even online?
Besides, how are either of us normies if we like loli?
I just went to Sup Forums. It's not even a shadow of its former self, I don't know why anyone even goes there. But what caught my eye was a loli thread. Half of the images were 3D gore. Apparently you can't have lolicon threads on Sup Forums anymore. What has this site become?
But lolis wouldn't. That's why they're so great.
twitter for kids who got banned from twitter
How fucking now are you? Kill yourself you normalfag trash.
So fucking tired of you poser pretending to be one of us.
The site is not for mentally ill people anymore.
You've just finished the laundry when this dirty loli jumps inside the clean pile.
What do you do?
Mah nigga.
Sup Forums meet up.
Too bad for you 2D loli don't exist and if you're talking about 3D loli I doubt any of them want to get close to a fat ass virgin unwashed pedophile.
Good thing I'm only one of those.
Fluid Druid here.
Me with the glasses.
Make sure she gets a very thorough bath
Sup Forums is not /r9k/, my friend.
If you can't bond with another Sup Forumsnon about which Im@s you'd lovingly molest, I don't know what to tell you.
It hasn't been good for like a decade
>inb4 Sup Forums was never good
What did he mean by this?
Nope, try again.
No, we're all little girls in here.
You're telling me Sup Forums is not /r9k/ while you're the one using ''normies'' instead of normalfags.
Are you stupid? Fuck off back fucking your disgusting 3DPD whore slut, poser.
I think a lot of people think of pedophile as meaning childrapist, when it strictly doesn't, or that they want to distance themselves from the term because the general population typically immediately thinks "childrapist" when hearing the word pedophile.
Oh you're one of those retard who think that fapping to loli doesn't make you a pedophile huh.
I never used the word normie anywhere in this thread?
Why are you replying to me if you're not
Contrary to what you believe, my dear Burgerlander, there is in fact a difference between 2D and 3D.
Wait, scratch that, I did, but as a way of paraphrasing you.
Fuck of with your normalfag meme.
>illiterate mexicans
not for long
And yet lolicon is translated as pedophiles.
Please do tell of the difference.
Its not a meme. You guys are pedophiles in denial and you know it.
If you have to ask then you'll never understand anyway, it's above your level.
That's good.
It doesn't. If anything you have it backwards.
>Here we go again.
See The difference is attraction, and acting upon the attraction.
The abstract element of 2D loli is also what makes it for a lot of people.
>hehe I know of the differences but I won't tell them!
Kek so there is no difference right?
go swallow a spark plug twitterfag
Do lolis have more genetic energy?
Not the shitposter, but that's wrong. You can be attracted to 3D but not fuck 3D.
>twitter invented kek
You need to lurk more.
Didnt mods used to ban people spamming the p word?
Whatever people hope to gain from debating sexuality anyways?
Pedophile mean attraction to little girls.
Loli are little girls therefore you that make you guys pedophile.
>inb4 le 1000 years old loli meme
It's literally a meme: an idea that spreads from person to person. And one that makes those who enjoy loli look bad and insults them. So I'll only insult you back, nigger. If you want a discussion about this, fuck off back to Sup Forums or your containment board of choice.