
How many anons on here are women? How can we get more women to join our movement?

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You shouldn't, that would make them degenerates like yourself.

>our movement
Please explain what our movement is

Tits or GTFO.

free markets
child consent

Go forth and be bad ass femanons! Maybe you could touch some Sup Forums wiener and turn some of these little boys into, somewhat more experienced boys.

is that Lena?

Quite a few of us are women, actually. I'd guess about 10 to 20 percent, but am not sure.

Not if you keep posting our pictures with makeapp. That's how you scare girls away.

This is either an extremely triggered roastie or excellent bait.

man she really can't sing at all... I wonder how our superficial society can seriously have this sexism debate right now. how can it be so unforgivable to touch a girl if all that counts are her looks obviously?

I am woman, yeds?
>our movement?
What meovement?
Only ugly whores wear makeup.

Talk about hair and nails more?


I am a grill

Is her career over or is she still making fap material?


Myp myp myp


Go marry them and make babies you slack jawed faggots

No way
Sup Forums is AT LEAST 60% women, mostly lurkers
58% of those are INTJs
Sup Forums is a mongolian knitting forum for INTJ women I swear to you
When they stop lurking to shitpost it's not usually relevant to mention being a woman, which is the point of "tits or gtfo"
Do you identify being a man in every thread you enter? Women don't either (unless they want attention)

I haven't seen much of her lately. Some weeks ago she was the guest star at the opening of our local opera house, so I guess she's still making some money. The most I see her is actually on Sup Forums


A decent femanon that really understands this place will never admit she is female here.

I'm here for the free liquor and the ''bump'' if you know what I mean


aviana pls, calm down.

And this

>Sup Forums is a mongolian knitting forum for INTJ women I swear to you

This. Always has been, always will be. The most horrible and meanest people on the internet are the grills of Sup Forums - if you don't believe me, go hang out in /cgl/ for a while

fuck off хoхoл

there are no woman here you fucking retard

Is this the tits thread?

I just drew this. What do you think femmutts?


Women shouldn't say they're women here. Aside from that, events need to be a whole lot safer than they have been for men to bring their wives, let alone women to show up on their own.

There are no women on the Internet

The polish march was good. Many women there. Was like that in nazi Germany as well

shutup leaf

OP doesn't have a Polish flag. Neither do you or I.

Kiev ?

Tits or GTFO

Honestly think about it

Who are the most red pilled people in your life?
Your mom? Your grandma?
My niece told me she doesn't get why friends at school think black people/rappers/etc. are attractive
My mom stands outside of abortion clinics trying to talk girls out of killing their babies (not one of the yelling picketers, she just has a big mom heart)
Sup Forums is a hive mind, women feel comfortable in hives
Most whites have higher IQs, so the women will naturally gravitate towards nationalism as self preservation
INTJ women are fringe and so are drawn here for a more extreme representation of their own beliefs

Fuck off putin's putain

At least 20%. Probably more like 30%, and of those I'd estimate at least half are older, GenX or boomer moms.

I'm not joking. They love it here and probably let 'er rip as much or more as any male posters. Lotta white mom rage out there. I know my Mom visits and holy fuck can she shitpost. Hi Mom, if you're around today.


I can guarantee you the majority of girls browsing Sup Forums or Sup Forums for that matter, are either ugly as fuck, or have severe mental problems.

memeflag so probably bait

And what of the men?

I'm a woman.

It's a shit meme, but alas, it's surviving off life support now, so I must respect it by the Memetic Rules of Engagement.
Make that thing the second panel of a shopped MakeApp comparison and son, you just got yourself some Reddit Gold.


>Most whites have higher IQs, so the women will naturally gravitate towards nationalism as self preservation
>gravitate towards nationalism as self preservation

that's not even today's date faggot


>The most horrible and meanest people on the internet are the grills of Sup Forums - if you don't believe me, go hang out in /cgl/ for a while
This, have you guys ever been to a celeb gossip forum? fucking SAVAGE. Check out the bitches at discussion.femalefirst.co.uk/viewforum.php?f=40 One of the oldest user forums on the web (older than Sup Forums actually, iirc.) And definitely one of the cruelest.

Women are terrifying.

You can start by turning your movement into something positive and not a hate-filled, fear-tinged parade of bitter betas putting all their failures in life on other people with tiki torches in hand.

I'm glad your ancap ass it at least being honest

Best post

Leaf tourist in Kiev

Give me an email

No you can't because the only ones who uncloak are instagram "models" and shit like that.

Also, ENTPs. We dont jus like debating. We get facts from somewhere, and this place has a lot if advice and *community* here. Sup Forums is a good source for news that doesnt matter, if only to know what the subject of matter is.

So, not an INTJ knitting forum. Just an NT forum.

I too am a woman hehe

go away women nigger. you're obvious shitpost is obvious

Not a link, but I just st went to what i think is the right place.

Woah damn. Only looked at the first thread, that place is brutal.

Do your homework Blake

Who dis?


You can start by changing your tampon

At least 30%+ is women and/or minorities LARPing or gender is simply irrelevant to the post/topic. Nobody is going to admit to being a woman on here, especially if they’re trying to get their point across and have their post taken seriously m.

>Leaf tourist in Kiev
щo щo?

Dat Jamal he be on da sel phon

Nigga I already changed your mom's tampon last night. All that blood made for good lube.

Obviously a female Sup Forumsack would never announce themselves on Sup Forums. But if you go on Twitter and look at all the followers and retweeters of various Sup Forums related Twitter accounts you'll note a disturbingly high amount of women in their 30s and 40s. The whole "Sup Forums moms" thing isn't a meme.

ugh no tehe I'm trad

"Our Movement".

Fuck off idiot.

You went to the right place, kek
It's like as if there were a Sup Forums forum focused on hating Angelina Jolie. I suspect there's overlap between there and here

wrong Mom but if Blake's here I'm sure he'll get on it now

>you will never meet up with a Sup Forums milf and give her a right shagging

This picture is fake tho...


The tits or gtfo culture basically forces everyone to appear male or else the ocnversation wil be immediatly derailed

the only one working

I actually love it if middle aged mums are here.
Wisdom has to be spread, imagine if she drops redpills on coffee and cake with her lady friends, and they will be convinced.

It would be reallh valuable.
They are voters, and influencers, till now beyond reach of far right.

>How can we get more women to join our movement?

Fuck off shill. Great Minds join because they know it is the right thing to do.

Why even TRY to bring in those who feel 'self-entitled'?

Fuck off.

>How can we get more women to join our movement?
why would we subvert ourselves like that? Women don't belong in politics.

Maybe, if it is its the moms but theyre at the salon

the pro WHITE amerimutt movement

Lady here. I'm waiting for one of you alpha males to actually make a community for us so I can move to it. What is taking you so long?

looking at the thumb alone it tells me that you're a malnourished squatting slav boy that smells glue to get high

The easiest way to red pill women is to start with food and health topics. Encourage them to use organic and natural products. When they start asking why, start dropping baby red pills about government lobbying, Monsanto, corrupt FDA, etc. It plants the seed that the government is terribly corrupt and can't be trusted, which makes it easier to drop harder red pills later.

Oy Vey what lovely progress.

friendly reminder that pol is a women board. there's at most 10% of men here

I guess here are about 25% of us lurking.
Women actually less interested in politics and stuff than men so there's no way to make the amount higher.

one does not simply make a community. but sure, I'll try..

>I ain’t no nigger

Anyone else remember that night last year when all the moms chimed in and posted timestamps? Truly one of the most freakiest moments for me on Sup Forums - ever - knowing moms are here lurking

By "appearing male", do you mean, reasonably intelligent and not trying to use their genitalia as a way to attract views rather than having a good point?

They’re cool
One gave me a recipe for deviled eggs I used for a potluck last month, it was a hit

Welcome, user


nice hand. good night

Sup Forums is fucking weird. I've read senior citizens and grandmas on here before. If you go to some forums oriented towards older folks, they're on there telling each other about this site and how to do newfag shit like use the catalog. It's odd.

Women ruin everything.