What are you gonna do in 2018, Sup Forums?

What are you gonna do in 2018, Sup Forums?

Probably what I'm doing right now

wait for a civil war, I want to fucking kill some lefties.

Not sure. I decided 2017 would be the year I learn how you use power tools and build stuff. That worked out pretty well.
Maybe I'll try to learn another language.

Kill myself

Jesus....the soyboy and amerimutt meme are real.

Look at those scrawny and weak "men"

Same thing we do every year, user.
Try to take over the world.

>Look at those scrawny and weak "men"

their only "refuge" is Sup Forums and its ideology, but it's only a distraction from the real life

50% more shitposting.

Take up archery and start college.

Memes n shit

>buy a gun
>get an apartment
>continue comfy job in banking
>acquire shekels
>laugh as I move up while you larpers keep circlejerking about muh huwhite huritage

Being a burgermutt, I have no obligation toward 1488.

>Push for A+'s in all of my classes
>Workout 5 days a week every week
>Cut out all unnecessary foods
>Stop shitposting
>Get some shitty job

>Being a burgermutt, I have no obligation toward 1488.
It's either 1488 or becoming Niggopolis.

Archery is a good sport/hobby. Been doing it for over 30 yrs and it never gets old.
You won't regret it.

Buy an old house in a village and fix it up.
Listen to more Metal. Just discovered Sabaton. Good stuff.

We are going to give our plans to the enemy

Your plans are to sit in your basement and do nothing but digitally express mild displeasure for extinction in an unwatched corner of the darkweb.


>on the darkweb
I don't think you understand what that means

sit inside and watch the world go by while hoping a stupid amount of money falls in my lap so i can continue to do this

>get back into college
>work out
>get my life back on track
I'll feel like a failure to my race until I can become a better man

Posts like this serve as pleasant reminders that I overestimate the IQ of the average Sup Forums browser.