Libs have abandoned the Clintons.
wat do?
Libs have abandoned the Clintons.
wat do?
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Let them keep deflecting, pile on, then redirect to current political figures on the left. Same thing we've always done.
Vox have shown themselves not to be complete idiots in the past. They're just doing what the rest of the left should have done a couple of years ago.
They refuse to be on the "wrong" side of any issue so they'll flip flop after the fact and pretend its what they always believed.
1994 was 23 years ago, what are retarded leftists getting upset about?
They only abandon them now because it costs them nothing politically, they can cuck off
Well, it isn't wrong to do so. But it still says something about them that they'd slam a man over something that happened 20 years ago that they'd all previously ignored.
Fucking hypocrites.
So, will Obama showing off his erection on that plane end up haunting him? Are leftists really going to just burn themselves to the ground in the name of social justice?
I had totally forgotten about that.
They know the clintons are done politically it doesnt cost anything to throw them under the bus. This is so they can say trump should resign just like we think clinton should have.
More like the Clinton's were the ring leaders of the liberal elite that created this identity politics monster and now even they cant control it, as it turns on them.
wh... why... why have you abandoned me hillary...
No, they're just pretending they have consistent principles now that following those principles 'even when it's against their own' isn't actually relevant. Notice they're not calling for Franken to resign. That's because Franken will probably keep his seat with or without the scandal.
>thing stay the same in 3 years
They're only doing what is politically expedient, per usual. But its time for some fresh memes.
What did he do wrong, wasn't it consensual?
Et tu, Pennsylvanius?
Corporate taxes are one kind of tax. The US has very high (nominal) corporate tax rates, Europe has higher taxes overall. I see how a Trump supporter could confuse these not contradictory facts, though. They both have the word "tax" in them!
The Clintons have abandoned public life. They are old. Forget about them, deal with your actual problems.
But Politifact removed Trump's statement from its context in order to make it seem like he was manufacturing a statement, when in fact, he was referring to corporate tax. I see how a media cocksucker would be confused about this though.
Except the scandal happened in 1998.
The common argument from the left back then was that him sticking cigars in Lewinsky had nothing to do with his ability to lead the country.
Of course, the only reason they pretend to give a shit now is because of the recent scandals, and because Trump supposedly likes to grab women by the pussy. They've decided to throw one of their own under the bus, because they can use it in the current political climate, without looking like hypocrites by supporting Bill. They don't actually care, though.
They have a left lean for sure, but they will do anything for clicks
>(((((((MATTHEW YGLESIAS)))))))
More like the far-left neocon establishment has abandoned the Clintons.
Hilary terrifies the DNC so much that they waited a full year after her complete collapse to actually, finally turn on her with three decade old rape claims.
There is enough reasonable doubt for him to deny it.
He was manspreading but thats it
Eh could've just be something else in his pocket, not a smoking gun.
>t. somebody who despises King Nigger
Fuck. Let them do it. They did it too themselves.
I agree, but it was billed as a boner pic at the time, when the tables were turned.
>corporate taxes =/= all taxes
My dear burgers, your political landscape is in deep shit.
I was 12 when the clinton scandal happened i never understood the outrage. So your president got head in the oval office...
Ok... So? What's the big deal you fucking prudes?
For all i know it was consensual and whatever he did to that cunt doesnt mean that he does a bad job as president.
Hell our grand duke has some bastard children but noone cares. Let then fuck whoever they want.
Plus, i dont blame bill... Just look at hillary... Of course billy jeff wants to tap some fresh pussy.
Seriously... Look at european heads of state. Aldulteres wherever you look. I honestly wouldnt give a shit if my prime minister sucked donkey cock on a regular basis if he did a good job
Lock her UP!
Monica didn't cry rape though
It was because he lied and perjured himself. He could have been having Dutch orgies in the oval office on camera and it wouldn't have been a problem if he hadn't lied about it.
Our leaders suck user, and you have to admit that. The Americans are one to something with Trump.
>wat do?
Go into orbit to retrieve my sides.
Clintons have no power or influence anymore. They are trying to high road now that it's convenient. Call them out on their hypocricy for allowing women to be abused when these people were promoting their political ideology. Also they are no different than Bill as they are now exploiting these women just for another reason.
One in the same.
they are trying to pretend like they have any moral high ground on the whole Roy Moore thing when really it's just "dude, republicans lmao"
>We admit Obama was wrong about Russia now that he got reelected
>We admit Obama lied about healthcare now that he got reelected
>We admit Romney was right about Russia now that Obama was elected
>We admit Reid lied about Romney's tax returns now that Obama was elected
They always pull this shit once they know their political candidate has secured his spot and his legislation is set in stone.
we pour fuel on the fire.
guilt trip any Democrats left that sympathize with the Clintons
destroy them all.
but he didn't do anything wrong TO her, he lied about it under oath to congress. that was the thing he did wrong.
Have they renounced Hillary, though?
Trump was talking specifically about corporate taxes, you emu-fucking kike.
Time for another expulsion. Good thing they have a place to run to.
Yes... But why was he put in a situation where he could commit perjury and lie? Why is getting head in the oval office such an outrageous crime that it requires a parliamentary inquiry?
I agree that our leaders in europe are utter shit but we would never tty to empeach a head of state because he inserted cigars in some cunt's cunt. All he'd have to fear is getting tendinitis from high fiving too much
with what?
even in the 90's this was a "Clinton lied about sex (depends how you interpret sex)" not a harassment scandal
Two points about it.
1. He did it to someone he was in authority over: a White House intern
In case you didn't know there are laws in place to protect those in subordinate positions from sexual predation like this.
2. He lied about it to the entire nation and Congress under oath.
This means he knew it was wrong and was trying to hide the fact he did it because he knew it would come back to bite him. He can't say he was doing it to protect her because she was the one they got the info from to start with. It also wasn't a single fling. She said it was nine separate times.
He lied under oath. It's a felony. That's really about it user, I don't know what to tell you.
He literally could have said
>yeah, I fucked that bitch
and they couldn't have impeached him. Think about that.
not really. this is a way for them to go "see? we are tough on sexual assault too, so now you aren't allowed to call us hypocrites!" this doesn't actually hurt clinton (whose reputation is set in stone at this point), but still makes it look like they are doing something while republicans arent
>In case you didn't know there are laws in place to protect those in subordinate positions from sexual predation like this.
like what? be specific
no, this is not a teacher-student relationship where sex is prohibited and she was 23 years old
>2. He lied about it to the entire nation and Congress under oath.
no he didn't because they didn't actually fuck
They know the gig is up. The smarter rats are jumping ship so Vox is following their lead. Something big is coming.
>This means he knew it was wrong and was trying to hide the fact he did it because he knew it would come back to bite him.
I agree with you technically. But like i said, why is tapping pussy in the oval office such a crime that it entails such an investigation?
It's not like the clintons have enough dirt on them to prosecute them for actual illegal shit
fuck them, where were they during the election cycle?
Thats my entire point. The burger moral compass is so off the charts that it is hard for me as a yuropoor to understand why this whole affair is such a big deal. Why bother with it in the first place?
You seem to be missing the bigger picture
The Clintons are political has-beens getting temporarily pilloried in order for leftists to regain the high ground and position a non-Clintonite as Trump's morally righteous opponent.
Just like how Trump does it.
The burger is upset because he lied under oath during an investigation. You are legally not allowed to lie under oath. If they had said:
>Did you have sex with that woman
and he said
No crime would have been committed.
Burgers like truth above all else, despite what they espouse these days.
The French Revolution ended with all the revolutionaries sending each other to the guillotine for not being revolutionary enough.
When I think of Vox, I think of how much I hate that skinny soy boy faggot.
Like i said. Why is there even an investigation whether the president had some hanky panky with some random intern in the first place? Why does it matter?
Of course billy jeff lied. Your political career is ruined in the US when you're not living the perfect family life. Well, with trump this is null and void but still...
>Libs have abandoned the Clintons.
Don't trust it. They're up to something truly evil.
It came out as part of the Paula Jones sexual assault investigation.
>no he didn't because they didn't actually fuck
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"
A Bj counts as sexual relations you virgin autist
I know you're trolling, and you're not too bad at it, but the reality he was prosecuted and disbarred for lying under oath. He was a liar about Monica, you can extrapolate that he is a liar, period. It has nothing to do about his sex antics and depravities which were well known at the time. He put his own dick in the wringer when he lied under oath.
Their pedophilia becomes public very soon.
You do realize that this is all about Trump, right? They are throwing all of their men under the bus in order to create a sexual harassment hysteria. They are upset it didn't work on Trump during the campaign. So they are going to create a hysteria in which they can point back to Trump and then justify people demand he step down or be impeached. We have been cheering it on, but they've been one step ahead. This is textbook Hegelian Dialectic. They wanted it to go this way and we were given 2 sides to choose from that the synthesis of both would create the environment needed to oust Trump or at least punish him at the midterms.
hey, pretty good digits.
easy to say now when it doesnt matter. they arent spending any time on the democrats that are up to no good right now and thats all that matters
And yet Al Franken is the one under fire right now.
a nothingburger about something that was by all accounts consensual (unless were talking power dynamics and that just is a swamp)
if were going to have this conversation it should be about the outright assault accusations
Nigger i am not trolling.
You keep on whining about he lied under oath but why was he put under oath? Because some moral crusaders thought that getting your dick sucked in the white house by someone other than the first lady needs a congressional investigation.
And then billy boy lied because burgers somehow want to be fed lies and pretend that their head of state is a moral saint.
It's just childish and naive, if not dumb
This. Clintons just outlived their usefulness.
Again, it was something he lied about in sworn testimony in a deposition about a different case. Try lying next time you are deposed and let me know how it works out, even if you are trying to lie and say you didn't save the bunny rabbit when you in fact did.
>lying under oath is a crime
He was put under oath because he was accused of sexual assault by Paula Jones user.
42 U.S.C. ยง 2000 e
and for the second part
He got a BJ and multiple other sexual favors yet he said he had no sexual relations with her under oath so yes he DID lie about it.
>Do you in fact believe this hides your ass?
>should have
didn't tho
He did it for the lulz.
Boohoo, he lied under oath about a sexual relation with a cunt which wasnt even part of the paula jones case.
This whole affair was a witch hunt by some roodipoos who tried to be holier than the pope. It's ridiculous. There is enough shit out there to hang the clintons several times over
all well and good except the sexual assault accusations date from his time as governor of Arkansas, so if were having a reckoning should he have even won the presidency?
again if were making comparisons about a liberal "reckoning" with Clinton Lewinsky is practically a non issue
Gee, thanks. Now I have to try & keep dinner down.
We hope!
Niggers gonna nig.
you'll notice Franken is being protected. Even his accuser says he should not step down.
Actually that situation got worse. Some are calling for an investigation, giving his campaign donations away to charities, and publicly denouncing him today. Kek. We need to make him resign.
His attitude says boner, you know? It's the way he acted that kinda says it all.
But he IS as guilty as Roy Moore. Not at all.
because we baited them into it.
>turning on politicians 20 years later when they are no longer relevant
Yeah, it's about time. They protected him for this long because of Hillary, he should have been taken down long ago say too late for hindsight on this, they can't wash away their hypocrisy now.
They have to.
Everything they accuse Trump of, the Clinton family actually have done it.
They have to accept the pussy grab comment or throw away all that do the same or worst.
Well, back then there was still a majority of Americans who had some old-fashioned morals. They might've been cheating on their spouses in private, but they didn't want their elected officials getting away with it. Plus some attach a certain dignity to the office of POTUS. Those same people probably make up a large portion of those offended by Trump and his lowbrow antics.
Oh nooooowwww they give a shit?
It's against the law to lie under oath and this testimony was given during an investigation about other sexual assaults. What do I care, but it's still illegal under the laws he lived under.
Post Luxembourg pictures.
Al has creepy pics to deal with, Roy doesn't.
>wat do?
Laugh hard, laugh often. fap using only their tears as lube. Play into their hysteria, whip them with their own fragile egos, and revel in it.