Bugman/Soyboy/Beta Cuck Thread

Eat the soy you're not a boy

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What's wrong with Pokemon?

Nothing if your a kid, but a grown adult should not be chasing imaginary gook animals

Guinness master race

>not being animepilled

Did your grandpa get killed by a Jap user

This is the part I don't get. IPAs are tasty af. Now the kind of person who goes full sperg about being a "connoisseur", that I can understand, but for the love of god leave the tasty IPAs out of this. THEY A GOOD BEER, THEY DINDU NUFFIN

Everything. The games are shit, the fanbase is cancerous and autistic, and the competitive scene is an embarrassment.

This is coming from someone who still plays pokemon

Hey retarded cannibals, there is human DNA in soy-based products.


its aids. get the fuck over it manlet

What's wrong with having a beard, being bald, and liking pokemon?

>still in the denial stage

Bugman, I still laff

I don't get the bald hate. You realize we have a higher level of testosterone which causes a higher level of DHT which suffocates hair follicles, right? It's Le Chatlier's principle my dudes. Also white women are trash and I will stay ricemixer the rest of my life. Enjoy your used up whores overflowing with Tyrone's semen and always wanting to "go out with stacey and the gurrrrrrls"

this image is wrong. being bald is high test.

t. soyboy

> Reeee my coping mechanisms are actually in line with reality

t. Bugman

Bugman term is retarded, soyboy was genius.
Bugman is strange, and the bug part has no connection with the man part.
I refuse to use this meme.

yeah sorry that you are a low test pencil neck and every time you eat your gf out it tastes like fried chicken and malt liquor. That doesn't change science. You can project on the internet all you want. Meanwhile I will be with my succesful software engineer feminine gf and make masterrace "amerimutts" while your used good whore divorces you and takes the house.

>imaginary gook animals

>bug part has no connection

That's exactly why I like it. Also they are buglike in mentality (drones)

Every game since gen 2 (except black and white 2) has been shit

Drink Schlitz like the red-blooded Burger Yank you are, user!

Pokémon and Harry Potter got 1 thing in common, they are both made for kids

>California English
That's a new one. Never heard about it unless its that "Valley girl" shit from the 80's.

>Falling for the Yeast Jew

Should be videogames in general

T.verilnigger fuck of and complain about smogan stealing your gf you furrycuck


awww mexico is so cute

Wow your body pillow can code?

stop posting on Sup Forums dad

Hol up.
Pokemon is absolutely not, soy boy
>there are only 151 Pokemon.

>there are only 151 Pokemon
No there are 0 because it's a video game you manchild

>imaginary gook animals
Apt, precise, underrated

>wasting your life playing a game designed to abuse your hunter gatherer instinct.

Nice mental gulag signaling user.

Absolutely not. Paradox games are really redpilled and TF2 is acceptable as well.

What am I bros?


A fag.

I've managed to not be trapped into any normie soyboy "identity"

>Not NFL tyrone tamer fan
>Not muh movie stars
>Not muh harry potter obsessed
>Not COD
>Not even mega anime weeb

It's probably why I don't have the fluoride stair I see everyone else have. Sure, I can't relate to anyone because I'm too autistic but

I'm allowed 1 nostalgia you fuck

WOW! EPIC FOR THE WIN Sup Forumsro!!!!

you totes pwned me

>Paradox games are really redpilled
Kicking out the Jews has more repercussions than bonuses and the game is designed to make people alright with outright tyranny.

Milo 2.0

My girlfriend drank a whole bottle of wine tonight, then beat me with a riding crop whilst she simulating fucking me with a strap-on.

Is this because of soy?

What's wrong with Star Wars? It's a good franchise, but some people are too obsessed with fiction.

Your gf is degenerate so yeah

Typical Brazilian

Wild hunch you're from North Ireland.

i just made this in paint, what u guys think?

Saved thanks user

Add this and it's 10/10

star wars, pokemon and harry potter are objectively shit and for little kids.

I don't know why you guys always portray that Jimmy Neutron looking motherfucker as a bugman/soyboy/SJW. He looks nothing like a bugman. He looks like an amish version of Wayne Static.
He already fired back against our bantz with a video. He is immune to all attacks until the video is addressed head-on.

The original Star Wars are awesome then the prequels are shit and the new trilogy is shit that normies love

We don't give a fuck what some liberal has to say. He's a living meme.

Back to wookiepedia you

Guys I need help. So hopps and IPA has estrogen in it, what kind of beer DOESN'T have estrogen?

Also why do hipster soy boys like their IPA so much? It's not even that good. There's this one brand I think is okay but that's mostly because it has a high alcohol content and gets me drunk in 1 or 2 beers rather than the 6 it usually takes to get me half drunk.

what evidence is there that he's a liberal or even begun to develop any political opinions?
i bet you completely fabricated a personality to project on him based on a picture
you don't even know his name, do you?

IPAs are a low effort brew (huuurrr a fuckton of hops makes a good beer!) and hops are extremely estrogenic. Look up "brewers droop", which is man tits caused by handling large amounts of hops.

>all these replies
>"muh pokemon is wrongbad and wrongthink"
I want the newfags to leave. they aren't even trying to integrate anymore.

they like it because its just trendy. frankly they all taste like shit and are way too heavy. once you drink one you can't drink any more.

i've drank cheap ass beers and expensive beers and the best beer in my opinion is budweiser regular.

Whats wrong with pokemon? Just dont post on facebook about it for likes and youre good

>tfw you almost became a soy boy
I was a soy boy without realizing it until I turned 21 and ever since I've gradually gotten bored of childish shit. I don't know what broke me out of it, I changed before the meme came out.

if you're too weak to quit beer altogether on principle alone then you're an honorary soy boy regardless of whether you find an estrogen-free beer

>muh videogames are for kids argument
guess gamergate never happened in your minds, eh?
Niggers like you are why the entire fucking site hates our guts.

Hey somebody post that alpha channel edit of the two open mouthed game dev soyboys, I have a meme in mind.

I'll give you a tendie!

I don't need to. No conservative would look that way and centrists/no political opinion are marxists in the end. Sorry you soyboys are so fucking obvious.

Grown adults play Dwarf Fortress.

The originals were also for simpletons like you.

He's a soyboy but at least he's ironic about himself, better than many.

I drink beer once a week. Having fun is okay user.


You're trying too hard.

Dwarf Fortress along with other ASCII games and roguelikes are inherently national socialist my man.

outside some of /vg/ the entire community is cancerous soyboys

Gamergaters are all manchildren

A fagboy

They are

Five is a masterpiece, your country is irrelevant.

The only thing in that image that applies to me is the Asian wife, but not like I give a fuck what a bunch of faggot on Sup Forums think.

Does this look like a soyboy to you?

I am NOT a bugman okay! I wish this stupid fucking website would stop taking my pictures out of context.

It sucks bro, we have a support discord if you ever want to talk

You should, asian Girls will be the destruction of the white race

Well, you're not wrong. DF is a great game though and the soy boys that congregate around it are a little better than your typical soy boy

Yeah these numales but I want the one with the background all edited out already, I've seen it a bunch of times.

>a fucking key and ring necklace

This is what pokemon fans looks like

The guy was literally harassed out of his math professorship for being a white male.




Glad he hasn't completely cucked hard in dwarffortress... He did add faggots though that kind of has me worried.

Any time you see some hardline "Sup Forumsack" bitching about vidya or anime they're guaranteed to be post-election tryhards. Same for the lazy nofap retards that would rather make themselves horny enough to fuck a mailbox before getting proper exercise and diet.

Drop the IPA's soyboy and get some extra stout like a real man.

If that is enough to destroy all of us, then the white race was already doomed. My kids will either be genius or school shooters. I'm rolling the dice.

Top autism. At least it made him do something more interesting with his time.

You can not only detect them but you can genocide them too. Second worst fort infection next to vampires.

>shortening the names of freeways is considered "californian english"

I'd really like to understand the reasoning behind this one.