There was a new chapter today. Has anybody posted it yet?
Mob Psycho 100
Mob tries to slap some sense into Dimple, Dimple shows how swole he is. 97%
What's it going to be?
I'm expecting anger but it would be boring
100% erection after Dimple brings Tsubomi-chan to fight Mob.
hey, is that person that ordered the shirt around? feeling up to posting photos?
where are you screenshot grill
Disappointment or Betrayal
Disappointment is probably the right call. He grew closer to Dimple but I don't think they were close enough for Mob to feel overwhelmingly betrayed. I think he'll be upset that Dimple refused to change his way of thinking. "Disappointment" seems a bit mild for a 100% though. "Disgust", maybe?
Wasn't posted yet, but I read it and Dimple dropped some serious truth about who Tsubomi is as a person and why Mob never had a chance with her.
A lesbian?
I think Disappointment sounds alright. We've had things like Gratitude and Resignation in the past.
Or maybe Frustration?
They just seem too mild to express something so powerful that Mob becomes totally overwhelmed. Disappointment is missing the bus, not doing as well on a test as you hoped, a friend failing to meet as planned, etc. Dimple is doing far more than causing disappointment. He's brainwashing everyone Mob loves and forcing him to fight his friends just so he can be God. To me, at least, "disappointment" is an underwhelming word to use. We won't know what he's actually going to explode with for a while though.
Real talk, Dimple said it would never work because Tsubomi isn't the type of girl who needs/is missing anything. a strong person who lives her life while preserving her sense of values without the need to get along/be in sync with other people. She was actually among those who were the hardest to brainwash since she would tell the believers who offered her candy to fuck right off if they were being too forceful or would straight up ignore her brainwashed friends' attempts to persuade her.
That's why it made sense for her to eventually stopped caring about Mob showing off his powers to her when they were kids, or not take notice of him starting to work out. She doesn't need anyone, and she doesn't need Mob.
All that shit was the observations Dimple made when he observed her reaction to the spreading of the cult. (he also threw some typical nasty line about how now that she's a cult member, she might bend the knee to "Mob-sama" if he assumes his position as religious leader).
What an asshole
That's cool, she's a strong, independent 14-year-old who don't need no Mob.
You say that, but remember that disappointment holds a stronger value in that culture. The disappointment of his mother and living up to expectations is what caused the council president to basically go off the deep end, if I recall.
Damn, Tsubomi sounds kind of awesome for a 14 year old kid. Can't wait for her to inevitably reject Mob.
I'd honestly prefer that. It would kinda signify another part of Mob growing up if he overcame a childhood crush and moved on.
Oh yeah, I didn't even mean it in a sarcastic way. I genuinely look forward to that. I think it'll be an important part of Mob's path to adulthood.
The omake is fucking hilarious holy shit.
Someone please post the scans already.
I wonder if he'll ever have 100% Midlife Crisis.
What's the omake about?
any idea when a translated chapter will be posted?
Mob accidentally told Reigen "tch, just shut the fuck up." Mob's face and others' reactions when he said were pure gold.
>Mob accidentally told Reigen "tch, just shut the fuck up."
more depressing than reigen arc desu
Fuckin RIP Reigen
I recall that an user posted a link to their translation of Reigen's character song
Does anyone have the link still?
screenshot grill here stuck in traffic with the new chapter
> The Omake
The details in the facial expressions were hilarious. I especially loved that Reigen, despite his calm look, seems to be flaring his nostrils. Please check it out when the scans come out!
7/11 lol bitch slapped
Dimple did 9/11
Omake time 11/11
Thank God you're alive, user. I was beginning to consider doing some weird shit to my brain new phone in order to be able to sreenshot the pages and post them myself. all this rooting and ROM stuff is scary ;_;
Wait, the Omake was two pages, wasn't it?
Have a good weekend guys! Here's an art by Ishida Sui
Dimple is really pushing it I'm afraid he'll legit die at this point.
Sorry, but I think you missed the last 12th page...
I counted wrong 12/12 part 2 of omake
Holy shit that's great
Thank you! You, too, have a good weekend!
This whole page is gold, thank you ONE
Thx user! I can finally translate that shit, now.
>...Wait wait, what is it.
>For you to get this mad...
>It doesn't take long for you to get serious when it comes to Tsubomi-chan, huh.
>Might as well use the occasion to clear things up.
>Shigeo, this girl is out of your reach.
Thanks, translator-kun. Aishiteru ze.
by his expression I think he is genuinely surprised. I know he's not going to tell Mob about tsubomi being unattainable out of benevolence but I do think he believes he's just stating the facts here.
(thanks btw translator-kun)
Tsubomi sounds awesome
Could Tsubomi beat the cock
>I was using the eyes of the believers who were on missionary work to see how things were going, but...
>Tsubomi Takana was, to put it plainly, a person who isn't missing anything in her life.
>When they appeared to be trying a little too hard to give her the candy, she would just slap them down.
>Even trying to persuade her via her friends would yield little result, and for a while she showed no sign of having any interest in the cult.
>She lives her life following her own values, without going along with other people.
>Even her transformation into a believer was one of those who took the most time.
>This girl is strong.
>It's no wonder she would ignore you when you tried to boast your psychic abilities.
>Or for example when you started working out...
>It seems like this kid doesn't need Shigeo.
>That being said... There's still one way left.
>Right now she too is one of the Psycho Helmet cult's sympathizers.
>Hehe... In other words,
>She could very well be swayed by "Lord Shigeo", the religious leader.
Fuck you Dimps
>Tsubomi actually was a bitch
We were warned
Wtf I love Tsubomi and hate Dimple now.
>Who cares.
>I thought I'd stolen most of your power...
>But it looks like you've got enough strength left in reserve... Maybe it was little too soon for me to show off my true form?
>Baah, it's alright.
>There's no way you can beat me right now.
Get your fucking ass whooped
>Don't get so fucking full of yourself!!
>Getting so conceited when I tried to play nice!!!
>If you're trying to erase me for real...
>I have no choice but to get serious too!
>...Watch closely...
>I, who is adored by the masses and radiating with light... This is what it means to be divine.
>This is...
>The time of my joyous rebirth as God Ekubo-sama! Worship me!! (bruh...)
>Who gives a damn. (he's panting)
>Let's go...
Mob v. Ekubo 2.0 incoming it seems.
10/10 holy shit
>It's already roasted.
>It's already roasted. (a second time)
>Just ike that... I like it better when it's very well-cooked.
>That's too grilled, though. The meat's flavor completely vanishes like that.
>No, it's tasty.
>Nah, that's clearly not the BEST taste.
>You also put too much sauce on top of the meat that's already too grilled. You won't even feel the flavor of the sauce like that.
>No, it's tasty.
>Again! That's too grilled too. Isn't that even burnt, a little?
>Ah, if you wait 4 more seconds to pick the meat over there...
>[At that moment,
>"Shishou won't shut up about the meat..." he was thinking to himself, but the meat he put in his mouth was way hotter than expected, so his tongue slipped...]
>[Reigen kept cooking his meat in silence.]
I love ONE.
Teru's looking amused as fuck
>that filename
>This Omake
This thread is great
>Rude Mob
thank you for translating
>that fucking filename
Shit dayuum this arc might shaped up to be one of the best arc in the series right now. Dont let me down ONE.
>Golden Sperm mk.II
I never liked dimple or sperm.
>Mob puts ketchup on his thoroughly-cooked meat
Honorary American.
I admit, ONE could've at least upgraded his appearance for what is shaping up to be the final showdown (though i guess it kinda makes sense for him to finally regain the form he's been missing ever since Mob fucked him up).
We might see some kickass Broccodimple fusion near the end, though.
I keep telling you guys Tsubomi is best girl but you guys keep saying she's the worst when all she did was the quality of best girl.
>Doesn't give a fuck about famous shit.
>Likes people who puts in effort like the guy who won the marathon
>Appreciates Mob when he uses his power for good things
What more could you ask for?
Best girl is Mob.
>Best girl is Mob.
this, tsubomi is great, but mob will always be best
a second season to animate this
Yeah, it's really really good and Dimple's actions seem to have generated a lot of interesting discussions among the fans (or at least from what I read on batoto, here, the app comments and or even MAL). It really feels like ONE is back to his A game with this arc (minus a few pet peeves I have), so I'm confident that he'll deliver on the climax... if it really IS the climax, ofc.
Sure is taking Mob long enough to reach that 100%. At this point I'd be surprised if it isn't something unusual. Also, contrary to what people keep saying in these threads, Mob seems content with just hacking away at Dimple without refuting any of his arguments at all. Doesn't seem like he cares that much for him anymore.
My sentiment exactly. Not that i think Boss arc is bad, i think its fairly hype for a standalone batttle shonen arc with a little bit touch of ONE humour but it kinda lack the emotional attachment of previous arc.
100% Anger BOOK IT.
First explosion is the same as last explosion.
Mob has changed since then though
>this omake will never be animated
>none of the omake's will ever be animated
BONES, I'm begging you
Reigen's mom is the best
I dunno about that. I mean, he did cry pretty hard a couple chapters ago (even clutching his heart from the pain) without having even reached 100%, and this chapter he limited himself to bitch-slapping some sense back into Dimple when he could've used much more drastic methods to erase him; we know from the Boss and Mogami fights how crazy shit can get when Mob gets serious.
I'd agree however that he's lost all his patience and doesn't care about talking things out anymore. I would even wager that he never really cared about having an actual discussion in the first place: to him "Let's meet and talk face-to-face" was probably just equivalent to "Show yourself so I can get you to undo the brainwashing". Looks like we're way past that point now, though.
Yeah, I really liked the Claw Boss arc too and on its own I think it had great enough highlights to put it on par with the 7th Branch arc, but it did lack some of the emotional beats that made the previous arcs so great. Kindof of a shame when you consider that the potential for this arc to be topnotch was there (putting Mob to sleep for 2/3rds of the arc was like the perfect occasion to focus on other characters). But it's like ONE didn't get the chance to tap into it, for whatever reason.
I'd be curious to see what Tachikawa and co. do with it though, cause I liked the anime version of the Scar arc a lot more than I did in the manga.
just when I think ONE is going for the cliché route he suprises me again