Holy shit these people are retarded.
Holy shit these people are retarded.
Other urls found in this thread:
archive you fag
>Dark side of the web
If you can get to a website via google search, you’re not on the dark side of the web.
>archive you fag
ffs here: archive.is
honestly, posting a (((Link))) in 2017... shame on you OP
Looks like he drinks soy from plastic bottles
That's the Twitter of the professor this dbag interviews. It's all about how best to report trolls. Funny thing is, no one is trolling her.
Got this far.
>Got this far.
"20 minute read"
These people have no idea how other people work.
>Data and society's media manipulation project
We need to dig into them
>journalist for FAZ, Die Welt
I'm so sorry you have to see this Sup Forums
Our journalists are the most sheltered blue pilled faggots in the known universe
This is online harassment according to the left.
This writing is like when an old person doesn't know how to use an answering machine.
Oh shit. Soros funded.
That nigger is everywhere
This should be common knowledge, and yet, it isn't.
>not archive
Fuck off Felix.
I feel like this website hardly harasses anybody anymore
not like the old days at least
Sup Forums is much bigger now. What used to take a huge effort, now just takes a shrug
What a faggot.
>have to pay $5.00 to read comments of their articles.
Fuck off.
Honestly, seems like he's got a good grasp of how it works, broadly speaking, on the internet. It's when he starts talking about the moral interpretation of people's actions that the rhetorical couching, "extremist fringes," "bigots," etc. come out and reveal his cuck politics.
So basically ask everybody except the trolls and shitposters?
i swear we were just discussing this the other day. theres gonna be a massive increase in MSM coverage of the nebulous net
Stop posting those hate facts
>Our journalists are the most sheltered blue pilled faggots in the known universe
No surprise there.
Just what this board needs more of, cancerous retards reporting on the cancerous retards they send to the board because they linked it in their article
>political humor
what a fucking joke. im glad trump is kicking these faggots out of the taxpayers pool
> if you believe in democracy, you have to contend with the fact that democracy is not a free-for-all
Jesus fuck. These people are the worst
I like my memes dangerous
>Just what this board needs more of, cancerous retards reporting on the cancerous retards they send to the board because they linked it in their article
I was kind of hoping they'd come here and see this thread.
archive you nigger
Now, start sabotaging their efforts. Lead them into dead ends and, if possible, cause in-fighting. The more chaotic and disruptive their project becomes, the more "at home" the trolls will be.
It would be a shame if the Caymans account that organization/Soros is using to funnel in Soros money were to get 'zeroed' out, for some reason.
Something bad must've happened to Norway.
Feels bad, man.
Free for all is literally what majority rule is. People put out ideas, and people join the ones they like.
Chaos to order.
>It's when he starts talking about the moral interpretation of people's actions that the rhetorical couching, "extremist fringes," "bigots," etc. come out and reveal his cuck politics.
Because they are socially retarded. There will be a place for trolls until they figure it out.. which will never happen.
Most likely raped and beheaded
> media studies scholar
Is it just me or is every single university subject that has "studies" in it's name completely and utterly useless?
>Is it just me or is every single university subject that has "studies" in it's name completely and utterly useless?
It's not just you.
>Sup Forums
>Dark web
So TLDR is The Goyim know. Shut it down!
But how does he counter the problem of POC's being dysfunctional In The Field. Seriously. Without Jewish or white masters the supposedly superior non whites never organize well enough to make a civilization worth living in, when compared to an all white one. The Leftist inability to face such harsh truths is one of their biggest stumbling blocks.
Honestly her points about trolling and how it is critical to keeping the Western critical tradition alive are very salient, makes one wonder where the rest of her mind went.
I mean, that's what this current cultural thing really is - those who see Western society as their ally and those who don't.
This means that the POC's have proportionally more "God Damn It Leroy!" moments which derail any hope of a fair and peaceful society. A genetic cause is suspected but the Jewish Masters are so desperate to Globalize the world that research into such things is all but illegal.
Take the fight to the doorstep of the Jewish Masters if you want justice.
>he standard perspective that people employ is “Don’t feed the trolls!”. The problem with that framing is that it is embedded in a logic of victim blaming
>attacks are aimed so frequently at historically underrepresented populations. Attackers shouldn’t attack. Period. It’s the same thing when we’re talking about sexual assault or issues of sexual violence. It’s never the victim’s fault.
They really just don't get it.
I like how by the end they don't even try to hide what this is really saying.
>We’re in trouble because of deep-seated cultural biases, myopia around diversity and representation, and internalized supremacist inclinations.
> The ethical imperative is that we need to find ways to create the most robust democratic spaces that we can and in order to do that we must make sure that extremist fringes are not minimising everybody else’s speech.
The whole thing has such a cringey old-person-trying-to-understand-young-culture feel to it, even though she's not an old person. She's studying mémés from pre-2010, for fuck's sake.
She'll never truly understand chan culture, because channers themselves don't understand it. It's culture.
we need to change the culture to fit our own views of how the world should work, comrade! comply or die!
is because she's a normie, normies will never be able to understand it. you have to live it.
>makes one wonder where the rest of her mind went.
This is where I'm saying she's socially retarded.
How does she understand the point of shitposting up until the point where she doesn't understand shitposting and goes all "they're all Nazis"?
Nobody gets it up to the point where they get it but then no longer gets it and goes full retard.
Every once in a while my parents will try to talk about internet culture or ask me to try to explain it. Most of the time they just can't understand so most of the time I'll just tell them "It's like you trying to explain punk culture to your grandma"
Also because she does not live around large numbers of niggers. She is one of those faux intellectuals that thinks thoughts like "But the Black people I know are so nice and knew some facts I had never studied before. That means they are at least equal and probably superior to white people." In about 15 to 20 years, when most white Boomers will be in their 80's, the color of many Cops and National Guardsmen will change from white to brown. That will dramatically change the way that Forced Integration is perceived by the white working class. The darkies won't have to be so nice and submissive and the white self haters will not have only nice tokens around to pity and show off. At this point, whites either fight or submit. Before they can fight they have to be taught to organize as whites. Teach the young ones first. They will have to walk the talk that their elders didn't. It will wake them up.
im not that worried, guilt is a rope that wears thin.
>Usenet, an early social networking site
More than study, she's looking for a way to shut it down
>Honestly, seems like he's got a good grasp of how it works, broadly speaking, on the internet.
Well, he surely did lurk for a while.
>about how one studies trolls: You just have to sit in front of a computer for thousands of hours and look at it all.
It gives me a little joy when I think of all these people who have to read my shitposts in this thread RIGHT NOW:
If you are professionally obliged to sift through this gutter of the internet then let me condole you and yet wish you a happy workday. I hope you keep up with the memes and you know; you are here forever.
I remember I use to spew these off to niggers in cod chat. Good ol days.
>>have to pay $5.00 to read comments of their articles.
>Fuck off.
Yeah. It's bullshit but I'm guessing this is how they prevent their subjects from redpilling their audience.
It's almost like these (((people))) do nothing but entertain delusions of subverting cultures and communities while simultaneously believing they are justified in doing so.
They can kindly fuck off back to whatever memespace makes them feel safe.
Shut it down the normies know
>give me clicks and views goyim
>you are here forever.
This deserves a comp
idealism, naivety, immaturity and innocence, but don't be fooled, behind every revolutionary there's a deep-rooted nihilism.
I love how she wraps it up as a failure of society to be more tolerant as opposed to the general personal disgust we feel about the direction and moral choices of modern society.
>>give me clicks and views goyim
It's Soros-funded. They don't need clicks and views. It will become "fact" in media and academia without clicks and views. You should know how this works, faggot.
what the fuck
>my brother was a troll and he kept trying to get me to go to Sup Forums. This was in 2007 and my reaction was “I’m not doing that.” What I didn’t understand at the time was that he was trying to troll me by making me go to Sup Forums, but I didn’t realise that until much later.
Sup Forums is far far from the dark side of the web
this joke thinks he's an undercover agent superman
>It even got to a point where I could spot trolls in my classes, that was back when I was still a graduate student, based on their word choices and inside jokes, which they thought were “sooo funny” and no one in the room would know what gross thing they were actually saying. But I knew. And when I would respond with a similarly coded reference they’d turn red, like how did I know.
> I had gone to a PhD thinking I wanted to study political humour.
burn the universities
tanks through harvard
Are you reading this, other countries of the world? Please nuke us. Please please please please....
>I was hoping they would come read this thread about themselves
Immutable law of human nature: if someone is talking about you on the Internet, you will go and read it. You think Felix Simon has a bunch of people someplace else giving him attention right now? That women are all over that shitty combover he's using to try to hide near-bald head? Or that his B.A. in "Film Studies" is helping to hide his glaring feelings of intellectual inferiority when reading "trolls" who quote a bunch of philosophers he's barely familiar with?
So yeah, of course Felix Simon is sitting here reading whatever you're saying about him right now.
>Sup Forums expert
the bot is down because it kept getting banned in the end
>dark side of the internet
Disagreement is harassment
> (OP)
>That's the Twitter of the professor this dbag interviews. It's all about how best to report trolls. Funny thing is, no one is trolling her.
>dark side
Pol is a bright shining light of hope and free speech. Also lulz
I think I just got cancer
Bet that faggot is in this thread.
Stop shilling your fag website ya piece of shit. Archive or GTFO!
>No one is trolling her
Well, she's going to be reading this, so go to town. Is this one really hard? She's an assistant professor making minimum wage to read Sup Forums. That already marks you as a dumbass: you thought it was a good idea to go get a PhD? WHY? Only morons get PhD's. It's people in the 110 to 120 IQ range. She's a diversity candidate so probably even lower for her. So she's one of these people who's smarter than 70% of the population, but doesn't realize that still makes you a total mouth breather. And now she's stuck reading shit written by people whose IQs are far, far further to the right on the bell curve than hers. She likely can't even figure out what the fuck we're saying half the time. She's clearly fugly as shit or she would have posted a picture of herself on her twitter instead of some dumb ink drawing. And she's clearly attracted to assholes or she wouldn't have devoted her entire career to studying us. Her Kindle is filled with books about biker gangs and Fifty Shades clones. She wishes she could have an alpha male, but alpha males hate feminists, so she's stuck here pining over us and fantasizing that we'll choke her during sex. It's a shitty, shitty life for a total waste of space.
Hi Whitney!
Fuck, I'm going to hell for laughing so hard at that
>We’re in trouble but it’s not because of technology. We’re in trouble because of deep-seated cultural biases, myopia around diversity and representation, and internalized supremacist inclinations.
this woman needs to be raped immediately
>They do it because they know that it IS damaging, and that it WILL cause a violent reaction. That's the whole point.
>This raises the possibility that "free speech"ers & protestors agree on one point- that the "free speech" week is WORTH rioting over
>...and that, to me, seems like something to really interrogate, esp. in terms of how the narratives are being framed [end]
You make people angry when you speak, by trolling their stupid shits, so then it's not free speech, so this we must address. That is silence you, for the others being easily triggered and baited dumb fucks
>I think I just got cancer
How are they so goddamn unfunny?
>Why is someone who screeches at anything that could possibly offend anyone stuck making bland "jokes" about airline food or whatever?
To ask is to answer.
When jokes are outlawed, only nazis will make jokes
>And she's clearly attracted to assholes or she wouldn't have devoted her entire career to studying us
This. I'm married, Whitney. Back the fuck off, you degenerate cunt.
It's like really really old boomers on the internet
You know, this is class warfare against us. On one side you've got us, free people, individuals, randomly posting random shit on whatever mood we happen to be in.
On the other side you've got stiffs from Oxford, Reuters, Yale and Harvard, Google and Facebook elite, Establishment Republicans and Democrats and so on, all using the most cutting edge science and psychological research to mold our opinions and reign in our behavior, manipulate our opinions and values, to secure their own dominance in society.
Goddamn they fucking suck, as people. They already have literally nearly all the money. They have nuclear weapons and armies and killer drones at their command. All that power but they can't sleep at night because they don't have total control over some random losers on Sup Forums.
>killing them would be doing them a favor desu.
thought crimes I mean information rebellion has no place in democracy you Russian!
These educated idiots who study Sup Forums never get to the important question - WHY does this place have the influence it does and not reddit or some other normie portal? They never even ask that, let alone begin trying to form an answer.
>Hello fellow anonymities, it is I, Ford Goros. I am cool and hip with your "interweb trolling". You should not be racist though, it's not cool. Be nice.
tfw Whitney's subjects are smarter than she is.
>University of Oxford
>Der Freitag (Germany's worst of the worst anti-German leftist papers)
How nice to see you can make a great career, by advocating for the destruction of your nation and replacement of your people. AND you can shill for multi-culturalism, socialism and diversity while being a sheltered upper class kid, too! YAY!
class warfare is a liberal meme sunny,
the upper eschelon pays about the same or higher in income tax which is progressive, and even though as a business they get cuts, it doesn't really matter when your individual earnings are high. most of that is loans taken out for the existence of certain companies that count toward their net income, and come off later as they pay it back.
facebook without any users? will be gone soon. they really aren't as powerful as we give them credit for. I mean maximum they probably have like, three cars and a 5 bedroom, and a small network of people who are working off of money from some other spam money and spam us their 2 cents and cross their fingers we aren't at least semi sentient beings who can notice them from miles away. all the while secretly hoping one of us is a girl so they can actually get laid for once in their lives.