Trumph in Tsugumomo, holy shit
Trumph in Tsugumomo, holy shit
Flute >>>>> Obi
This is fact
Is this another haremshit with battles or something?
>Trumph in Tsugumomo
What did he mean by this?
Yes, now go away
he was drawing the donald for a while
Yes it is, it isn't worth reading at all, so you can go now.
Will Kiriha ever return?
I hope not, she had a good run
Flute has to win, so Kiriha won't be coming back. Unless his mother comes back and Kiriha becomes her lesbian lover
Flute is starting to rub off on me (much like she'd like to rub off inside any female she can pin down)
That being said she has a long way to go to beat out Kiriha.
It's been said multiple times, don't fucking post the streaming links.
What program does he use to draw?
looks like clip studio paint to me
Comic Studio
Too late user. I got it bookmarked now.
you get cancer, crossboarders, and memes like op
Screenshot of Turanpo-san?
Because lurk the fuck moar. If you don't know why anons don't post streaming links for anything they do, you haven't been here long enough. Using "coz" tells me enough about you.
Tsugumomo threads truly are going to go to hell.
Why even make that post. you sound like the stereotypical bitchy gf
>if you dont know why im mad im not going to tell you
Also what do you think affects thread quality more: stream link or mods banning people posting images drawn by yoshikadu?
>Also what do you think affects thread quality more:
Well isnt everything just horrible for you. Try to hold back the tears so your family doesnt despair with you.
You have got to have some major brain damage to not understand the concept of lurk more. Take the time to figure out the standards of a community before waltzing in and acting like a retard if you don't want people to tell you to fuck off.
>I want you to do my bidding
>thats nice
And this continues forever I guess.
Thanks, I'll make sure to shit up the threads once the anime starts airing.
So you don't think that inviting "lul Trump XD" spammers to harass a manga artist is a dick move? Because "lul Trump XD" spammers harassed the artist after this thread was made.
While we at it
>So I am not going to be able to get raws for ch 94, my copy of Gekkan Action got destroyed in the post and I can't find another copy anywhere.
No new chapter scanlation untill someone scans it, or scanlation from Chinese scanlate.
>destroyed in the post
Sounds like a plot from my japanese animes.
>posting stream link into OP
gee its like you want this thread to be nuked
I bet hes happy about TPP getting dumped.
Everytime you mentioned TPP or new manga censorship laws Yoshikadu went on nuclear rant mode for several minutes.
>I got it bookmarked now
Most people just subscribe to the guys youtube you retard. Instant notifications, no hassle. Stop pretending like you just found some secret club or something.
You sound angry.
I am very jealous of his battlestation.
did you screencap?
How long do you think that will be?
>Mikage from Silver Spoon had TPP related questions on her entrance exam
As long as there's no raws? Maybe some nip will scan it again (months later), like before, but that's very unlikely. Or somebody who have this month Gekkan Action will scan it. Or after waiting a week or so, chinese scans/translation will be used. Who knows.
Damn, hope your shipping was insured at least.