Don't know if OC's are okay here, but I would like to have this done! I think a Father and his Nine year old Son Clothed might be okay. Can I requesting an Anime Edo Period Father and Son. The Father is in his mid-40's and is a bit chubby, and muscular, and the son is nine years old. I've also outlined the father's and son's hairstyles. Also, I would like the boy to have freckles, and they are wearing Edo Period Clothes. And colored please!
Lincoln Lewis
Requesting Mowgli and Baloo from The Jungle Book: Shonen Mowgli anime recreating a scene from the Disney version where they are floating down the river and Mowgli is siting on Baloo's stomach (and not singing "Bare Necessities"). Make sure Mowgli's is wearing his yellow loincloth, and has his ponytail and sideburns, and Full color please!
Liam Ward
Patchouli wearing a ribbed sweater with sweater puppies please.
Lincoln Price
Requesting Tomoko from Watamote as a Kokiri from Ocarina of time, and a fairy friend has finally come to her!
Cooper Gutierrez
Requesting Tomo and Carol dressed as Hinoka and Camilla respectively. If you feel like it, you can have Tomo being visibly jealous of Carol's boob window, as Hinoka's outfit can barely contain her chest.
Requesting Jibril twirling a lance while staring at the viewer with glowing eyes.
Anything else with a lance with a similar atmosphere would be perfectly fine too!
Adrian Flores
Requesting Mato Kuroi(OVA version), Black Rock Shooter and Rock from BRS: Innocent Soul meeting up for lunch at a Fast food restaurant where they all try eating one of those Black Bun Cheeseburgers together!
Requesting a parody of a skate magazine cover with Killua
Sebastian Jenkins
Requesting Riza playing fetch
Gabriel Long
Requesting wider-hipped Shutu/Zephyrmon
Owen Watson
Requesting Diego Brando and Funny Valentine in an extreme jousting duel with spears, on motorcycles (Ignore the knight armors in the ref)
Adrian Myers
Requesting the elections in Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku style
Carson Long
Requesting Mirai wearing winter clothes and a cat coat or hoodie
Justin Murphy
Requesting Koume fawning over a huge straight rockhard penis.
Benjamin Gomez
Post examples of
Juan Turner
Requesting finished version of this. A shieldbro version of "i dont even know this kid" with naofumi and raphtalia in sexy santa bikini. Daughters are not for lewd
Alexander White
Requesting Sara in winter clothing, like a big sweater
Isaiah King
Requesting Koyori from Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume performing the Shakunetsu Hadouken/pose like Akuma's (top right) while using a ping pong ball and paddle. Alternatively, with her back to the viewer with 楽しい in fiery text on the back of her shirt like Akuma (top left).
Requesting a 2 panel image. The first one having Aika (left) telling drawfags to stop drawing her in with gags and have them do Neena (right) instead. The second one having Neena lying on a couch in full view with her mouth taped shut with a disinterested/defeated look on her face. Bonus points if a third panel has Aika in the exact same manner with a "not this again" expression on her face.
Logan Jackson
Pass Unless you post a screencap with timestamp of you 1CCing a game she's featured in.
Gavin Morales
Requesting dumb girls. Dumb girls is my fetish.
Nathaniel Brooks
Requesting something involving Aho Girl.
Justin Jones
Requesting gag kissing between Elizabeth and Chiffon, bonus points if Charles (right) is included. Refs:
Hopefully. I'd like to see womb tattoos be more mainstream. It's nice to see neps doing it now
Hudson Lewis
Fuck off.
Jackson Adams
Liam Thomas
Zachary White
>I'll never get something like this with my waifu ;_;
Elijah Taylor
Benjamin King
It's a shitty spinoff f2p card game for psp. Also only shitty characters have womb tattoos, like nepgear, ram and some other girl nobody cares.
Cooper Martinez
Give it a rest with the same gifs Pancakes
Nicholas Kelly
What's your problem?
Leo Young
Its spoiled? I must've clicked the box by accident. Oh well. Yeah there's i think two neps now who have those, maybe more I don't keep up
Jordan Thompson
Are you ready~?
Christopher Hall
What's so special about it?
Kayden Smith
it has the same autistic sperg eith anger problems spamming it for the past few weeks that's pretty special
Caleb Morris
>f2p card game for psp >its an upcoming ps4 title Next time you try shitposting at least look up for facts
Hudson Gomez
Well, there's nothing astonishingly special about it but I love the hip swing and the slight boob jingling, I'm sure it would look great with my beloved.
Wait what? That's the first time I post this gif since I saved it.
Henry Myers
Requesting 2 ghosts lifting Teacher Ritsuko's mini skirt exposing her panties with an ashamed face like in the upper left image meanwhile Nube is watching with a crazy face like in the reference.
Very appreciate if both of her butt and crotch are being shown.
Jackson Sanders
Not patchy
Jace Bell
They're in 4go too i guess
Andrew Gutierrez
Brody Clark
The PS4 game is 4 goddesses online, not nepunepu connect.
Ayden Martin
Koshimizu Sachiko wearing anything skin tight saying "I'm still cute like this, right?" very smug.