When did Morrissey; Trump hating, jew loving, military/police hating, gay vegan become /ourguy/?

When did Morrissey; Trump hating, jew loving, military/police hating, gay vegan become /ourguy/?

>Okay, let's talk about multiculturalism. I want Germany to be German. I want France to be Frenh. If you try to make everything multicultural, you will not have any culture in the end. All European countries have fought for their identity for many, many years. And now they just throw it away. I think that's sad.

Other urls found in this thread:


SPIEGEL: What do you think about the situation in Germany?
Morrissey: Every second I ever spent in Germany was a privilege. Germany was a friend to me. I'm not very enthusiastic about the EU, but that's not important. But I do not want to be part of a German empire. And I do not think England should be part of a German empire.
SPIEGEL: Do you think the EU is a German Empire?
Morrissey: Yes. And so many people think. Maybe that's why people voted for Brexit. England could no longer make decisions without turning to Germany.
SPIEGEL: So you think Angela Merkel is the mother of Europe?
Morrissey: Well, she's smart enough not to say much. She stays silent, which is very interesting. But I'm sad that Berlin has become the rape capital.
SPIEGEL: Which one? Capital of the rape?
Morrissey: Yes, yes! Because of the open borders. Many people think that it was a mistake of Angela Merkel, that she said at the beginning: "Come, come here!" And then: "Yikes, yikes, not!"
SPIEGEL: So you are against taking in refugees?
Morrissey: Okay, let's talk about multiculturalism. I want Germany to be German. I want France to be French. If you try to make everything multicultural, you will not have any culture in the end. All European countries have fought for their identity for many, many years. And now they just throw it away. I think that's sad.

SPIEGEL: But you live in the US, which emerged in its current form because people came from everywhere.
Morrissey: Every single country has its history of revolutions and liberation. Other countries do not have your story. It's not easy to connect that. When people immigrate, they bring their religion and their customs with them and try to establish them. And there begins the confusion.
SPIEGEL: So you say everyone should stay where he is?
Morrissey: (laughs loudly) No. But I think every country should keep its identity. Millions of people hav died for German identity. If you think they deserve respect, you must protect their country

>SPIEGEL: So you say everyone should stay where he is?

>Morrissey: (laughs loudly) No. But I think every country should keep its identity. Millions of people hav died for German identity. If you think they deserve respect, you must protect their country.


A lot of the gay artist guys were like this. Bret Easton Ellis, Lou Reed, William Burroughs. They were really just so antisocial and weird that they became gay and attached it with a confrontational stance towards society, not like the media today treats it as this comfy positive thing.

I guess they're like anons who become gay since they don't want to deal with women.

>Morrissey: Well, she's smart enough not to say much. She stays silent, which is very interesting. But I'm sad that Berlin has become the rape capital.

>SPIEGEL: Which one? Capital of the rape?

>Morrissey: Yes, yes! Because of the open borders. Many people think that it was a mistake of Angela Merkel, that she said at the beginning: "Come, come here!" And then: "Yikes, yikes, not!"

SPIEGEL: Since we're in Hollywood, have you followed the debates about Harvey Weinstein , Kevin Spacey and #MeToo ?

Morrissey:To some extent, yes, but then it became a play. All at once everyone is guilty. Anyone who has ever said to someone else, "I like you," is suddenly being charged with sexual harassment. You have to put these things in the right relations. If I can not tell anyone that I like him, how should he ever know? Of course, there are extreme cases, rape is disgusting, every physical attack is repulsive. But we have to see it in relative terms. Otherwise, every person on this planet is guilty. We can not permanently decide from above what we are allowed to do and what we can not do. Because then we are all trapped. Some people are very awkward when it comes to romance anyway. They do not know what to do and then their behavior is aggressive.

SPIEGEL: What do you think about Spacey, one of the main characters in a movie, being replaced shortly before the start date?

Morrissey: I think that's ridiculous. As far as I know, he was in a bedroom with a 14-year-old. Kevin Spacey was 26 and boy 14 was wondering where the boy's parents were. One wonders if the boy did not know what could happen. I do not know about you, but I've never been in situations like this in my youth. Never. I always knew what could happen. When you are in somebody's bedroom, you have to be aware of where that can lead to. That's why it does not sound very credible to me. It seems to me Spacey has been unnecessarily attacked.

SPIEGEL: Should that also apply to the actresses who went to the hotel room with Weinstein ?

Morrissey: People know exactly what happens. And they play along. Afterward, they feel embarrassed, or they do not like it. And then they turn it around and say: I was attacked, I was surprised, I was dragged into the room. But if everything had gone well and had it given them a great career, they would not talk about it. I hate rape. I hate attacks. I hate sexual situations that are forced on someone. But in many cases, one looks at the circumstances and thinks that the person referred to as a victim is merely disappointed. Throughout the history of music and rock 'n' roll there have been musicians who have slept with their groupies. If you go through history, almost everyone is guilty of sleeping with minors.

SPIEGEL: David Bowie has deflowered a 15-year-old, according to the victims. Also a bagatelle?

Morrissey: That was absolutely normal then.

SPIEGEL: Have you ever been in such a situation?

Morrissey: No.

SPIEGEL: Neither on one side nor on the other?

Morrissey: No. Never, never, never.

>Trump hating

Yeah, I think there is a difference between the asexual asocial gays and the sex addicted freaks.


Anyways, love his music.

>All at once everyone is guilty. Anyone who has ever said to someone else, "I like you," is suddenly being charged with sexual harassment.

>People know exactly what happens. And they play along. Afterward, they feel embarrassed, or they do not like it. And then they turn it around and say: I was attacked, I was surprised, I was dragged into the room. But if everything had gone well and had it given them a great career, they would not talk about it.

He doesn't hate Trump, really. He respects populists and working-class voters.

he says it at the beginning of this interview for one. he hates trump as a person, but from a lot of his statements, agrees with some of his positions.

Link to the interview?


its under a paywall and in german

That's gay, I speak German though, so if you've got the text, post it. He's coming to a city near me next week and I really want to see him live, but I don't want to go alone.

I got it from here.


Half the fans there are hardcore SJWs, so there's a shitstorm starting.

He does. He hates Trump for deporting all those mexican fans of his. Also Moz is a labor supporter and a environmentalist shill. Regardless, he is still very based for btfo of roasties, chinks, and (((DJ's)))


Yeah, he does like those Mexicans, but at least he's not too vocal about it. The same working class he likes is the one that elected Trump, I wonder if he's conflicted, wish I could read the interview.

The problem is related to intelligence, not culture or race.
Europe is being flooded with stupid people, and this is a very dangerous situation.
Sperm donation eugenics can solve this problem, because genius sperm could be distributed to millions of people to give their offspring an intelligence boost.

The creator of the Mozpill has entered the thread.. I repeat the creator of the Mozpill has entered the thread... Ask me anything

>The problem is related to intelligence, not culture or race.

You're a fucking mentally retarded moron. Sending 10 million french people into Germany would have just as much of a cultural affect as a 10 million refugees. You are an idiot if you don't think this is ethnic and cultural. Honestly kill yourself you retarded HBD fuck.

How's his new album?

>'Cause there's always someone, somewhere
With a big nose, who knows
And who trips you up and laughs
When you fall
Who'll trip you up and laugh
When you fall

What did he mean by this?


Pretty decent.. Haven't listened to the whole thing yet.. Still nothing will ever compare to "Your arsenal"

>is a nationalist
>but also is a socialist

Drop those memes, son.

Rare moz


not /ourguy/

Yes sir


Fuck off cunt
Hitler didn't eat meat

plese dont meme him pol, im warning you you are crossing the line this time

he is your guy if you are le based kekistan man


>Always listens to The Smiths on his earphones, secretly hoping that a cute girl with similar tastes will overhear and notice him

haha lol he say thing i agree with he is now connect with me on spiritual level haha its just me and this millionare popstar against the world haha based!!

>Sending 10 million french people into Germany would have just as much of a cultural affect as a 10 million refugees
America was colonized by Europeans of every nationality, and we're doing fine.

>we may seem cold
>or we may even be
>the most depressing people you've ever known
>at heart, what's left, we sadly know
>that we are the last truly British people you'll ever know
>we are the last truly British people you will ever know

Newfag we memed him like a year ago.. Morrissey is established as /ourgoy/ Just look in the archive

Yeah, but America isn't Germany you retard
>America is doing fine
fucking mental midget.

haha he say thing i likee normally i would not make thread about someone normal that i agree with but in this case it is a whiny faggot so if i make it sound like i enjoy his music people will think im depressed and mysterious haha baseed i always loved this dudes music i always have really

>In 2010, during an interview with Simon Armitage, he said "[y]ou can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies" due to their "horrific" treatment of animals.[306]

Chinks BTFO

>However, he goes too far when he negatively discusses his former business manager/ friend in Los Angeles, and ends with the dismissive reference to "Israelites". I was taken aback by this word choice. Morrissey's snide attack is clearly made against Jews, in a context of alleged financial greed and dishonesty, that is simply unacceptable.

He knows


A rush and a push and the land that
We stand on is ours
It has been before
So it shall be again
And people who are uglier than you and I
They take what they need, and just leave

listen here newfag being here 2 years doesnt make you an elder. also morrisey's solo career sucks lol what a whiny faggot he is nothing without his band's instrumentals

hehe i quote song lyricss i am very deep and mysterious haha can someone please notice that i am posting poetic song lyrics this makes me dark and cool right guys haha also check my tumblr page where i talk about the beauty of such lyrics lol there are very few actual rolemodels in my generation so i have to idolize a soy vegan fag haha did i mention im also REALLY POETIC AND DARK PLEASE NOTICE GUYS IM POSTING SONG LYRICS PLEASE NOTICE HOLY FUCK IM POSTING SONG LYRICS PLEASE NOTICE AND TALK ABOUT HOW BEAUTIFUL THEY ARE EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE NUMBER 1 ON THE BILLBOARD IN UK THEY ARE STILL TOTALLY OBSCURE GUYS HAHA NO NORMIES KNOW ABOUT THIS BAND FOR SURE!!!!!!! SHADILAY MY FELLOW REDDITOR

>morrisey's solo career sucks lol
Fuck off cunt. Morrissey was the smiths.

absolute nonsense.
par for the course for a shartinmart

You type like an autistic cunt.

>le 56% face


He is just a redditor LARPing as an oldfag... Sad

>talking about being a newfag
>makes posts like this


pseudo intellectual 15 year old general

im just mad about you dumb soy fucks meming everything

>america, your head's too big
>because, America,
>your belly's too big
>and I love you, I just wish you'd stay where you is


Moz has always been /ourguy/

He used to hang out with skinheads

It's because as far as political spectrums go, he is a hard Left. But he happens to disagree on ONE thing and suddenly he gets painted as a 'radical' and a 'nazi'

They keep pushing and pushing more people out of the left until the definition of who is a 'Liberal' is more and more narrow, while the dividing line between the two sides widens.Leaving the most reasonable from the party in the middle of the two, out in the cold.

Less and less people are considered a 'liberal' even by themselves because of things like this. This guy has a meaningful point to make, with his party's well being as his overall intentions and they just shit all over him and banish him from their party.

There really is no tolerance left in that party. Every day it looks more and more like a cult.


>Oy vey you goys need to stop memeing everything
Just please gtfo.. Morrissey will always be the music that binds Sup Forums together..


Morrisy confirmed gay paedophile.



>lol this board is an afterschool club they are all my friend hehe hey fellow Sup Forumsacks listen to this killer track! booyah wasnt that superb lets go do some rebellious stuff with our rebellious opinions teehee! we're listening to morrisey because we actually like his music, not because hes right wing!

Fuck off

What I find interesting is that people who are financially independent or their career is already finished tend to have less "liberal" opinions.

look mom ive listened to like 8 of morriseys songs im a real fan now. wow i can believe that 4 months ago i didnt evne know who this guy was thats crazy!!!! well off to go quote some more lines from his songs to keep up my pseudo intellectual persona!

he is just sad about everything, thats his job

you tards do realize morrissey would be against you acting autistic and using his songs for your agenda right? im sure you think that morrissey is your soulmate or something now but if you were to wave at him on the street he wouldnt so much as even glance at you.

Considering that people used to set each other's neighborhoods on fire London before brown people came, I would say that you're full of shit.

I called him a gay paedophile. Him excusing spacey for trying to fuck a 14 year old indicates he is a sick faggot.

Also you are incredibly butthurt and it's funny.

I quite agree. It's also just about being old school. People from his generation, my generation--we weren't brainwashed like the younger generations of today were. Even the liberals amongst us older folks, are usually somewhat based and redpilled, a good example being the late George Carlin. We are old school. We get it about culture and identity and we see where shit went wrong. The problem is that the enemy did such a good job and took things into overdrive starting about thirty years ago. It's brainwashing. Not some genuine belief set out there. People are literally, actually brainwashed to believe complete shit. Look at RINOs and cuckservatives--normal people, I mean, not politicians, they're just bought and sold at any age, it's always been so. But normal folks, the brainwashing's infected everyone across the political spectrum in most all people under, say, 35 or so.

Morrissey stated one of the central truths of being old school beautifully when he pointed out "if you try to make everything multicultural, you will not have any culture in the end." This is something everybody knows, instinctively, deep down. (((They))) and their minions and allies have tried to beat this out of everyone via conditioning, social pressure and brainwashing for decades now. But we still feel it, we still know it, we recognize the wrongness of the propaganda. This cognitive dissonance and the pain and disturbance it causes are behind a lot of the violence and turbulence in the world today.

"I am the son and heir of nothing in particular"

Just shut the fuck up.. You are clearly F A T

Here is a song about (((Them)))

youre not wrong, the cunts in this thread didnt even know or care who he was until they heard "holy shit he's one of us based!111". im never going to buy vinyl of morrissey because his solo career sucks ass without marr's guitar work backing it up. now goodbye pol and someday i hope you consider the fact that treating celebrities like politicians was against morrissey's principles. kill yourselves.

>morrisey's solo career sucks lol what a whiny faggot he is nothing without his band's instrumentals
how much blatant ignorance can you fit in one post?

Maybe you should try being less of a sad cunt.

I respect his words on Multiculturalism especially how alienating that can become because anyone who speaks against Multiculturalism and is white gets almost immediately written off as a Nazi.

But the music is fucking gay and you're a huge Soy Boy if you actually enjoy it.

t. Robert Smith

>But the music is fucking gay and you're a huge Soy Boy if you actually enjoy it.
What should I listen to instead?

>his solo career sucks ass without marr's guitar work
Only a fucking pleb would say that shit

I started one of the first Morrissey threads a long time ago.. I never expected to have it take off, but it did. It helps that Moz is an English nationalist, but the fact is.. He speaks to a lot of us.. He understands what it feels like to be alone, to not belong, to strive to be a part of something that is being destroyed. I don't understand what your problem is... You clearly weren't aware of how many of your fellow anons were MozPilled.. You are almost being very subversive, but whatever


Also Marr is really good, but he isn't all he is cracked up to be. He is not very technical, It doesn't take much to play like him

It's a compost heap. They keep throwing shit on us but the deeper it gets the more pressure builds, then the fire starts...

My sides

I hope the Aryan dude who met Morrissey back in the 90s and has a foto with him posts in this thread... It has been a long time brother


>captcha: CHURCH road


You need to listen to Tyrone dawg.. Its the only way forward

It must hurt so fucking bad to lose Morisey lol

wut? gosh I'm so hungry

based moz

I've been shitposting this for weeks now and nobodies batted an eyelid. His new album came out last night and it's political as fuck, very rightwing. Lots of anti-immigration, anti-Muslim stances etc.

Moz is a fucking legend.

Dude has always been ours.
This song will wring through the streets during the day of the rope


Hail victory Irish brother!

>I really want to see him live, but I don't want to go alone

You could meet somebody who really loves you. Go and stand on your own, and leave on your own. And go home and cry and want to die.

this is a review he wrote in the 70's... he actually uses the word degenerate hahaha

one day we'll be hanging degenerates together brother

>jew loving

Bump for the eternal angst of one Morrissey.

If you've lost Morrissey, you've lost the war. Fuck you #AntiFA!

If you are still here.. Go man.. If you don't you will regret it. I have been to so many concerts by myself and it sucks, but is better than missing it.

I wish I had a chance to see him, but he isn't coming to Florida