Non-degen movies / TV-shows

Are there any movies and TV shows (non-weeb) that convey non-degenerate messages today, Sup Forums? That don't feel the need to shove a gratuitous sex scene at you every 5 minutes, like HBO?

The only one I can think of is Juno. And even that's kind of degenerate because even though she doesn't abort the baby, she doesn't raise it herself either.

So here's the challenge, Sup Forums: find me a movie or TV show made after 2000 that isn't degenerate in some way.

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Orville is comfy. Casual drug use, but it is the future so what they're using is being regulated by a computer.

TV is degenerate anyway.
Apply yourself to a non-degenerate and productive hobby, like pure mathematics or learning computer design.


Literally the best show ever made or that ever will be made.



The Sopranos

It was truly a different time.

I agree. Lmfao when that woman dropped the tnt a little too hard and blew herself sky high... good times

Thor was pretty good

The Crown.

In the real world there are women and children and adults who aren't autists, and it would be nice for them to have non-degenerate forms of entertainment. The arts and entertainment have been a part of human civilization since it began. You are literally the puritan puritan standing outside Shakespeare's Rose condemning it as a den of iniquity.


it was pretty good at outing the many flaws of the Catholic Church

Turn off the jew-box, faggot.

Halt and Catch Fire. Occasional drug use, PG-13 sex scenes, etc. but not not sensationalist about it. Wholesome television drama.

"like pure mathematics" you absolute clown

Man vs wild.

>pure mathematics or learning computer design.

Stop pretending you do linear algebra as a hobby you brainlet

That scene pissed me off. GRRM went to lengths in the first book describing how wet and ready her 13 y/o cunny was. It was not rape.

I am sure the TV series will be chalk full of multiculturalism/degeneracy though

I don't know man. Read up about surrogate mothers, that's the least degenerate shit. They are some of the most loving people in existence. It'll bring a tear to even the most heartless when surrogates talk about how happy they are to birth children for parents who can't; how their faces light up holding their kid for the first time.
The only time its degenerate is when they give the kid to faggots.

Actually Juno was degenerate because she gave it to a single mother.


What's wrong with math you stupid cunt?


>pure mathematics or learning computer design.

You know, Your typical hobbies, this is the most autistic thing ever written on here, that is quite the achievement. Have a limited edition pepe to mark this occasion.

post the webmd of the sex scene

Just because you are a dimwit doesn't mean other people can't enjoy learning.


Soyboy UFC

motu patlu

I actually think your autistic now.

House M.D is actually quite good.

THIS. Other than that, keep the Jew Box off. Buy the Sopranos on BluRay.

For non-degenerate shows you probably just want old shit, actually a lot of shows that were on USA weren't that bad

Old wholesome stuff
Andy Griffith
Gilligans island

Recent stuff
The Last Man standing

Does Mad Men qualify? I only saw the first 6 episodes. Cheating is bad, family is good, capitalism is a necessary evil, the pill leads to promiscuity.

The Young Pope, but you unironically need a high IQ to appreciate it

My favorite show in the last 3 years has been TBS's Wrecked - very funny (kinda of like a parody to Lost). If you have not seen it, I would encourage you to check it out.

Prepare for Galadriel to be an obese sheboon

Then at least one autist in the world could kick your ass you weak faggot.

That episode is pure comedy

The Colony
White family live under alien-controlled puppet regime.


>So here's the challenge, Sup Forums: find me a movie or TV show made after 2000 that isn't degenerate in some way.
Definitely not from a Jewish industry, but Asia still makes good movies

twin peaks. like 2 niggers in minor roles the entire show, and makes drug users/criminal scum look bad. also lynch treats women more how they should be treated compared to the other rapists and murderers in hollywood but not harshly enough. i dont recall seeing a single beaner on that show but i could be wrong. mostly white fbi, police, etc..some good values upheld in bits. also eddie vedder wrote a song about an important part of the series that i wont spoil but it turns out cooperfags were btfo

Watch Moon. Made in 2009. Basically a cool sci find movie that deals with some ethical dilemmas (don't want to spoil too much). But no sex or drugs, some ethics to ponder regarding AI and other issues. Of course it's hard to have anything too degenerate when it's practically Sam Rockwell: the One Man Show.

Of course, on the other hand, Spacey voices pic related so there's your IRL degeneracy

Foreigners move into small town. They murder and steal to the villager's jobs.
A few villagers try to stop them, and warn the rest of the villagers, but they get blown off.
More and more people die until finally the few villagers fighting back figure a way to expose the invaders.
Once this happens the villagers come together and kill all the invaders.
Red pilled and shows people only wake up until things are too late/almost too late.

Is it actually a good show though?

This 100%.

I was going to say survivor but even that shows gone to SJW shit

Even the books are going SJW shit.
There is no running anymore.No place left to run to.Its the main reason why people are waking up.

Currently watching Last Kingdom, pretty good IMO, haven't found reason to complain. Can't remember ever seeing a negro or whatever in this show. There is some talk of the king who aims to unite England as a country of Saxons and Danes, but they keep bashing each others' skulls in, so all is well, other than that, no multiculti at all.

I tried watching westworld but stopped. Was that the biggest big brain nigga pozzed show ever? I quit watching.

I like stranger things, but I won't watch the second season. Sometimes I want some good thinking entertainment after a hard week. It's becoming more and more rare.
Strikeback was pretty patrician if you neglect what they're operating for.

For a non degenerate hobby just browse Sup Forums

Yeah one good thing about books however is we have hundreds of years of literature to go back through

This seems kind of crazy. But if you actually turn your TV off, you would be surprised at how much time you have. You also start looking for interesting ways to fill that time. You very well might find yourself working out some math problems.

Boondock saints was pretty redpilled


Never get tired of wtaching that masterpiece - LOTR truly one of our movies.

Breaking bad was pretty redpilled, a man doing everything for his family. That's how it should be.

Not perfect but a good 90s style sitcom. Tim also names George Soros in season 2.

It's feminist as hell though.

Old books that are entertaining are rare.
Back then,books were written to teach you.
Only the youth-literature was meant to be somewhat entertaining.
Nowadays,locked in the squirrels wheel,people just want to unwind,they cant bear to try and understand the meaning of what Seneca is babbling about,for instance.

Legal High

More then you think.

Some of us are educated adults and we do all our brain work at work. Everyone at my lab watches TV, even the unmarried autismos.

What was the context of that? In what way was George Soros mentioned? And... how was that even allowed by Hollywood?

The Lord of the rings trilogy.

You know that's right

I just watched 'The Great Outdoors' last night. Hadn't seen it in years. It's a good wholesome comedy, even though they say a few naughty words. John Candy at his best and Dan Aykroyd before he became all SJW and shit.

Can't remember too clearly but it was something like 'we can thank George Soros and his liberal agenda for that' or something along those lines, haven't seen that episode in a while now. I think it was allowed because season two was 2013, Soros wasn't a huge name back then and the migrant crisis wasn't as huge. Lastly the show was recently canceled under dubious reasoning.

Are u kidding? The most long and drawn out crap with a terrible ending. Also the sex is degenerate

What? Are you kidding? There is not one woman with power, and not one that bests the male cast in anything. Unless you want to see them literally reduced to fucktoys with zero screentime, this is as good as it gets. Compare that to GoT, which literally has Arya being better in boy stuff than the boys in the first minute of the first episode. If Last Kingdom is "feminist as hell", what the fuck is such drivel then?
I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to this, but this is just autistic.

Last man standing


literally redpill: the show

the ending is perfect

Moon was a great movie very underrated.


Westworld was great you should have kept watching.

Yall fucking up. Film and tv is degenerate. Period. Like user said, turn the jew box off

kills a lot of spics and a nigger also.

I watch it every year over the Xmas break, such a comfy movie during winter.

Jeez, I wonder why it was cancelled?

this is a top tier episode


Television is pure cancer so are most movies and internet content just be glad you got to enjoy the world before it's gone.

Forged in Fire.

Sure thing m8

Agreed. However I prefer computer programming. Also I find YouTube to be far more informative than TV. On TV you have news stations that are constantly trying to push their feminism/sjw idiocracy.

Not him but really? It was pretty fucked up how they could just rape everybody and it was basically encouraged. I stopped watching because it seemed pretty amoral

Mel Gibson Movies. He is Sup Forums level redpilled

the dark knight

>pure mathematics

not everyone is actually autistic, user

The only "non degenerate" movie you can think of is about a pregnant teenager who fucks a married man? Fuck off.

I forgot the exact reason (((they))) said it was cancelled but it was one of the networks most popular shows.

I think it was because Tim Allen pissed them off because he's not an ultra lib fag IRL and actually similar to his character

Plus 1 except for him getting cucked.

Bosch is breddy gud for some gritty crime drama - reminded me a bit of Hill Street Blues.. Big mouth is breddy fuggin funny.

No Country For Old Men

i second bosch as being pretty good
if you want tv series with standards you cant really find much in hollyweird
it seems like the powers that promote degeneracy are too powerfull
if you look for example to other countries without (((their))) influence you see a massive difference
for example look at south korean drama shows, everything from comedy, to fantasy, to period dramas, romantic dramas, etc.... pretty much all genres, but the industry is christian and buddhist and has standards that are unseen in hollyweird
the shows always promote doing the right thing and have almost none of the sexual deviant stuff seen in western shows produced by (((them)))

Raimi’s Spider-Man

Gran Torino
Best movie for our times.

math reveals the beauty of the world around us, applied and pure.

Bosch is good, it feels very mature without being gratuitous in any way. Movie wise, No Country For Old Men is a near perfect film in my opinion.