Why can't white people cook?
Why can't white people cook?
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Same reason black people can't stop getting arrested.
most top chefs are white.
That's what the slaves were for
White people never ate rotting meat like niggers and Indians, so we never had to overspice our food to hide the shit taste.
Basically, it's because we're civilized.
>white people cant cook
>black people cant stop eating colonel sanders
Most top chefs in the world are white
Thanksgiving with niggers is nothing but shrieking sows because all the men are in jail.
I put this shit on everything I eat and Im like 56% white
White people literally conquered other Civilizations for spices
Last time I checked France had better cuisine than Sudan.
Name one black chef nigger
>ooga booga I likes me da hot sauce
>Ching chow I loves the vinegar
Fuck off
The white people cooking trope is very puzzling, then again a lot of blacks aren't intelligent enough to see why it doesn't make sense.
Most top chefs are white, the "best" western food is largely considered to be french cuisine. That's white.
And aren't blacks in the US facing massive health problems because they get most of their sustenance from overly processed foods like frozen meals, chips, canned stuff, and fast food? I guess I would have a skewed interpretation of what good food is and who eats/creates it if my idea of a nice restaurant was an Outback Steakhouse.
>>the hot spice niggers like so much was introduced to hide the taste of old rotten food
>>nigger spices are there to mask the poor flavour of their poor man food
>>niggers claim white man's food has no flavour whereas with white food you can actually taste everything
>>niggers just taste fire in their mouth as they eat shit and claim its good food
>>the intelligence of blacks
this meme is stupid but completely harmless, if get offended by this shit you might want to reign yourself back in before you fall off the end of the political spectrum
and man
>not using nasal napalm
sa ge nigger slide threads
>Le enlightened centrist checking in!
It’s a meme dude. They don’t have much else to celebrate so they lie to themselves.
Good point
Where did the meme even come from? Niggers can't cook you expect me to believe whites are worse?
Daddy did the best he could do, what did your da... Oh wait, he is in jail
The OP is obviously baiting, but your post is just fucking stupid.
Cunt, I'm 'Cracker White' and outcook and bitchtard you bring my way. I don't need no 'approved recipes' to 'guide me', my Cracker Grandma taught me ALL of the ways of puttin' grub on da table for ALL da peeps.
ANYone can cook from a box.
It takes a great Cracker to cook from the land.
Fuck off dumbtard.
Whites and Asians can cook. All top chefs are white, and blacks can't even compete.
>traditional Ethiopian cuisine pic related
>Post's the marble sex
Oh user you rascal.
>fall off the end
Too bad you can't, since there's nothing there but the wall!
> Black who can't cook detected
hot spice was literally introduced to hide the taste of spoiled poor man food, if you are offended you might be a nignog
You type like a nigger though. You're the kind of white I wish didn't exist. You bring us all down.
but there is no p-. well done friend
Tweet this at them and enjoy the salt.
This so much. Yeah, a lot of white people have no idea how to cook, but historically white people literally committed genocide in the name of spicy food.
Why do black people keep saying this shit when they constantly go to KFC?
What the hell do nigs n spics have on thanks giving? spicy fried chicken and hot tomales?
Most niggers in Africa don't even cook their meat, so if niggers can cook, why don't they do it?
>black person who cannot actually cook detected
stay mad
Do niggers tell this "joke" every year?
We can and do you idiot
All nigger food is just low class white people food btw
Negros think that dumping hot sauce on everything is cooking.
Is this some weird American thing? Have you ever heard of Europe (pre-takeover, when there were white people there)?
not true. I've been to Lousiana, soul food is actually pretty good.
There's a reason its always the "French" culinary school. Its because white people invented almost everything used in modern cuisine/restaurants.
How many Michelin star restaurants do niggers have?
Because we are selling drugs and murdering each other? Thats the fucking reason we can't cook?!
If I knew who said fpbp to you I'd smack the shit out of them.
>make fun of whites for not seasoning food
>have higest rates of hypertension and heart disease in the nation.
Yeah, fuck wypipo
>black """cooking"""
don't fret dude it's just bantz, we know most Sup Forums darkies are honorary
Welfare cheese
Well this -1% face is about to smoke a delicious 20lb bird next week. I bet drumph eats his bird BOILED!
American nigger food is just grease, meat and breadcrumbs.
Mexican food is just salsa, cheese, dysentery and tortilla wraps prepared in three or four different ways.
Whites are just about the only ethnic group in America who are able to cook.
calm down mah nigga yoooo what the fuck
White people literally found a 2 new continents trying to acquire spices for their food
How will WYPIPO ever recover from this epic stumping??!
Stupid white people with their stunted palates. Don't they know that every food should taste like hot sauce?
EBT card ran out, didn't it?
90% of top chefs are white
Because 'fine cuisine' is one of the last bastions of culture white people have to have remained unscathed through all of this shitstorm. White people will cook the living soul right into you. We know where it's at and you all are just mad jelly.
do niggers actually think they can cook better? who do they think started thanksgiving dinners? the funny thing is is black people are much more likely to buy premade shit
desu the only food I actively avoid is pajeet's
White people food you enjoy it sit back watch TV and that's it and the day black people food you eat it you enjoy it for a few seconds and then it gives you an gastric attack so bad that they send u to the hospital
>smacks lips
Something something oppressive white power structures.
something something institutionalized racism
The best chefs in the world are white though.
1 post by this sage
Never understood this spice thing. I have like 100+ spices on hand at any given time. My parents have a giant pantry with probably 2-3 times that many spices. We're not chefs.
Its Better to eat plain food than to starve to death,like niggers
>enslave and conquer whole world for spices
>can't cook
it's just that niggers can't taste shit, so they have to ruin every food they make
White people can cook, your basic bitch who is hungry for black dick can't
Traditional nigger food is other niggers.
Proof that Sup Forums can't take a joke.
He's saying that white people ate rotting meat, too. We even did it up until relatively recently. Fucking leafs, I swear to god
>using spice to hide the flavour of the food, rendering it essentially tasteless
the only acceptable spices are cinnamon for deserts, and black pepper for all else
don't forget that when grandmas heart can no longer pump blood through her clogged arteries the whole clique will be there at the hospital, jamaqounidishan will be playing explicit rap music at full volume on his metropcs android phone, mother shaniqua will be screaming at the top of her lungs
>white people conquered the world for spice
>white people don't like spice
lol okay
Niggers would drown in water 8oz deep.
t. нeгp
I’ve taken plenty of black culture before.
i would say that he was joking too but he's just stating facts. how unfortunate for you
Except the notion that white people never spiced their slightly off meat to mask the flavor is completely incorrect.
Lmao, this is still not as bad as this meme.
>Oh wait, it's not a meme. It's reality.
So much this.
You haven't lived till you've tried Belgian hot chocolate in the middle of winter.
>can't afford good meat but can afford spices which are historically way more expensive
t. brainlet
Why cant niggers be civil?
This has to be a meme for White People in the North, Mid-West, and Western part of the country, because down South I've never seen any unseasoned turkey or food anywhere.
>lmfao wypipo cant cook or dance XD
this is the best niglets can come up with
I have no problems with burgers but the fact that your bbq glazing shit is all over now really tickles my almonds. Only Americans could have invented barbecuing on gas. Maybe Bongs. We hold you in equal low regards when it comes to cuisine.
Top kek
Why are black memes so weak? They're often about white people and they're usually along the lines of "The chicken ain't spicy enough xDD" is this the best they got?
only poor retarded white people there nignog
I bet non-whites can not even say seasoning from spice.
Some how to blacks they have associated anglo cooking with all whites.
I’ve always assumed that it was the result of the obesity epidemic among blacks. It’s as if they can’t comprehend food that isn’t salted beyond recognition and drowned in butter and oil.
They are just jealous because whites have families
>>hot spice has not been expensive in the last 150 years, aka the time that nignogs started eating that shit
>>the intelligence of fellow leafs
Don't forget deep fried user, if it's not deep fried it's not food to blacks.
Thats fucking retarded, how would "poor people who ate rotting meat" afford spice? Before fridges you kept the meat alive by keeping the animal alive until you needed to eat it, whatever you didnt eat immediately you salted and dried.