Besides Niggerdelphia would you say it's okay?
Opinions on Pennsylvania?
That place sucks worse then LA.. also smells worse then New Jersey no disagreement from me DILLY DILLY
Rural PA is still based, state is like 99% red by landmass, vote just gets carried by the cities.
But at the end of the day its 2017 and PA is a goddamn red state thanks to Trump
Philly is a nog wasteland.
Pittsburgh is still pretty based except for the cucks in the core.
Erie is a fucking wasteland during the winter time. Seriously don't live in Erie unless you fucking hate yourself
Pennsylvania is one of the most based states in the nation. Philadelphia and (especially) Pittsburgh are also leagues above any East or West Coast city if you like seeing white people in your cities every now and again.
I live in L.A. I would give ANYTHING to live in Pennsylvania. Might move there some day desu.
It's my third favorite state after my own and Virginia
Thanks faggots
Traffic in the suburbs of filthadullphia--especially the older suburbs with hills and windy, thin streets/roads--is HORRIBLE. Enough to take years from your life. Totally not worth living there.
The best state in the world. irwin is super comfy and upmc is sweet as fuck to work for.
Oh boy, a Pennsylvania thread I didn't make!
Lived in Erie for two years. Actually thought of killing myself. The nonstop snow, druggies, and overall gloom and depressing atmosphere.
Michigans greatest ally
Have they finished the construction on Shuylkill?
And this
PA is the best state in the universe, if it wasn't for Philly and south eastern PA we'd be a white utopia
610 reporting
Last semester at Penn State
Wrong pic
who here /real pennsylvanian/
Philly is fucking garbage
Lancaster county (not city) is very nice.
PA has two seasons. Winter, and road construction.
>Wawa not top tier
neck yourself, faggot
Bucks County checking in.
Fuck New Jersey and fuck New York
Wawa charges 1.50 for arizona iced teas, as far as I'm concerned it's shit tier.
Leave our roads out of this
Sheetz fag detected
The construction never stops, comrade.
Pittsburgh is better than Cleveland. That's about all I can say about that.
>top tier
niggerdelphian detected
My brother.
Pennsylvania is rust belt state whether ya' like it or not.
I live near a gaint steel mill that got turned into a casino recently, when I look at it it's like looking at a 200 year tree getting chopped down.
Any Pa Kommando's
Before philly / after philly
>Muh Bethlehem steel
>Muh sands casino
I'm about 5 minutes from you friendo.
>tfw stuck between wilkes-barre and scranton. Fucking beaners and niggers need to go. It's bad enough there's a million heroin addicts but every year more spics and niggers move in.
Fucking get out already.
Hi neighbor.
Atleast it dumps tourists out into south bethlehem to spend cash, that shit show needs it.
Hopefully none of them realize Easton is just a better bethlehem.
sorry to hear you're white trash
Resident of Baltimore here, fuck the Steelers
Where you?
Yeah I'm a bit south of Wilkes-Barre and Scranton about an hour down 81, and that used to be a white Utopia, but niggers and spics are infesting the rural areas the last so many years. It is fucking heartbreaking to see minorities moving in.
Is PA a good place to live innawoods?
I want to live in a secluded area and be somewhat self sufficient.
You niggers need to step up to the best beer reviews in the state
Black people are ruining the rural bits of eastern PA.
Why are blacks so disappointing Sup Forums? They don't decorate for the holidays, they don't take care of their lawns and they cover everything with litter.
I just want them to not be so shit all the time.
CB West '09
Philly is actually based -- if you're into unions. Their nigger DA was a pretty decent prosecutor: measured, professional, put a lot of scummy pols into orange jumpers. But he forgot to contribute to someone's campaign so they nailed him for corruption. LMAO.
Western Pennsy is deep redneck country. They love to fight and argue and say "yinz" instead of the Irish "you-ones" the complement to "us ones".
Northern Pennsylvania is part of New England. Not kidding! Hi WASP content, site of "Yankee Pennamite War."
Main Line was once rich Episcopalians now invaded by Irish Catholics and Jews from Philly and Jersey.
Chester Co is horsey country with plentious old wealth.
NEPA has a League of Nations component left over from Ellis Island days. But it also has a large if lower caste WASP population.
Central Pennsylvania piedmont is home to the Dutchies, Pennsylvania Deutsch that is to say, "germans" who like to call us honkey via "Hung-ary." They really don't like Hungarians and the Anglische are just too huyite to be Dutchies.
Politicians are corrupt but approachable. You do not fear much for your life. Cops are pretty good but tickets expensive. Cost of living is okay except in greater Philly metro which is $$$$. Taxes are generally low. Most Pennsylvanians were born there, to Pennsylvania native parents.
Wots not to like?
/k/ommando here
Virginian here. My grandfather was born in Washington, just outside of Pittsburgh. My family used to take road trips across the state and I must say, it's beauty is astonishing. I love it.
Mighty kind of you.
Western PA here. Spot on.
Philadelphia is absolute shithole that peaked in the 1930s. Totally overrun with niggers and white faggots.
If you like your Mexicans with mestizo bastards by the blondes, it's nice.
Fuckin WaWa? Who needs anything else when youv'e got WaWa? Phaggots gotta phag.
This. Shitz fags need to fuck off.
I live in Philadelpia, the local whites are based, but the new millennials who are moving in are ultra progressives.
Was living 10 minutes away from where this happened over the summer. Shit was scary because these guys just disappeared so people assumed it was some kind of serial killer.
Get rid of Philly and it's one of the best in the Union. Philly is a corrupt shit hole.
Nice LTC you've got there. Behind the M9 knockoff.
Well there's this really crazy
pawn-shop on the corner in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
This always made me laugh.
Fuck you faggot it wasnt our idea to let them in. fuck we burned out more than I can count. Blame William Jefferson who shoved them down our throats just to see us choke of htem.
FFS whats up with fukcing captcha???
This kills the reddit
Nigs know their place and don't leave, mainly. Lots of faggots and hipsters but they are confined toa few blocks along queen street and west phiily/univ city. Italian South philly is super based.
It’s great but shits about to hit the fan in the civil war between Sheetz customers and Wawa customers
I graduated South in 08. KEK
I live in Pennsylvania, it's nice if you avoid everyone. The people living here are such fucking assholes it's unbelievable. You have someone with the attitude of some kike living in New York City, but they wear faded blue jeans with holes, a Harley shirt, beat-up workboots and a NASCAR ballcap. That's not even mentioning the wallet chain and cellphone holster on a belt. The fucking attitude is what gets me the most, most people just have this look on their face like they're looking for trouble or want to start some shit for no fucking reason. Everyone thinks that they are some tough guy or a bad bitch, but when you get into a confrontation with them out comes the cellphone to dial the police.
Fucking heroin is becoming a huge problem, and neighborhoods that used to look nice are now flooded with niggers/spic hybrids and junkies that think they are hot shit. The roads are never paved, the sidewalks look like shit, everything has this gray feeling to it like it's covered in a layer of soot. Everyone thinks they are country and drives around with rebel flags on their jeep wranglers, puts those stupid fishing hooks in their ballcaps, talk with a faux southern accent while chewing dip, listens to pop-country and wears that walmart hunting camo. I have no problem with country people or southern culture, but these people are not. Plus that fake look combined with the asshole New York attitude.
Nah, I'd say the 50s did it once the Democrats took over the city for good.
Pretty much this. Millennials are ruining what little this city still has going for it
t. NE Philly fag
This desu.
>live in Philly
Sometimes it is suffering, other times completely based.
Both sides of my family set up shop all over the state. I couldn't imagine living elsewhere
I met some roastie from Pennsylvania who claimed she'd been sexually abused by her teachers or something, it was only a matter of weeks before she falsely accused me of being a child predator and I ended up getting banned from the IRC server.
Are there lots of crazy roasties like this there?
Bucks county is arguably one of the most /Comfy/ places to live in the USA.
South bethlehem checking in. Spics everywhere, but at least its not allentown.
Captcha: "road closerie" its a PA thread all right
717 checking in. Someone save us.
The urban sprawl is getting to be an issue though.
Sure, no more or less than anywhere else on the East Coast. Especially in affluent suburban areas. Don't feel bad she's probably an opiate addicted whore now.
Yeah every time I head back it gets more and more developed. It's strange to see the roads with fresh pavement. When I grew up there road repair happened once every decade.
717 here too. York.