Did Sandy hook

Actually happen?

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i remember spending a lot of time trying to figure it out.

I was left with more questions than answers. Kinda like 9/11

We need to remove question marks from the English language at this point! OY VEY!

Sick of having to "debunk" this picture.
The reason why she was shown in the explosion one is because she was related to a victim.

You realize that's fake, right?

you're an idiot for even considering the official narrative.

>Sandy Hook is bullshit
>Las Vegas is bullshit
>Charleston is bullshit
>9-11 is bullshit
>Vietnam is bullshit
>WW2 is bullshit (except for Japan (((attacking)))
>WW1 is bullshit
Somebody has got do something about these God Damn kikes!

I watched several documentaries on this. The Parker family (husband and wife) who supposedly lost their daughter get on the MSM 3 days later telling us how they overcame their emotions due to strength.

They looked like they were about to light their chimney and pour wine in celebration of assault rifles being banned. And they were not grieving at all.

>6 suspects, some in camo, when Adam Lanza supposedly shot up the school.
>Heavily photoshopped family images.
>Loads more.

In the end, I felt that this was 100% a Rosemary's Baby community project with help from the intelligence agencies. Newtown is a hotbed for CIA operatives. 100% cult satanism.

Type: Sandy Hook conpiracy documentary in youtube.

I think they mix fakery and fuckery into these False Flags, to really screw with the Goyims mind.

So the Shootings might be real, but then they use crisis actors to sell their Gun Ban agenda, and control the narrative.

Sneaky bastards they are.

I partly agree with the fuckery theory. The other part of it that you don't mention is that they are liberals and they can't pull off a major event like this without accidentally introducing fuckery into it.

Plus they think we are all stupid. In 2017 their view has changed: They can't accept that we are actually smart, so now they believe we're crazy.

>and yet there is 0 hard evidence
Wow... really... makes me think...

Someone run this thru makeapp
I bet the results would be more striking than the image alone
I used up my trial

Haha, good meme shill, I'll give you that. * kinda dies laughing *

But seriously, you have research backwards. You're supposed to be skeptical in face of evidence, and if the official narrative is highly questionable... the prime suspect might not have done it.

So... like a detective, instead of like you.

sandy hook was fake as shit.

> inb4 my cousin's friend lives in Newtown and had xer younger siblings killed there

so she died at Sandy Hook in 2012, and was a few blocks away from the Boston bombing in 2013?

Can you understand english? She was related to a victim in the bombing

As a staged event yes, as it was reported no. There is so much info out there. The most entertaining at exposing the fraud was a guy named Barry Soetoro on youtube, but his channel got pulled. He is now on steemit. I strongly urge you to give this guys vids a look:



Sorry, I don't listen to schizos with no evidence pushing their opinions as fact.

His channel is gone but people reloaded some of his vids:


there is literally 0 evidence to it being fake

everyone who says it is will reference some guy on youtube pointing at tv going "it looks like an actor/photoshop/etc"


Barry Soetoro exposed the whole shebang before he was banned from kiketube.

Yes it did happen i was there.....then i sang in superbowl dorito halftime show

They made a fucking law to stop evidence being released, nope, nothing fishy about that at all.


But I just said... go do the research yourself.

The reason you won't is because liberalism is like domino's. Liberals know the when the first domino goes, they will become conservative.

That's why liberals will not go shooting, because if they end up liking it, the first domino starts to lose footing.

Oh fuck me the thumbnail - the "sloppy sniper"

One of the fathers of the dead was apparently involved in the joke-ass response by wearing a bunch of mismatched military surplus gear and carrying firearms like a toddler might.

What. A. Joke.

yeah because we all know the mainstream media never makes mistakes

>reporting about Trump
>reporting about anything else
>100% credible source

I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.

Please elaborate. Huh?

>>WW2 is bullshit (except for Japan (((attacking)))
Actually, Japan attacking was bullshit too.

We served Japan with the "Hull Ultimatum". By Hague Convention III (1907) Article 1. Hostilities could start any time after that.

It was Roosevelt's end run around the constitution. Congress refused to declare war, but the President could still issue an ultimatum - get out of South East Asia or we'll push you out.

We actually became a belligerent when we embargoed Japan. That was a violation of our declared neutrality. Japan ignored that just like Germany ignored how we violated our neutrality by providing the British armaments.

2 sips of water. Did we ever fake news it?

>Actually happen?
Yes in reality
No in conspiritard land

Eres una CIAnigger?

The name has nothng to do woth the pic.
I am trying to find the original video

No person who has seen the original video..
Are you a moron who does not investigate himself?

>She was related to a victim in the bombing

Wow, so it was basically just one big coincidence?

My uncles son had a neice who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.


Read it morons

>I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook
How often do you have your cousin?

Eres de Australia? Tienes un otro shrimpo en el barby?

We call them prawns actually.
And no thank you, I do not eat sea food.

It is possible, and no not a big one.

>Official story is "we're telling you this is how it happened, without showing you any evidence, and it's believable because we're in a position of authority"
>Starts talking about evidence anyway

top wew

>So many things are conspiracies that nothing is true

>If nothing is true, then everything is fake

>If everything is fake that how do you know nothing is true?

Can anyone even post the original video? That shows "Donna"

>we all know the mainstream media never makes mistakes

Ours doesn't. It even predicts the future



People are so delusional, its just a shooting and then the media scooped it up to turn it into their anti gun agenda bullshit

You fucks scream fake at everything when there is always a simple anwser

at first I assumed you were joking about media incompetence but then I looked at your flag and realized you are probably serious

I'll be honest with you I don't even know what you're implying. That the (((BBC))) are corrupt, but everyone in Britain is oblivious to it? Brits are more likely to be oblivious to the (((media))) based on reasons? I'm sorry, I don't speak shekelhoarder, you'll have to spell it out for me.

yeah okay shitbong because you asked nicely I will

while 9 11 happened there were a ton of wrong reports. people spread unconfirmed and often wrong information. so your big black cock media reported a lot of wrong information and among it was the claim that WTC 7 had already collapsed when it was still standing and sub 80 IQ conspiracy retards use this as conclusive proof that 9 11 was a government planned inside job

>Microsoft Sam narrator

oh look, a brain dead bongfaggot who probably still believes the Dunblane hoax LMAO
