>ctrl+f "redpill"
>none of these threads right now
like it or not, there's a massive influx of newfags here; let's get some noggins joggin

Other urls found in this thread:













came here to post this one, bump






Lets say a phonefag wants to opens those big files you are posting. How would such fag do it without losing the image quality. Asking for a friend.

really Sup Forums? soyboy threads get replies but not these? this explains the declining quality here recently, even by Sup Forums standards

if you're using a Sup Forums app, open in browser, click image, download if necessary


I'm a retard for not leading with this one

bonus fast-acting redpill, a webm's worth a thousand words

Thanks but i just got it. You have to open in a new tap/guide. But you cant expand it before.

yeah it's retarded and basically every Sup Forums app on android at least fails to render them at full res too. I wish I could OCR these for people like you to read easier or something but unfortunately images are how information gets passed around here


Not a redpill but relevant either way


Fuck these soyboy niggers shilling up the board.



I don't understand why this is a redpill
Isn't this obvious? They put so much focus, effort and thought into their appearance, they obviously will do anything to show themselves off
I mean, if you'd ever talk to a 'regular' girl you'd learn this really quick, they're obsessed with how they look

women's behavior being distinct from men's behavior is an entry-level redpill, but a redpill nonetheless. normies are indoctrinated to believe that all people think and act the same way, or that they have the capacity to think and act the same way, regardless of genetics or biology. this is self-evidently untrue, but it's still Racist and Sexist to think such things in modern society


Yee, N., & Bailenson, J. (2007). The Proteus effect: The effect of transformed self‐representation on behavior. Human Communication Research, 33(3), 271-290.
Yee, N., Bailenson, J. N., & Ducheneaut, N.

(2009). The Proteus effect: Implications of transformed digital self-representation on online and offline behavior. Communication Research.

is this a redpill now?



The great minds of 100 years ago knew who they were. Now that knowledge is hard to find. Amazingly, the authors of sacred texts expected this and hid the whole truth very cryptically in their works. Now we need more great minds to understand this :
This is THE GREAT AWAKENING of all time. A brief synopsis is here




south africa is in the last step already
arentina is still missing two.
us is missing four
europe is missing five
Make your conclusions

The Nazi's did exterminate Jews. However, there were no death camps and the Jews were just lumped in with the population of Eastern Europe and Russia. There was no special attempt made to kill the Jews that the poles, slavs, and russians weren't also subject to.

The Jews weren't the only beneficiary's of a state of Israel. The UK had previously been the colonial master of the ME/ SE Asia but lost its ability to rule due to WW2 and America took over and created Israel as a satellite State to maintain instability in the region.

It isn't just Jews generating holocaust propaganda. It's propaganda that also supports US foreign policy

Checked, and isn’t Argentina 80% white?



it is 30% white, dont believe mestizos or jew stetistics

really makes you think...
(german is the same as pic)


Consider the migrants... we have 15 years mx. to act
US must be 50%

The gender ratio is probably even more fucked now



Out of all of them, read this one the most

Whoa! This is a good one. Every online fight I get into eventually ends with people insisting I'm the aggressor because I don't give in. I never looked at it as under the lens of "pity".


> Every online fight I get into

Big Health is focu$ed on TREAT not CURE/PREVENT

I'm new here. I'm reading everything posted. Does anyone have a link to a list of recommended books that cover these topics with the red-pilled viewpoint? I'm a bookfag that has a job where I can listen to audiobooks all day. Thanks.

Every in person argument too

Dude I'm a newfag myself

start with
Ben Freidman, Facts are Facts
(Jewtube his 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel)
M.S. King has good books which serve as a sort of Clifnotes of /ourhistory/
Henry Ford, International Jew
Kevin MacDonald, Culture of critique

Read those first, my humble opinion.
Good Luck

these are all great, thanks. is the "teaching black students" one from Face to Face With Race or not? don't have my copy on hand atm

I thought this conversation was really enlightening:

>Face To Face With Race
SUPER easy and highly compelling read, baby's first race redpill. it's like eight bucks on kindle but PDFs are easily available online

>Industrial Society and Its Future
*mandatory* reading. prophetic as fuck. will change the way you think about the man, the world, and much more

>The Culture of Critique
mandatory reading, pretty dense though. this is your essential JQ redpill

>The Hoax of the Twentieth Century
Holohoax redpill. shockingly well-researched and thorough. you expect it to be crazy rantings and conspiracy theories but everything in there is 100% verifiable elsewhere

>The Art of the Deal
crucial to understanding the mindset and mannerisms of our 45th President. if every leftist read and internalized it, they wouldn't be surprised by anything Trump does

>SJWs Always Lie
what it says on the tin—thorough deconstruction of what makes the "SJW" tick

***** republicrat dc duopoly *****

commission on presidential debates (cpd)

"CPD is a partisan organization whose debate access rules serve only the interests of the Democratic and Republican parties in maintaining their stranglehold on our nation’s electoral processes."



