Who are the worst posters on this board? Has to be one of these
>Lolbertarians and Anrcho-capispergs
>Conspiracy tards that believe anything without evidence
>Boomers, usually American and cuckservative.
>r9k and r/incel spillover eternal virgins
Hard to decide.
I'd rather have lefty pol over these cucks.
Who are the worst posters on this board? Has to be one of these
well leave then
fuck off were full
in this order
>Conspiracy tards that believe anything without evidence
>r9k and r/incel spillover eternal virgins
>Lolbertarians and Anrcho-capispergs
>Boomers, usually American and cuckservative.
Christcucks. You can't even discuss anything with them.
Nope. Leftists, followed by Cringeposters like you.
Black Nationalist flags
aka jewish americans
T. Person part of one or more the category
I can almost smell the soy from OP's mouth
Meme fags are the worst, Their as bad as name fags.
Forgot to add shitskins to the list.
OPs are the worst posters. If no OPs posted the boards quality would see a dramatic and immediate increase.
>posts with meme flag
Canadians and anybody with a memeflag
How many soy products do you consume on a daily basis?
>cuck cigar flag
the fedora of the trailer park. tell me what it's like worshiping stupid dog shit that CONSTANTLY fails in embarrassing fashion, cletus.
Zero. I'm 6'4 and 110kg. Running first roid cycle. I could honestly kill you with my bare hands.
>I'm a staunch individualist!
A obvious lie. So whats the real number.
Ponyfag here.
Aged newfag Amerimutts from reddit blogging about their wife and kids
r9k/eternal virgins/angry cucked asians/kek flag posters
>hides flag
not an argument, cletus. stop playing with the trailer park fuck pig and try again you morbidly obese manlet.
>thinks most Cleetuses aren't libertarians
Top kek. That is all Cleetuses talk about, muh freedumbs from big gubmint.
Peoples who's flags are LITERAL bundles of sticks
If you like fascism so much go live under some dictator elsewhere fagshit
Worst poster is probably faggot OP.
Then Leftists/Antifa
T. Butthurt amerrimutt.
not an argument, pig fucker. come on, little man. try to use that drug addled brain of yours to justify your little dog shit cuck cigar politics, which ALWAYS fail in humiliating fashion.
non Americans
non whites
Point me to a white ethnonationalist fascist state.
>implying you even need an argument to dismiss libertarians as a laughing stock
/r9k/ and incels. 100s of threads of the same shit about roasties and how women are so inferior every single day. Repetitive as fuck.
first thing facists do is hijack the education system and turn it into a brainwashing machine that only produces cleetuses that suck government cock and die in wars of aggression
the most shit tier system possible
lol christcucks are definitely not at the top of that list you commie fuck
my list:
>Mexicans, get the fuck out of my country
>liberals/reporters (I can see you from a mile away with your bait)
>commies (see above bu more sincere, still retarded)
>conspiracy tards with no evidence
>canadians (also commies usually, even if they don't know it)
>Jews (different from JIDF)
>shitskins bragging about "muh dik"
>stormfags (yeah I want a fourth Reich too, but stop being so cringy)
>christcucks (I'm all for retaking Constantinople, but still annoying)
>r9k (can we please stop having the "how will sexbots take over the world" threads)
for the record, I enjoy Australians, trumpsters, gamerfags, /k/ommandos, economics fags, and most disciples of Kek
not an argument, soy boy. are you really this stupid, cletus? why are you so scared you obvious manlet?
You must be a Jew
>can we please stop having the "how will sexbots take over the world" threads
This. how could I forget about those?
Americans are the worst posters by far
The education system is a brainwashing machine no matter which controlled opposition Jew is running it.
/ptg/ Retards
Nu-Flag shills
E-Celeb faggots
Unspecified national flags
Redpill posters
Jew Posters
Stirner posters
Conspiracy theorists
National Socialists
Which pic in the op looks like you? I bet it's the manlet fatty.
>implying trailer park trash would be educated enough to understand the complex teachings and philosophical concepts of fascism
At least we're not as bad as you guys (pic related).
they are most of the board so obviously will have the greatest number of retards
true correlation between bad quality posts is those that use meme flags
Intelligent Jews are the worst
They trick about half of you often
It is sad to see
Stupid goyim
betacucks (which is obviously you since you didn't include it in the list and are trying to project your 'short comings' onto others...).
Here are some 'individualists' like you.
That's a big boy
teaching kids about faggots, brown people and muslims is pretty different than asking them to snitch on their parents and throwing them into prison for not sucking gov cock hard enough
fur dich
I call dibs on the one on the left.
not an argument, cuck cigar flag retard. have you been hitting the meth pipe a little too hard, or did your parents, who are also siblings, drop you on your head one too many times when you were younger?
see above, clueless moron.
Look the neck on that one.
Teaching kids how to be useless faggots sucking government cock is more like it. Its a mixture of the two. Both controlled by Jews.
Christians. all those others make good memes at least, christians just have a r*ddit tier circlejerk cringe fest where they get btfo every single time and post hats
But actually the worst posters would have to be the before the storm faggots, on the front page every day and literally worthless /x/ shit
The majority of your ideology's followers are obese fedora autists with no social skills. How does this make you feel?
Trump supporters.
Boomers and Fox News viewers are the fucking worst addition to this board. They have absolutely diluted everything with their stupid boomer bullshit
>>Conspiracy tards that believe anything without evidence
not an argument, you morbidly obese manlet. why do you keep dodging it, dumb shit? is it because even a brain dead moron like you KNOWS that your little facism dog shit fails EVERY SINGLE TIME it's implemented? what's it like being even LESS successful than communism, retard?
in the current system you can homeschool or instill values in your children or put them into private schools that identify with your values
under facism your kids suck government cock and turn into zombies and you cant do shit about it or the government death squad will kick in your door
Nazis, MUH JOOZ retards, and radicals
>Who are the worst posters on this board?
Left wing shills and D&C fags.
You, you paid shill.
I hate weeaboos, autists, nerds, gaymers, fedoras, pagans, christkikes, mudslimes, shitskins, degenerates, shills and normies.
Git the fuck out.
It's Dylan Roof on the right!
Also lelberts, commies and nazis
not an argument, retard. you just keep conceding that your cuck cigar flag only appeals to inbred morons who have accomplished nothing on their own merits and need the gubmint to tell them what to do. since you're terrified of facing reality, tell me what's it like being my bitch, squirt.
Government has no place in education.
>be christcuck
>post 25 pages of Jewish drivel
>U iz btfo!
>Y u no accept Jesus?
>Y they make fun of me?
The fucking leafs.
Pagancucks are worse
Anyone with a meme flag user
Bait OP posters (How Can White Men Compete *black_dicks.jpg* etc)
Bait biters who only ever reply to OP
Now excuse me while I reply to this bait meta thread and then close it.
>not liking the posters you like is baiting
>trying to smear fascists with cuck shit
Come on, Sweden.
extremes always lead to bad things. regulation is necessary but should be kept to a minimal
most people shouldnt even be allowed to breed much less educate their children but it is a price we pay i guess
What have I said that's cucked?
Shills, T*rks, and Muslim "brits"
You. You are the worst poster on the board.
not an argument, dumb ass. it's funny that this is your ONLY post in this thread, too, you fucking idiot.
pol has always been a libertarian board
can someone explain to me what an individualist is and what it has to do with OP's pic
I hate divide and conquer concern shills.
>hurr durr christcucks
Kill yourselves. I fucking mean it. We're facing complete annihilation and yet you retards find it prudent divide and atomize whites based on stupid bullshit like which skydaddy is the best skydaddy.
Yeah, let me guess. The poles in this picture, the overwhelming majority of which are Catholic, are somehow marching on behalf of the Jews and multiculturalism even though they are expressly marching against it.
Fucking IDIOTS!
Leaf Stirnerposting
>just blew your mind
Probably you.
>doesn't include leafs
>OP is memeflag
>OP is confirmed leaf