Pic related... what do you think?
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0/10 see me after class
Say 30% of IQ is environments and 15% of that is just nutrition.
So a 85 IQ Black will never be above 100.
The iq of Tribal Africans who maintain their original culture is still the lowest on the planet.
It's 85% environmental.
If IQ was 85% environments we would have monkey geniuses.
Are you braindead?
why are 6/10 retards on this board flying my fucking flag?
>muh its dey culcha
>Can you increase melanin over time with various methods such as tanning? Yes.
>Therefore amount of melanin has absolutely no genetic component whatsoever.
Yeah, because climbing trees and eating bananas makes your brain explote with intellect.... what the fuck are you talking about?
gib milky
Complete and utter horseshit. IQ is just one's capacity to learn, like memory on a computer. You can have a computer full of philosophical musings and predictive algorithms or you can have it full of tranny porn and drug routes.
Nigger brains are just worse computers. MAYBE you can increase the IQ slightly over the years but absolutely nothing drastic like 150. More like 80 to 85, MAYBE. Meanwhile smarter people just have more memory to know the possible ramifications of their actions, which is why so few people of 90 IQ+ aren't homeless. You have to make a total shitload of really bad decisions to be homeless in America, and even in a case in which a smart person became homeless they would be able to get back on track relatively soon.
If you are starving and you don't have serious childhood disease, it's almost entirely generic. Look at IQs in the Caribbean for the dizzying heights that Africans can reach when they have food and health. High 80s.
t. Biochemist.
>can you increase IQ over time with certain methods
you can practice to become better at IQ tests but you cant increase your intelligence
>can a pure black man reach an IQ of 140 or more by applying those methods?
depends on his intelligence. if blacks all across the world average an IQ of around 70 that black man would need an intelligence of at least 4 standard deviations to be able to score consistently above 140 on high quality tests with sufficient IQ test practice
When you get someone twisting in the wind and making excuses this far-fetched and unscientific, that's when it's time to ask whether the narrative is convincing enough for them to comfortably avoid the truth.
Your capacity to learn is mostly environmental. They might have worst brains, but if you implant the right motivation and environment, IQ can increase quickly even with a slower computer.
I could stay in this thread and argue with you but I have more interesting threads to shit post.
>IQ is 15% genetic
>monkeys can’t create s learning environment for themselves because of their environment.
Are you seriously dumb?
I'm not talking about being good at IQ tests, I'm talking about the quality of your education, the motivation you are given as a child, the resources you have to create your mindset and future, etc. Why so many high IQ whites have depression and underachieve? Because they are badly risen, same with other races. They might be less intelligent, but still they can grow as fast as we do if given better opportunities. Whats the reason for jews to being the highest IQ? Genetics? They are from the same place as other middle easterns I bet they have less than 90 IQ avarega, maybe it has to do with environment????????
Take your libtards logic to plebbit.
No one gives a shit.
you are argentinian so of course you are too unintelligent and uneducated to know
but intelligence cannot be raised through environmental factors
thats right. no matter what you do you will always stay a dumb stupid shit
I talking about IQ on humans... compared with other animals it's obviously genetic, you fucking idiot.
I'll respond one last time in good faith. If you are actually interested in this subject there are many wiki articles on the subject. There are many studies linked in these articles. The results are that IQ I'd mostly inherited. Roughly 75%.
If you really care you should read for yourself. Wishful thinking will change nothing. I am painfully average and no amount if study will change that.
>human IQ compared to animals is genetic
>human IQ compared to humans is not
Do you have Down syndrome?
Black people are really smart.
So whats the reason for you IQ rising over time? Or are you gonna argue your IQ is always the same number?
Please learn not to use facts because facts can be racist.
Between humans, the difference in IQ is mostly environmental. I get that you don't agree, but don't be so fucking stupid to not get my point.
Elimination of serious childhood disease. Elimination of starvation. When these things were being eliminated the avershe IQ was going up. When they were finally elimnated IQs stopped going up. IQ is actually now falling in France. Their IQs are no longer increasing and the population is becoming more African due to immigration. As a result the french average IQ falls even though no one is starving or sick. It's genetic.
Dogs and wolves are the same species, are their differences environmental too?
Yeah, I get you can be born with higher IQ, I'm just saying that IQ can be risen over time. Can you disprove that?
>IQ rising over time
what do you mean by that?
also, I was talking about intelligence, not IQ. theres a difference. IQ is a flawed measurement of intelligence
that said while intelligence cannot be raised through environmental factors, it can be lowered, for example through childhood trauma, malnutrition, diseases and other things
I'v enever been able to find the source for this, or how they got the blacks to actually play those roles
No, it is not. Why do different races with similar educational standards perform at a far different level? Why is it that if a bird in the wild develops a few different traits such as an elongated beak and longer legs it becomes a new subspecies, but applying that to humans is racist? Fuck off.
I don't have to disprove it. It's accepted as medical fact that IQ Is genetic.
IQ is a combination of genetics and environment but if you don't have the genetics than no amount of environmental factors will keep you from being a sub 85 IQ African
There is were I disagree, I don't think it's decreasing because of genetics, or because of mixing with immigrant, but because they are exercising the intellect less.
>Between humans, the difference in IQ is mostly environmental
no its not you dumb fucking retard
we have been doing twin studies on intelligence for decades. thousands of twin studies with hundreds of thousands of twins and they all showed not a single environmental factor that increases intelligence
I mean, if you use your mind for intelectual purposes you will rise your IQ as opposed to watching tv all the time, etc. That on a lifetime. But you can also increase IQ from generation to generation if you promote the right values to do so.
Don't worry. With automation coming 120 IQ Europeans and below will be as useless as 85 IQ Africans. We will die together.
Have you read the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study?
Yes, you are born with an IQ... you can increase or decrease that IQ, right? Can you be born with 80 IQ and reach a peak of 95? What happens if you have a kid when you reach your peak? The kid will have an IQ of 80, 95, or an average of 88? Can he then increase his IQ? Probably yes, given the right circumstances, a fulfilling life to begin with...
Addio Zio Tom
It's an old italian movie you can find on youtube
no you cant
holy shit you really are fucking stupid even for an argentinian
>wahh wahh da wite boy stole our IQ
>no. the facts conclusively prove you cant increase intelligence through environmental means
>wahh wahh da wite boy stole our IQ
>look at the facts and the evidence
>wahh wahh da wite boy stole our IQ
>there are endless twin studies that prove this
>wahh wahh da wite boy stole our IQ
>okay then post evidence for your claim
>wahh wahh da wite boy stole our IQ
do the world a favor and kill yourself and everyone who is related to you within at least 5 generations to ensure that your genes of extraordinarily low intelligence are extinguished from this planet
Maybe we are calling environmental different things.
I'll give you an example of what I mean... let say the same person is born in syria and in the US, or switzerland. His IQ is 100 in both cases. In syria his only motivation is to pick up rocks, thats it, so his IQ will never go up. On the other side, in the US or switzerland he attends to a top bilingual school with other children, his parents are good examples for him, and he has the right motivation to pursue higher education, when his 25, his IQ is 125. Thats genetics??????
Read the science. Get black pilled. It's depressing.
Many high IQ people end up very unsuccessful. It has to do with being self-critical and overly sensitive...they basically overthink everything and fall into the trap of enjoying the detailed planning of a task and avoiding the actual task.
sauce: highly gifted program from 3d grade on
It's amazing how you level of English fluctuates. Almost like your IQ is going up as we speak.
> haha on the Internet no one knows I'm merely pretending to be a retard.
IQ is a highly reliable predictor of g, the general intelligence factor
IQ is highly heritable. Everyone agrees that it is more than 50% heritable
IQ is a highly reliable predictor of financial success in the USA
IQ is highly correlated with lack of criminality
There is no evidence that someone can increase their IQ
>It's like stealing someone all their money and then call him poor.
Obviously written by a dumb nigger.
intelligence is not the same as education
if the people are born with the same intelligence, be they in the US switzerland syria or whatever place on earth they will still have the same intelligence as adults
take as example Srinivasa Ramanujan, some guy who was born in some shithole in india. he received no education in math but as adult he was arguably the best on the entire world in math. thats because he was born intelligent and even though he had no education his intelligence was still superior so he could accomplish more than white people born in rich european nobility with top tier education
>what is Travis the Chimp
>what is Koko the Gorilla
No evidence? So you are saying there is absolutely no study of a kid being tested at 10, at 20, at 30 and at 40 with increased IQ? I'm sure that can't be true.
>There is no evidence that someone can increase their IQ
you should replace IQ with intelligence because you can increase your IQ test performance through practice
It seems you ignored my reply.
Have you read this study?
So you are saying that at 30 you have the same intelligence that at 10 years old?
oh shit cs50x is how i learned to code
I will when I finish talking here, ok?
Can you increase your IQ TEST RESULT WITHOUT PRACTICING IQ TESTS but through other means of intellect practice?
This isn't even a historically accurate analogy, and the IQ point climbing is negligible at best. You're highly unlikely to even climb 5-10 points in your lifetime. This has nothing to do with culture. And Whites did not prevent development, they sky rocketed the other races into the modern era by providing them all manner of technology, conveniences as well as opportunities that would've never existed. The idea that Africa, who for the most part was just dotted with thatch and mud huts, who hadn't even invented the wheel was just going to magically sky rocket into an advanced civilization if the Whites hadn't arrived is preposterous. They were basically cavemen level, culturally, scientifically and philosophically.
People come here and act retarded and will talk to you about this till the max replies are hit. They will say no and act stupid and see how many responses they can get. No matter what you say.
So now I'm also here to see if Sup Forums ever catches on.
Well, let me tell you what it is in a nutshell. They compared the IQ of black children and white children living under their biological parents. As we already established, the black children scored lower than the white children. Then they studies black children living under white parents, vice versa. The black children still scored lower than the white children. They tested the children at age 7 and then at age 17. What does your environmental theory say about that?
no because at 10 your brain is not fully developed you dumb fucking monkey
at least try to understand what I am writing
person A is born in syria person B is born in switzerland
they both are born with the same genetic potential for intelligence and neithers intelligence is externallly harmed
when both A and B are 30 years old they are still equally intelligent even though B has much better education. when you bring A and B together and teach them something completely new that is purely based on intelligence then A and B will be equally good
There are 8-year-olds in Africa who can't pass The Mirror Test.
There are fucking BIRDS that can do that.
I want to see how full retard he can go. I want to be amazed at the excuses he can pull out of his ass, but you are right. I probably shouldn't feed the trolls.
IQ test result is not the same as intelligence
IQ tests are not perfect measurements for intelligence
and no you can only get better at IQ tests by practicing problems similar to those in the IQ tests
How do you account for the fact that this argument isn't grounded in an accurate understanding of History? Is that irrelevant? Does your argument still stand knowing that the development of other races and cultures wasn't prevented?
intelligence doest change over lifetime unless it is falling
Slavement didn't happen then. Just to name one event in history. Also we didn't stole plenty of gold and shit.
I am fairly sure the motivation for them is to feel smart by getting serious replies no matter how dumb they act. So knock yourself out.
intelligence increases till your brain is fully developed at age 25-30 and then slowly declines again
How did slavery prevent development? Again, these are people who by the turn of the 18th century hadn't invented a wheel. And what does gold have to do with cultural development? Most of the world was using silver as a currency before then anyway.
I get blacks score lower than whites... sure, makes sense, the suffered the most in the past.
Most white Americans were sent to the US as prisoners and lived in slave like conditions. I like this fact because it makes both white and black Americans uncomfortable.
Whites don't like that their ancestors were losers and blacks don't like having no excuse for being losers right now.
that said your potential for intelligence stays the same your entire life and is determined by your genes
just like your potential for body height or your potential for athletic ability
did it ever occur to you that maybe blacks score lower than whites because blacks are in average less intelligent?
>its 85% environmental
where the fuck did you get this information
Every race suffered in the past. What does your ancestors suffering have to do about how high your intelligence is?
I teach AP at a mostly black high school, the top students are literally average. To be a genius nigger you just need to have an average IQ. By the way, Sup Forums must be fill with some pretty young people because these replies are just fucking dumb. I just posted in on the toilet, I don’t really lurk too much.
I don't understand how this prevented development anyway. The slaves were sold to us by Africans, for guns and objects forged through metallurgy - which they'd not discovered. And it's not like we magically took all of them. They were POW's. And then how does this discount the fact that Rome, Arabia, Eastern Europe, Greece and most of Asia were slave cultures who still advanced. There would've been a time when a significant portion of Europeans were slaves - yet they still consistently advanced technologically and philosophically.
The most interesting topic in my psychology classes were psychometrics and psych testing.
Intelligence is very similar to height.
Primarily genetic where the only environmental factor that matters is nutrition (or lack thereof) and that's BEFORE puberty. After puberty, genetics is the only thing that matters.
Throughout a lifetime, people generally score 5-7 pts of each test. Rigorous studying will only increase a score by 5 pts and its very temporary; that extra 5 pts will go away the second you stop.
Education has no influence on IQ
Vietnam's great evidence against that bullshit
>Former colonial nation controlled by France/China
>Culture is supposedly "destroyed" from that.
>Fought against the Japanese
>Then the French
>Then the Americans
>Then the Australians
>Then the South Koreans.
>Then the Laotians
>Then the Cambodians
>Then the Chinese
>End up becoming a 3rd world tier country from the sheer amount of Agent Orange, napalm, and war that has ravaged their country over the course of half a century
>Have no real natural resources
>Environment is a hostile hellhole that is so horrific that it left an entire generation of Americans with PTSD, with the poisonous animals, insects, and diseases
>Still score higher than every black nation
>monkeys and humans are the same
When they say some of it is environment, they means for humans you retard burger.
The opposite is actually true. The high heritability from Dutch twin studies (pic) shows that IQ is heavily (>80%) influenced by genetics as opposed to environment.
Git fucked, commie.
They won't be equally intelligent... thats my point. Because I know intelligence is something you CULTIVATE regardless of your default genetic intelligence.
Are you actually taking the Argentinian seriously? He is here to act stupid.
The grammar is bad; the ramifications: stupid. Diagnosis: Nigger Argentinian.
Don’t feel self conscious about you IQ Mr. Nignog, most jobs at all levels are monotonous. Just carry on.
okay fuck off you are irredeemably retarded
You are wrong.
It's mostly to correct the record Mr. Mick, remember there are children lurking here. Never debate your opponent, debate your audience. Obviously he's a troll - he's refused to address any of my points.
>your audience
They have internet connections. They either can see reality themselves or are retarded/indoctrinated.
Yeah, I'm trying to debate 7 different people... while you are all calling me retarded on your first language, because I am saying you can increase your IQ by having your mind and awareness active (and happy) during your life, but yeah, I'm the dumb nigger argentinian... also fuck the fucking captchas
We throw tonnes of resources into "diverse" communities. Often their schools are the ones that receive more funding. Especially in the states, where some black schools can afford to pay students large sums of money to do homework and go to class. They are allowed to fully integrate into our society. Whites are not allowed to exclude them in any way. We even give them a leg up to help them catch up. We have been trying for decades. What has been the result? The blacks have seen little actual improvement in their results.
Then look at Africa. It has been occupied by blacks long before the white man came along. They were given loads of resources and a nice climate for a homeland. If blacks were equal than why is there so few notable black civilizations or inventions.
Now let's look at culture. Culture is produced by history, environment and the people. If the people are crap, than the culture produced is crap. Culture is a good reflection of the intellectual capacity of the people.
No, he makes an excellent point actually.
What separates races, ethnicities, species, mammals from reptiles, etc.? Genetics. The difference between a human and an ape is literally just DNA telling it what to develop into afterall.
If we were to truly believe that it's "mostly environmental" than we could technically just teach a pigeon physics, just by merely dumping trillions of dollars into "Educating" it or whatever.
But the reality is we cant. A pigeon's brain just doesnt work like that.
Obviously, the difference between race's arent that stark but the argument applies. If we could educate monkeys, whom are very different to us genetically into high IQ, then we could also educate niggers into high IQ whom are slightly different in terms of genetics. Obviously we cant do either, but that's the point.
I never called you retarded, I just said your argument is stupid and ahistorical. Your entire argument hinged on the premise that it was cultural - I dismantled that in two minutes. Everything else you're saying is the equivalent of tinsel. I don't think you're stupid for believing the ridiculous statement in your OP, just kind hearted and naive and you're being taken for a ride by exploiters.
You are a dumb nigger. Do something productive with your time. I have another 5 hours minding a work place at night. I have an excuse to be here.