Should the age of consent be lowered in the US?
Should the age of consent be lowered in the US?
no. but the age of marriage should
No, it should be eliminated. A girl is not owned by the State, it is owned by its father. He is the only one can decide when and to whom it is to be married. The entire concept of the AoC exists to weaken families by taking power that should be the father's and giving it to the State..
Depends. If you want tons of people with psychic trauma, sure.
No. If anything, girls and boys increasingly lack mental and emotional maturity in this day and age. 30 is the new 18.
>14 years old
>already doing amateur interracial lesbian porn
What went wrong?
Soon France will be the next sex tourism location. Plans to bring the age of consent down to 13. Mexico has a significant portion where the age of consent is 12. Even one where it is puberty.
No, dipshit, they are considering legislating an AOC. There isn't one now.
>A girl is not owned by the State, it is owned by its father
Amen, user. My friend was 23 when he first started dating his 16 year old now wife. He cleared it with her father and it was never an issue, just like it should be.
It should be 16 nationwide. Pedo's need to purify themselves of liking girls who are younger than that. #hypocrite
>le 56% face
She got blacked already btw.
and ... why exactly do you ask ope?
I don't understand your point. 16 is legal.
fornication should be an imprisonable offence where the parents suffer 2x the sentence of the fornicators.
>that boob jiggle
I-I'm not a pedo
not where i live homeslice
Every single one of you.
This is eventually what happens when you don't beat your child
replace age of consent with consent of the father
It doesn't matter if she is 13 or 30 until she is married she is his property
No. Sexual peak is around 18
Idk why but your pic made me unironically lmao
it should be raised to 20, y'know, when females "emotionally mature"
How old?
age is just a number, also they're real saggy.
Yes, but it never will be because muh consent. There was no age of consent for most of the human races existence. Roasties are created because of the substantial periods during their youth where they don't have a solid male role model to guide them. Instead, they ride the cock carousel from age 12 up.
The jews and feminists made age of consent up. People much younger are able to consent.
All I wanna know is if teens having sex at 11 or 12 is so horrific why did society for 100s of years hum along just fine until everyone freaked the fuck out and demanded it be raised to 18?? I'll tell you why because people got dumber, not smarter.
They've liberated female sexuality. Liberation of childhood sexuality, and thus autonomy for children, will be their intentional destruction of the nuclear family.
>fornication should be an imprisonable offence where the parents suffer 2x the sentence of the fornicators.
the whole "sex before marriage" meme from the bible was back when niggas got married at 14, you fuck.
They got married once they got to puberty.
Bronze Age fags weren't living to 60, nigga. There weren't any NEETs hanging around the crib back then, soy boy
US is actually a little too strict about this. I find it a little absurd that two people of the same age aren't allowed to have sex until they're 18 in some states.
>11 & 12
Young girls are purifying.
Typical anti, just throw random nonsense at other opinions.
Facts aren't "edgy".
Das rite
puberty nigga ever heard of it?
if she's got pubic hair and noticeable tits, she's old enough to have sex.
Women should begin breeding as soon as they are physically able.