Who wins?
Who wins?
Speed Force is bullshit. Flash wins no diff.
Speed Force is such bullshit, Flash will probably win by punching really hard and going really fast.
Technically speaking human cognition can't be faster than light yet flash can. ( due to special relativity his cognition still perceive perfectly )
Also barry allen can fuck the timeline enough .
>comic book bullshit vs. babby's first powerful edgelord
Accelerator can't even defeat Saten armed with a bat.
Are they racing, or just like, playing Jenga or something
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Speedforce is stupid bullshit, but it doesn't give Flash the ability to win
Accelerator's reflection is instantaneous. The only thing that would happen is Flash would punch him and disintegrate his own arm
>thinking fast means you can win fights
well, you've got quite a point there, kiddo.
Depends, if its no wings Accelerator than Flash has a shot at victory. Winged Accelerator is a different story.
Flash can circle the globe in less than an attosecond. FYI there's currently no machine made by humans that can measure an attosecond. Also, the speedforce changes Flash's sinapsis & perception speed. Accelerator is just another edgelord who would break the 100m WR, that's all.
Check'd and kek'd. Also check 'em
Accelerator's reflection is always on, though. He doesn't have to think about it. The barrier's always there.
Then couldn't flash just Touma it and punch but reel back at the last second. We're talking about the king of speed and speed thoughts.
Touma wasn't the one who did that. The only one to ever come up with that strategy was the scientist who knew the most about Accelerator's powers and devised it as a way to beat him. The Flash wouldn't be going into the fight with perfect knowledge of Accelerator's abilities and weaknesses. He'll just run fast, try to punch him, and immediately get fucked up.
>Accelerator's reflection is instantaneous
not if accelerator cannot calculate fast enough, the Flash can move faster than accelerator can think.
you know what ? If the field is always there, technically Acc can't breathe, due to reflection all of air molecules momentum vector.
So if, i really dont know if there is unexplained mechanism lying under, he has such a field, it must be somekind of ultrafast pulse which let the air in. And based on Speed Force i do believe that Flash is more than enough to penetrate Acc's reflection field.
This also means, if Acc reflection is instantaneous, he can stretch his self-vector in instance.
This leads to teleport, but i don't see him teleporting to somewhere anyhow.
His relfect is automatic anything besides direct reflecting he has to do manually.
Accelerator's reflection barrier is just "Take incoming force and multiply it by -1". That's it. He has to let stuff through. He's able to allow gravity to affect him and air to get through even in his sleep because he's done the calculations so much.
In the Index universe teleportation is just movement through the 14th dimension, which Accelerator can explicitly control vectors in. He can teleport, he just chooses not to.
Nigga, Accelerator's reflection is automatic. How do you think he reflects those sniper bullets from the sisters?
>speedforce bullshit
Sorry user but Accelerator doesn't stand a chance
If he has to let stuff though, yes, science can kill him. This, creates a blindspot on the nigh-invunerable shield, flash just can instant find that point and punch him.
And why the fuck he has to calculate, like all of these stuff ? Technically you just need a program which integrates with his ability.
Handwaving with the "It's speedforce, I don't gotta explain shit" meme isn't a valid argument, user.
There aren't any blindspots. Accelerator letting stuff in doesn't create a hole in the barrier.
>muh speed
Yeah, right.
also , if he can teleport, then he can teleport anyone, not himself only.
Yet he shielded the sister, but not teleported her into somewhere else safe.
how ?
again, things just not penetrate through the shield.
At some point on the shield, the vector must be 1, not -1, so things can get it. It's not like he makes stuff penetrating his shield.
Think of it like a very fine mesh shield if you have to. Air can get it but anything bigger can't.
That's not actually how it works but apparently you're unable to grasp a simple concept so w/e.
He lets in specific things and reflects everything else
flash, he cant hurt himself by punching because lolspeedforce, and after he figured out he couldn't hurt accelerator by punching him, he'd just make a vacuum around him until he was unconscious or something
You did admitted that there are tiny holes on the barrier.
based on this logic, technically i can shot a jet beam small enough to kill him, if the beam started faster that his recognition, he would be dead.
So i don't even need to be Flash to kill him, myself is more than enough.
>It's Accelerator shield vector -1 super-invincible wih no holes and therefore no air but he still gets to live, I ain't gonna explain shit
Same argument faggot. At least the speedforce is well studied and comprehended by Flash, and works with actual laws created in the comic but nevertheless explained at full. You're grasping at straws with your delusions, & I think it's time to accept it, no one's gonna judge you, kid.
That doesn't mean Flash can beat Accelerator though.
Okay, this makes sense.
Which means he has to give things a tag.
So now i just need a superpower makes him to mistag shit and a ultrasmall jet cannon ?
Flash just needs to run so fast he travels back in time and aborts Accelerator before he was born.
Fucking easiest kill of his life.
You just need to hit him with something he doesn't reflect, the size doesn't matter
You're literally retarded
You're also literally retarded
Batman with one day of prep time.
Mate, this implies that anyone with biological manipulation can kill him instantly.
>hurr I can't into argument no more
The only one here showing signs of mental issues is you, little man.
Batman can take out anyone with one day in Batcave.
>no u
Ahh, just arrived from m'Reddit, I see. The narwhal bacons at midnight and whatnot, good sir
*tips fedora while cape dramatically flaps in the wind*
He can do anything with a day of prep except stop his parents from getting killed and star in a good movie
Flash is a better written character with a natural and multiversal force backing him up.
Accelerator is just an asspull of a character created in 2 maybe 3 nights with his powers having no fucking sense. Also, as stated before, Flash can create voids, superspeed punch everything he wants, and the best part? He can fucking TRAVEL BACK IN TIME! If by any stupid reason he's feeling like losing against Accelerator and his stupidly-written powers, he just needs to travel back in time and kill him whenever he wants to. Case closed fags, now go to sleep and forget about Raildex S3, it's not happening and never will.
Umm, depends?
But I just described how his ability works
This power level bullshit is dumb and needs to end. Nobody gives a fuck if Mary Sue can beat Gary stu especially if they aren't even from the same goddamn story universe. You might as well debate if the tin man is stronger than prince charming. It's fucking retarded.
Almost as retarded as fucking comic book superheroes. The flash has the most overblown retarded fiction behind it. The authors are just masterbating while trying to make him god at this point.
Oh shit.
The Tin Man would obviously win. He's made of metal, which means he won't tire, can't feel pain, and will be too hard for Prince Charming to meaningfully damage. He has no vital organs so it's unlikely he can even be killed by the average human. Also he has no heart so he'll show no mercy.