> accepts Pedo
> age consents
> rapes
> more celebs fame
> jews are cool
what are you guys thinking??
why are you falling for it?
why accepting jews trends?
> accepts Pedo
> age consents
> rapes
> more celebs fame
> jews are cool
what are you guys thinking??
why are you falling for it?
why accepting jews trends?
Roy Moore is being set up. Sup Forums only accepts truth.
None of what you said is true, concern troll.
Did somebody say gas the kikes?
Sup Forums is satire you retarded cunt nigger kike.
Don't worry, OP. The floodgates are about to burst open. The Cabal will be decisively defeated and GEOTUS will usher in an era of prosperity.
>murderers/crooks/pedos all brought to justice
>dollar backed by gold again
>unironically establish world peace and MAGA
We're entering the Age of Aquarius
Is it really though?
Sup Forums has no political orientation, it's a board for everyone
if liberals would want, they could make threads here all day. that's what they don't get. we have free speech here, they don't. they just hate to read other oppinions and they hate truth and arguments, that's why they don't come here.
Exactly. This isn't a Conservative board, it's an anonymous politics board.
>Really says something that there aren't any liberal threads here.
How many former lefties are trapped here, though? How many of them transform intellectually when they find themselves in an environment that's virtually free of censorship?
Probably none, desu
left is theft, right is bright
>make shit up
>why does pol x
>wow pol, why
kill yourself op
There are tons. Lurk in any redpill thread and you'll find plenty of people admitting it.
Sup Forums has always been pro-loli, you're still getting used to non-reddit posts
>Jews started getting out Jewed by the vaginalJew they created
>"Sup Forums" is suddenly proJew
You can't spell 'coincidence' without (((coin))).
That's larping user. You need to figure out how to see through it.
You're telling me that some of your political views haven't changed since you've been here? I'm talking about a years-long process. People come here and read points of view they've never been exposed to before. The curious ones do their own research about what they read and change over time. I'm one of them.
Not really, to be honest. I'm not larping or trying to be a showoff or something. I basically found this place and was happy that there was a forum where my ideas were considered normal instead of extreme. I've had the same opinions for as long as I've been an adult and have only been posting here for 3-4 years. I consider Sup Forums as a place where I've finally found like minded people.
I think we aren't the different then. Finding a place where your ideas were considered normal is a better way of putting it. I definitely changed from when I first came here, but I guess instead of "transformation" I should say I became more sure of my beliefs. Either way Sup Forums is a comfy escape.
Agreed, I was just of a like mind before I found Sup Forums I suppose.