ITT: Breeding material

ITT: Breeding material

Starting with best saber, huh OP?
I can respect that


>draw a girl
>call it son
Why is this allowed?

because it makes a tent in ur pants and u know it



I would so hard

close your eyes and listen to all those characters





When Anime becomes real I will breed her until my dick falls off

anime will never become real and even if it did it would then become 3d

Who is this semon demen?


I think it's rika from idolm@ster


She will bare many strong, healthy children whilst surviving childbirth.

Can't forget Illya.


She'll give the kids diabetes, hyperactivity disorder, and childhood obesity with the amount of sugar in those funbags.

What are you talking about.
Clearly they'll inherit her immunity as well.


bad dental hygiene

All Fairy Tail girs, really.

Kobeni is fat! FAT!

Almost puked.

I agree that Kuro is unsexy, but you mistakenly quoted a post with an Ilya picture.


if by breeding material you mean the ability to kiss that cute tummy then yes she is.



Thread ruined, better leave while we can


>tfw no slave demon princess

You responding is what will kill the thread.

I'd pike too if I was gay like you.

>All these cowtits and no tits
Make way for medium sized, aka the TRUE breeding material.

Funny joke

Literally any female that isn't infertile.

The coloring is fantastic.

Literally semen demon.

Nothing less is appropriate for Celes-sama

any or all Akames.

>Blondes and white hair
Get some taste you degenerates.

>not posting one

