What would you do if this was your son? Lets say you walked in on him doing this
Millenials and homosexuality
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That fucker looks like 200 pounds of chewed gum
Disown him. You see,. If my son was straight and he needed help, like money food or a place to stay even after 18 I'd be happy to help, but if my son willfully put things up his ass than he can literally go fuck himself somewhere else
>What would you do if this was your son?
I'd sneer, but I'm not looking a lot better these days.
I have more tasteful undies though... so that's something I guess.
this is the average american boy in 2017
im trying to find a problem with this, but I really cant, this is fucking great news
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
Where the fuck did you find this?!?
it appears to have pissed its banana hammock
whip him with my belt
Seriously, where?? How'd you hack my phone??
Hot! His boobs are growing nicely too. Can we use the pronoun "her" yet?
I would ask if s/he feels s/he has had enough experience yet in developing the fine art of oral skills.
Moar pics, OP?
Have him suck my cock and then bang him.
There's a strong link between autism and faggotry, and it's only getting worse.
That's my wife's son.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?
discord gg/GpjTjr
Start beating him with a belt with the
The metal buckle end first.
Had a neighbor about 6-7 years ago blow her brains out 3 days after she walked into her garage to see her son getting ass fucked while we were having a block party.
Love that Sup Forumstard haircut
Give him a shoe of Bailey's and teach him about love games
I'm old greeeeg
he needs to hit the gym if he think that looks good
Yeah kys
7% of millennials are gay or bisexual:
now thats a soyboy
That’s gotta be up, but not as bad as I would’ve thought
Agreed, cross dressers are often ugly old fat guys.
i agree
Rampage at the lying press
Stop drinking since it takes many years of neglect to allow your crotch spawn to turn into a doughy faggot.
You do realize that is not the same person as the other three?
Being a Chad is hard these days. Constantly being eye-fucked by dick-starved thots because 50% of males have checked out of the mating game by becoming trannies/fags/anime-loving losers.
holdmyfries lol
>What would you do if this was your son?
Kill him.
No, Im old Gregg
I hope eggy is doing OK. Remember when he got framed for that school shooting.
>Some of you guys are alright
>So what if I have a mental disorder???
Homo here.
Kill it with fire. I'll supply free strike anywhere matches(yes I have many boxes of them for such occasions).
Jesus Christ.
stop feeding him soy
Homos have no standards.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
ignore this post
feed them more soy
Frankly, I don't give a fuck about him being a faggot. But no son of mine isn't going to be caught dead with a shit body like that. He's been cheating on his lifts for years at this point.
He's fucking dead to me.
burn the gays and soy boys when?
thats some top tier gross shit
This. My straight, morally uncorrupt son cold get as much help as is necessary
has their ever been a generation of people more JUST than millenials?
>fulfillment stems from consumption of liberal talk shows, high fructose corn syrup and drugs
>has not produced a lasting artist/philosopher/musician that will be remembered decades from now
>brainwashed from every angle, from their education to their media
>men with T levels that rival dying old men in their late 80s
>women who are bat-shit insane and want to destroy civilization
>open acceptance of 3rd worlders into their borders, degrading their lives even more
You are all horrible people, i hope none of you ever have children.
Pulling his undies like this in order to make it look like he has a feminine waist lol
He looked cuter as a boy. I'm not interested in the female version
This is why I want at least 4 children. If 1 or 2 choose the gay, you can just disown them and love your real children.
cannot unsee
is that so that he doesn't have the opportunity to assrape you on your way out?
You'd think he'd try losing weight before taking those pics.
>Didn't know you wanted abusive alcoholic father.
then go drinking
This boy is a soy based lifeform.
Thats why he likes having his asshole penetrated
I'm having one in 7 months faggot. I'd beat the gay out if him.
everyones a girl when theyre face-down
Wanna come to a place where people wee on each other?
I don't care if my son was gay; however, he must act like a man and fulfill his biological duty by having children. If I walked in on this he'd get screamed at and I would burn his girl clothes.
i wonder how many days god has left us before he will purge all the filth from this earth....
Lock him in a room, giving him only water and a spoonful of pure soy a day, force him to exercise, fuck him after a few months of conditioning
The day of the rake would be that day, both for me and my "son"
What is that thing
meanwhile in the real world
>Son, the internet turned you gay. You'll go without for at least a month.
sometimes I feel like this place is made to keep us captive to depression or something
I would call Mike Pence.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?
discord gg/GpjTjr
dunno but people pay it thousands of dollars a month to make vids promoting white genocide
Soy boy
>It's for the best, Diane.
Tofu always disgusted me, never understood the appeal
I'd get the car battery and turn that fruit into a vegetable
faggot here, go to tons of the men in the vids are usually buff, strong, etc. Tons of faggots like men with muscles, and some other overexagerrated male characteristics
10/10 Perfect reaction
The haircut alone is as much of a red flag of faggotry as the purdy pink panties
Extension cord.
That was me when i was real young.
Im just fine, parents just guided me into the right path.
If your son continues to grow, you failed him
Too much estrogen in the diet. It's sad really to see. The hormones are so off in the body and mind that it can't be controlled. More meat less seeds. No soy. He'll be fiending for the ladies in no time.
Jesus Christ that "man" is made of nothing but estrogen and Doritos dust.
Nice. Well put. Kudos. i needed the one liners today.
this is actually terribly sad and disgusting,
I got 4!
lol i found him on some youtube vid.
apparently he was the most popular speedrun streamer and then completely deranged. Can't remember his name but he still streams i think
>Lasting artist/philosopher/musician
I still have hope that they will. I'm sortof on the ass end of the generation and I do see the potential for it once people start getting the slaps to the face they need from life.
Also slide thread, sage
I hsve the whole house riggef with C4. I would excuse myself at Thanksgiving dinner and cleanse the white gene pool of another fag producing bloodline.
Man I miss Mighty Boosh. I loved the episode where Howard and Vince summoned the evil grandma. Or the coconut episode. Seriously, great show.
>see that soy boy
For god sake cut on fast food you moron!
>fecal curry with powdered corpse seasoning, eaten on a ceremonial gift-stool toilet
Dammit I reverse searched the picture to hit him up for nudes/fucking but nothing turned up. Why are there no palatable fat white boys in my area?
If disown him but I would make it my life's goal to destroy every Marxist educator, kike influencer, and degenerate who managed to influence him more than me. Your only option as a man when you are beaten is to come back stronger.
Is he one of the AGDQ guys? I know in that group there's rampant furries, trannies, and bi/asexuality.
he has posted here before, his kik is holdmyfries