This has got to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. What the fuck was Miyazaki smoking when he wrote this?
People get angry when Shinkai or Hosoda get compared to Miyazaki because they're "lesser" or whatever. I don't think either of them are that good but they have never before made a movie that has reached the garbage bin as this movie.
I would even put Howl's Moving Castle above this. That was written by a drugged monkey too, but at least it was ambitious and had endearing characters.
What a waste of animation talent and music. I can't wait until Miyazaki further destroys his reputation with that upcoming caterpillar movie.
Ethan Cruz
There are plenty worse than this. I don´t like it but still better than Earthsea.
You should specify what is bad instead of just saying it is crap.
Nolan Sanders
I agree with the previous comment, saying "it's shit" without any explanation is not a discussion.
But I agree Ponyo isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Miyazaki.
Jeremiah Campbell
I liked Ponyo because it explored concepts such as innocence and exploration.
Thomas Phillips
>What the fuck was Miyazaki smoking when he wrote this?
I'm not going to even begin talking about how nonsensical the script was. Miyazaki was never really a great writer but everything that happened in Ponyo shows a man who forgot the basics of human interaction.
Chase Reed
>There are plenty worse than this. I don´t like it but still better than Earthsea.
Earthsea was dumb too but at the very least it had more going on with the story, with actual stakes.
Ponyo is probably one of the few kids movies out there that I've seen that had hundreds if not thousands of people killed off so non-chalantly off screen. Among many other problems.
Andrew Gonzalez
I love it when movies explore exploration.
Sebastian Ward
Some dumb ningens died. The world continues to spin.
Levi Rogers
>implying it didn't have the second best Ghibli girl right behind Fio
Parker Howard
>watches a children's movei >complains it's not "a mature anime for mature viewers like myself" Fucking 12-olds trying to fit. And I thought that "OP is a faggot" was a Sup Forums meme. Silly me.
Justin Ward
Totoro was a children's movie too and it wasn't written by a monkey on acid.
Asher Diaz
totoro is overhyped shit by autists
Juan Smith
Ponyo is fine, unlike his older movies its a kid story through and through and not much beneath the surface which is fine as the story is engaging (for what it is) and its animated wonderfully.
The Wind Rises however is utter shit and if Miyazaki's next film continues his downward trend then it'll be unwatchable.
Jaxon Barnes
Ponyo comes from a ground in which Miyazaki was directing since Princess Mononoke, in which he was awfully disposed to making overly barroque animation and stories with a little more complexity with Hisaishi's music to support all emotion and expand it in a bombastic way, elements that weren't quite his talents in the rest of his work (simplistic or basic stories, very fluid animation with clear composition). For an example, one would need to watch Nausicaa and then Mononoke: they are basically the same premise with almost the same result, but the direction is completely different. Ponyo was Miyazaki trying to do a basic story, just like Totoro, but losing the hang of it with the vices he had acquired with Chihiro and Howl, especially in the epic and grandiose use of Hisaishi's music, which breaks all flow in the film.
Alexander Adams
>The Wind Rises however is utter shit
Ayden Richardson
>Ponyo is fine >The Wind Rises however is utter Fucking get raped and die of assbleed you nigger.
Elijah Watson
I love Ponyo. Tough to compare his movies but it's one of the best, in my opinion. I can't imagine what kind of a mindset you'd have to approach it with in order to end up so pissed off.
Grayson Barnes
If it weren't for the production values Ponyo would probably be considered one of the worst post-2000 anime movies ever made.
Aiden Rodriguez
Ponyo is pretty fine, children love it, and as an adult you can watch it as a light and fun story. I don't see the problem wih the movie.
Isaiah Garcia
Obviously if you subtract good things it becomes less good.
Jeremiah Cruz
>People get angry when Shinkai or Hosoda get compared to Miyazaki because they'reShinkai or Hosoda "lesser" or whatever Makes sense since Miyazaki's best movies are notably better than Shinkai's and Hosoda's best works.
Aaron Perez
holy red pill
Eli Martin
Miyazaki never made a film as atrocious as Boy and the Beast or Kimi no Na wa
Austin Jones
This doesn't make any sense.
Isaiah Lopez
Shinkai and Hosoda get compared to Miyazaki because they get mad bucks. None have the visual talent that Miyazaki has to create a connection between motion and ideas; nor the sense of direction that makes up for the truly outstanding pieces of animation he has produced, even in his worst works.
You just would have to see how Shinkai tried to mimick Miyazaki with Children of the Lost Voices (or whatever) and how does he capture all the worst: the superficiality in character treatment, the overexplaining of world building (patent in Miyazaki's later work sans The Wind Rises) that brings a thick wall between the actual film and the emotion it tries to convey (that added with the tendency of Shinkai to bring melodramatic emotion and images without any substance or worth).
Michael Diaz
>Miyazaki was never really a great writer Did you read the Nausicaa manga?
Hunter Anderson
Hosoda and Shinkai were being compared even before bringing in mad bucks. Even before Kimi no Na wa people said Shinkai is the next Miyazaki and Hosoda pre Summer Wars. The point of comparison seems to be non Ghibli male movie directors and that's it.
Matthew Hall
Hosoda is more understandable, because he always deals with family with some flamboyant visuals in some of his films. However, I would equate him with shitty 80s family adventure films, it's all he's capable of doing.
Jackson Bailey
I'd call that an edgy opinion. Wolf Children and Summer Wars have some of the best storyboards in the medium since the 80s. The guy knows his techniques.
Liam Hughes
Can you give an example to support that? I don't think they'd even chart if I were to come up with a list of "best storyboarded" anime.
Brandon Harris
>I would even put Howl's Moving Castle above this. Howl's Moving Castle is great.
Jaxon Cooper
The usual opinion is that it's his worst. The weakest film of a master is still typically great, though. I'd say Howl is better than the majority of movies this side of 2000.
Leo Martinez
ponyo is just pretty and fun to watch i don't understand why animation for animation's sake is wrong not to mention fujimoto was an awesome character
not to mention the book is just as confused sometimes they had to change some things and it worked out better
Brandon Williams
Are there any similar movies out there that innocently explore innocence and exploration?
Connor Hill
>i don't understand why animation for animation's sake is wrong
It isn't. It's the same stiff Miyazaki-controlled animation like in all his other movies.
Blake Ross
Laura, les ombres de l'été
Jeremiah Hill
>liking Miyazaki's preachy message movies Laughing Oshii.tiff
'All modern humans should die' is my favorite Aesop.
Christian Roberts
>Ponyo >stiff Dude, look at the fucking backgrounds
Wyatt Foster
Miyazaki looked over and corrected every frame of that movie just like all his other ones. Just because the art style is more loose doesn't mean his control of it was.
Samuel Flores
Still ain't stiff in the slightest
Evan Martinez
>lots of things moving means it isn't stiff
I don't think you know how animation is normally delegated. There is nothing unique or dynamic about Ponyo's style of animation other than how many people Miyazaki cracked his whip on to have them draw it out.
Luis Scott
Both of them are like 30 years younger than Miyazaki, they still have plenty of time. People forget he didn't make Mononoke and Spirited Away until he was around 60.
Carson Thomas
Nigga it's not stiff that's the end of it
Forget about Spirited Away, his 60s and 70s work alone blows the fuck outta everything by Shinkai and Hosoda
Sebastian Thompson
It's literally a kiddy movie that only a little kid with the attention span of a squirrel could truly appreciate.
If you're looking for some semblance of a plot steer clear from it.
Luis Richardson
>that's the end of it
So you give up your argument?
>his 60s and 70s work alone blows the fuck outta everything by Shinkai and Hosoda
Like Sherlock Hound right?
Christian White
We're not having an argument, I'm telling you it's not stiff and you're just saying stupid stuff. And I was referring to his Toei Doga work and stuff like Lupin, Conan and WMT.
Ian Murphy
Dude wtf I like howls moving castle :(
Easton Smith
Some serious levels of autism going on here.
Jack Brooks
>it's not stiff
It is stiff because Miyazaki controls every single frame of it. Next you're going to tell me Disney's old movies aren't stiff either. Higher frame count does not make a scene less stiff as an animation. That's why sakuga exists.
>I was referring to his Toei Doga work and stuff like Lupin, Conan and WMT.
Hosoda's own TV directorial work trumps Miyazaki's in most aspects. Nothing Miyazaki made pre-Mononoke other than possibly Nausicaa was better than what Hosoda has already done at this point.
Gavin Gomez
I think you're either an idiot or misinformed, either way tedious. You win this one, user.
Ayden Turner
>I think you're either an idiot or misinformed
Always a great argument when the best you can do is throw out weak insults.
Carson Bell
It was an observation, not an argument
James Green
You keep saying "stiff", but then you bring up Disney's old movies, which if i understand would include Fantasia and Bambi, and i don't care what you think of the content they both still look pretty.
So I wonder whether you think "stiff" is that bad of a thing? Miyazaki isn't some fluidity-obsessed weirdo.
Chase Powell
I think what they means by stiff is "authoritarian", which is how most directors handle their work, honestly. But I really don't get how early Disney films had that, since they could have 6 directors at minimum with their own scenes and workgroups.