I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
That's likely the future of Europe
Similar to what Russians did, creating an ethnostate within a state and hopefully forcing all of the animals into it
When they are all in the one place they'll be easy to genocide
Honestly, we might as well just convert to Islam and use it as a pretext to deport all of the foreigners. There's no turning the other cheek in Islam.
He's playing 6d backgammon and you fools can't even tell.
All that because those dumb fucks joined the british warmongers in 1939.
this is accelerationism at it's finest. this would literally create a civil war immediately
This would be ok but they won't have the spine to do it, and the animals will run wilder once they have the dual system set up.
Yes, surely agreeing to what they want will ensure peace.
Oh no...
>Similar to what Russians did
They never did it intentionally tho, they just conquered lands full of muslims
The french in me wants to be mad but this is too funny.
Holy fuck I love being an American.
Or perhaps kicking the muslims out would also avoid civil war?
The west has fallen
Me too bob me too.
Something's telling me that this (((academic)))) is a nice guy.
>to avoid civil war
I must admit I drink often.
in this I am debauched.
however, it must be admitted that to vomit what is detestable is superior to retaining that which causes debauchery.
for this, I would say the french are unwise, retaining what causes debauchery and refusing to vomit what makes them like drunkards.
Fake and gay
Honest question: Why France? What did they do to deserve this?
Post a link you worthless troglodyte.
Every time you post a screenshot without a link you’re encouraging Sup Forums to be lower and lower IQ and just blindly believe that because there’s a picture there must be a real article that really has that headline.
Sage this buzzfeed style posting tactic.
Fuck the french, they will get what they deserve.
they let the jews out of the ghettos and became a stronghold of the rothschild family.
The West is being stabbed in the back.
double state:
half Muslim half femicuck
>they didn't even have to conquer Europe
>Europeans just surrendered their land, their culture, their laws, their history and their women
Absolute cucks.
euromutt when???
To be fair, it's mainly 70+ years of communist subversion. Their long term game was flawless.
Hey, Frogs. You aren't just larping shits, right? Come the fuck on.
>Baguettes surrendering to Islam
Top kek
Y'know sometimes I suspect that certain academics are redpilled, but they're making bad suggestions in the vein of "A modest proposal".
To his credit, that probably WOULD be the only thing that would prevent civil war. The satirical assertion being, "Prepare for civil war".
damned if you do damned if you dont the fucking issue is unreasonable immigration and France is traditionally belongs to the historical Satanic bloodlines so whatever i dont know man
link also since OP's a fag
I have a better idea.
This Article just shows how cucked France is...
Those Finnish knives are badass. I'd carry one every day if I lived there, instead of my Glock.
Are those actual quotes?
40% of newborns in france carry the genes for sickle cell anemia. it's basically over for them.
>to avoid civil war
But that's what i want.
>French academic
holy shit really?
Hearing this immediately made me think of an old flash cartoon.
>But I am le TIRED
>be ameircan
>say good fuck em let em rot
>realize france has nukes
Holy shit that's infuriating
orrr you fucking idiots could defend your homelands, start incarcerating and deporting en mass, It's your fucking country, they are not french, they are not french people, they will never be french people, get rid of them.
and don't you fucking forget that those faggots helped israel get nukes
yup. i didn't save the image with the stats (it was in french anyway), but if you google it you should find the numbers pretty quickly. it's banned to collect racial statistics in france, but they screen everybody for sickle cell because it's so common among their immigrants, so you can judge by that.
Just kikes trying to divide Europe, then destroy it easily.
All Semites need to die painful deaths.
the french are cucked in ways that it's difficult for anglos to comprehend.
I want to try and communicate something. All this immigration in Europe, this all seems bad and terrible, but if you carefully examine European history, religious institutions, monarchy, and allegations of satanic bloodlines, you start realizing that much of this European society that you claim tradition to has been corrupted and polluted by the satanic evil over the ages that have made a mockery of noble and honorable European values, institutions, and culture.
i.e. - The pope and the Roman Catholic Church today is pretty much a stand in for the symbolic hegemonic elite in their control over the masses, while it's already had its allegations of corruption by criminal organizations and more. European monarchs are elites allegedly committing satanic baby killing rituals.
Is this exactly something you want to save ? The abused and corrupted systems, institutions, and culture that have been infiltrated by Satanic and destructive forces ? Is it really so bad that Islam and other cultures might wipe that out so you all have a chance to destroy the corrupt and evil, and rebuild a new European culture - without Satanic influence ?
Yeah, don't you feel sleepy? I sure feel sleepy, I mean academics? Pfssst, they haven't had any influence on society the last century, let's just sleep ok?
And miss out on killing all those kikes in the upcoming jew war?
>french academics
Same people that promoted post modernism?
>goatfucker insight
Calling things something over and over doesn't make it so.
It's 38% i'm looking at a health website and says that southern european cuacasians can also get sickle cell. They're probably just "caucasians" meaning mutts or arabs
fuck off mohammed. nobody wants you or your goat-shit stained balls near them. i hope you get raped by pigs.
I find it really hard to believe that French people are this stupid.
shut, abdullah.
this is only a single liberal saying this in the country, it means nothing and the French would never accept this I guarantee it. Don't get your dreams carried away that Christian Europe will change that way.
-t French Canadian.
>avoid civil war
why would you want to?
The truth regarding Satanic corruption of European society through your pathetic Monarchs is there. You filthy shills are not going to win with me because I can see right through you and I will call a spade a spade, it is what it is, you can't deny it, just keep calling me out and I'll spill more shit to really enlighten people
Islam is satanic, Muhammad was a false profit pedophile warlord, you people are godless inbred animals that should be culled from the earth.
how do you figure they are Paco, or are you falling for the anglo saxon group think meme speak that makes this single academic liberal saying something LAW of the land believed by every frenchman thing?
10% Muslim
>Infidels must let us govern ourselves in their country, otherwise we will kill them
25% Muslim
>Infidels must observe our laws in their country, otherwise we will kill them
50% Muslim
>Infidels must follow our laws in our country, otherwise we will kill them
50%+ Muslim
>Infidels must be exterminated as they do not follow our beliefs
Fucking do something then!!
Allah Akbarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I really dont care, i just know that at the very least most faithful Islamic people, as well many Christians, can recognize the Satanic evil in the world, which is also related to the "bad" Jews, which is all that matters
In fact, it would be even better if Islam were found out to be fake and created by Jews, because i am aware of what youre talking about, the backlash would be ten times what it is now from the Middle East
Patton was eventually assassinated by (((them))) when he realized the Nazi's were correct and that the commies and Jews were the enemies of Christianity abd western civilization.
>those quotes
i hope theres an alternate universe where everything turned out the way it should have
their African colonies want a taste of France
Friendly reminder that the German's did all they could to venerate the veterans of WW1 in occupied and Vichy france. I'm not saying the German Occupation was perfect, but there was a degree of civility and respect, unmatched in any other war in history
Well, it's an argument of a weak-willed person with no stomach for upholding French law and secular institutions and equal rights for all people. The author of the article pretty much admits it when he expresses the sentiment that it would "intolerable" to exile Islamic radicals who were born in France. Why exactly is it intolerable? Just legislate Islamism as being treasonous and expulse the Islamists. It's as simple as that. Either you agree to the rules and laws of a liberal society or you don't. If you work to subvert the liberties and rights of a liberal society, you should be considered an enemy. The whole idea this would somehow be intolerable is what's really intolerable. It is a soyim argument. The irony is that the author of the idea complains about the short-termist appeasement policies of French politicians while proposing a codified appeasement not to hurt the feefees of Islamic fanatics. In his scenario, the children of Islamists naturally cannot choose whether they want to be governed by sharia or not. In other words, his proposition strips children born to Islamists from their rights and liberties just because their parents do not want them to have rights and liberties other children have. This idea should be rejected of course.
Please be real.
Do u guys reckon that a Sup Forumstard will just be able to show up to the RW and yell to the normies kikes first? Seriously don't understand how one can go about convincing normies overnight that the jews and not the muslims and blacks are the real problem.
Why are italians so disgusting and ratlike?
>it would be even better if Islam were found out to be fake
It has already been found out to be fake. Analysis of the Qur'an proves beyond all doubt that its origins have nothing to do with the Islamic fables about it (i.e. that the angel Gabriel dictated it to Muhammad and that it's the literal word of the creator of the universe).. Chunks of the Qur'an come from Syriac texts, for one. This fact is the elephant in the room that a lot of Muslims are not even aware of because in Muslim societies the Islamic establishment enforces Islamic fairytales and prohibits all criticism.
if this were any other time in history, the French people would already have revolted and lynched their leader and ALL KEBOB
Only way to avoid civil war is for mudslimes to become as cucked as Christians.
The author knows this won't happen, this is a way to tell the populace the civil war is inevitable, and to prepare, without directly saying so.
When will Sup Forums stop discussing fake news?
>Well zen take a nap, and FIRE ZE FUCKING MISSILES!
8\8 meme game son