Which one was better?
Which one was better?
The manga.
Handled the characters better. Had better animation production value. Better Ops (except for Ready Steady Go. That song was complete overrated garbage) and ends, and a far superior musical score.
The manga
Brotherhood obviously. If anyone says 2003 then they're just shitposting.
All critiques of 2003 are surface level and can be boiled down to Brotherhood fags thinking that an aspect of the plot isn't "cool."
Manga > First 26 episodes of 03 > Brotherhood > 03's made up bullshit.
We've been through this a billion times.
>first 26 episodes of 03
This is essentially a concession that 2003 was better directed than Brotherhood (and better looking and better composed; 2003's greater thematic depth flies over the heads of those who like the vacuous Brotherhood but the OST's superiority is so obvious that even they won't deny it), and that the later's only redeeming quality is that it was the real version. Pro tip: all of it's fiction.
That's just Ed with bigger metal parts.
both are shit
>and that the later's only redeeming quality is that it was the real version
Everything with Dante is bafflingly stupid and terribly done, the anime original stuff in 2003 is awful.
Second post best post.
Dante is a far better and less generic villain than Father and the idea of a 15 year old punching out a god, as his friends cheerlead on the sidelines, will never stop being dumb regardless of how much shonen I watch. Comparatively, the confrontation between Ed and Dante ended with a battle of ideologies regarding equivalent exchange.
Aside from the dumb half metal face, this thing is fucking awesome.
I haven't seen 03 in like 9 years but nothing from it can trump the Brotherhood OST. The OP's are way better too.
The only thing wrong with that is the face. Everything else is fine.
Dante was pretty great. Father was just dull and his defeat was so bad.
Brotherhood's OST is better? What this is nonsense?
>nothing from it can trump the Brotherhood OST
Anything can trump Brotherhood's forgettable- ass OST.
>The OP's are way better too.
They were shit. Any one of 03's, except for Read Steady Go, are vastly better.
Manga>2003 when it doesn't make shit up>Brotherhood>Shit>2003 when it makes shit up
Again>Rain>Rewrite>Period>Melissa>Golden Time Lover>Hologram>Undo>Ready Steady Go.
Dante is throwing a childish tantrum because for some reason Equivalent Exchange, which is supposed to be a scientific law of energy/mass conservation in universe is not applicable to human society. Father is an inhuman trying to continually surpass himself, trying to overcome said law in the process. He's not the most innovative villain, but better than fucking Dante, that's for sure.
Ed and Al's relationship is needlessly melodramatic in 2003. Arakawa handled their relationship and conflicts way better, and does so without any needless angst.
2003 has stronger individual tracks, but Brotherhood utilized admittedly weaker tracks in conjunction with scenes better imo. Also, it might just be me, but I don't remember any strong use of leitmotifs in 2003 compared to Brotherhood.
Alchemy powered by human suffering of the other world, which also turns out to be our world, which also what is beyond "the gate" is so fucking dumb. Arakawa's handling Alchemy in general is way better. Also, the whole Rose thing was super dumb.
In addition to all that, I don't know why people said 2003 looked better. Outside of standout Sakuga scenes, It was generally lower in quality compared to Brotherhood. And the character design isn't as faithful to Arakawa's sesigns.
Also, Brotherhood has a lot more Kameda in it. If that alone doesn't make it better, I don't know what does.
OP 1,3,4, and 5 are fucking great compared to the other forgettable OP's in 03.
The only thing better that 03 has is the ED's. Also the OST was hype as fuck.
The tone in Brotherhood is so much worse, so many serious scenes are ruined by someone pointing out how short Ed is and then everyone just morphs into chibi mode while he does something completely ridiculous, this is just one of many tone ruining examples, they'll crack jokes, use slapstick or make a visual gag at the worst times and it makes it difficult for me to take the show seriously. in 2003 they still do this, but it's far less often and they keep it away from the serious scenes.
This. As much as I like the nostalgia aspect and certain parts of 2003, Brotherhood is the winner in the end.
Both are garbage.
Brotherhood has best Selim Bradley
Brotherhood. While I do like '03 and would actually argue that it had better characterization of the main cast, the ending sucks pretty bad.
>so many serious scenes are ruined by someone pointing out how short Ed is and then everyone just morphs into chibi mode while he does something completely ridiculous,
Is this your first anime?
I've watched a few, and the good ones don't have to switch to a more comedic art style for comedic effect. It's a cheap tactic used to force people to recognize when they're supposed to laugh, instead of, you know, forming an actual joke with build up, pay off, reincorporation, etc. Don't get me wrong, a simpler comedic style is great if a show has clearly defined it as the style of the show, it's just lazy when other genres inject it into themselves for laughs.
Ah, so you've never learned the difference between "bad" and "just something I don't like".
No it's simply lazy because it isn't a joke, it's a substitute for a joke, whats inherently funny about characters becoming shittily drawn for a few seconds? Nothing. It's completely trite, the most base level of visual comedy and just shows me how little the creators care and/or understand about comedy.
I agree with you, and disagree with the other faggot
>this thread
Every day for the past 6 years.
The only good reason posted in this whole thread
2003- atleast it tried to be something more.Brotherhood began as generic shonen-shit and ended as generic shonen-shit
>Brotherhood OST
The sound of his neck snapping was pretty satisfying
I think both have their good moments. The ghost city on 2003.. I loved how they handled that. Truly one of the highest moments of 2003 show. After that, yes, it was a downfall, with Dante appearing out of nowhere in a stupid way.
I too agree that the 2003 version, had a better aesthetic but for story it's an open debate. Brotherhood is in fact the true one.
There is no true story. The 2003 story is the true story in 2003 canon, the Brotherhood story is the true story in manga/Brotherhood canon. But both stories are just as valid, just they are true in different canons.
Is that even a question?
>Dante is throwing a childish tantrum because for some reason Equivalent Exchange, which is supposed to be a scientific law of energy/mass conservation in universe is not applicable to human society
Dante wants the stone because she's afraid to die and justifies it to herself by claiming to do it for humanity's well being. She MOCKS Ed over his belief that Equivalent Exchange applies to human society. Honestly, if you didn't pick up on this then I can't imagine that you were paying attention to anything in 2003.
>Arakawa handled their relationship and conflicts way better, and does so without any needless angst
Ed actually angsts less after 2003 departs from the manga.
>but Brotherhood utilized admittedly weaker tracks in conjunction with scenes better imo
Can't even remember anything from Brotherhood's musical score. No way does the manner in which its utilized beat out 2003's use of Bruja in Episode 3 or Transient Life during the death of Greed.
>Arakawa's handling Alchemy in general is way better
Alchemic energy gathered from tectonic plate plate activity is less dumb than the alternative? It's certainly less interesting than tying a parallel world in which alchemy wasn't a pseudo-science while nuclear physics was to the real one in which the reverse was true.
Manga and Brotherhood.
The 2003 had some good things and did the manga parts well, but when original content waltzed in, it went turboshit.
Goddammit. Need to replay this since my portable H-Drive got formatted by accident.
One is made by the creator of the series and built up over years of execution. The other has source material up to a point then it shoddily throws together a very shitty excuse for a plot in a matter of days/weeks.
2003 is good. Brotherhood is great.
Brotherhood no doubt, Ed wasn't an angsty little bitch and was handled a lot better. Each of the homunculi in brotherhood were all executed a shit ton better in brotherhood with the exceptions of lust and sloth. Roy didn't become a little bitch towards the end and Al getting his body back in brotherhood made sense and didn't shit on the entirety of the series like 03 did.
2003 was going to diverge from the very beginning and has a tighter plot and cast of characters than the manga.
>and has a tighter plot
Pull the other one!
> Brotherhood: Fuck everything, we just beat the crap out of this god and everything will be just fine
> 03: Shit already happend and we need to make the best out of it, even though victory will be bittersweet.
I really dislike the "Everything turned out fine" endings. They feel forced.
> hurr durr But Ed lost his powers
As if that's even a sacrifice worth mentioning for him. That shit was just a little inconvinient
Fight me
Happy endings are good.
Manga has defective characterization, a wishy-washy storyline, bad pacing in the latter quarter, and suspension-breaking slapstick humor and characters in general (Yokoi, the panda girl, Lin's lazy scenes).
The anime was right to cut the rope when it did. The only good part of the manga after that point(volume 7) is volume 8. I will commend Arakawa for being able to produce one more good volume before the entirety of her story went down the drain. She should never have made the Homunculus pushovers and started bringing in crazy monsters out the loo.
2003 is cerebral, grounded in a stronger reality and mechanical framework that the manga lacks (manga tells you that alchemy takes stamina to use as the "energy," but you only see this happen once or twice and is a stupid idea), and more importantly didn't have a shit final boss pulling on the story the entire time.
I know that you meme spouters will come in and do what you do best to refute me with word games from the shadows and other obsfucation. I don't care. You already lost once you sided with Brotherhood and opted to browse this shit taste board.
I liked the villain in Brotherhood. Clearly it was some bizzare part of the Truth, that was tired of being part of the Oneness and got the xerxian alchemists to summon it to the Earth. It found itself in a flask, apart from the Truth but still unsatisfied as it envied the humans that could just walk around. It got itself a human body but still it wasn't contented so it got rid of seven human emotions hindering it, and yet still made plans to aim at godhood. As the ultimate irony the circle closes and it had to go back to the Truth, the Oneness begging "No, I don't want to go back there." What a weird little thing. Arakawa really but use the Emerald tablet's saying "As above so below", making Hoenheim being one that helped the homunculus to come to this word as alchemists used his blood and Hoenheims son being the one who send it again from this world. So much pottery, so much rhymes.
Alchemical themes are around in the manga and thus in the Brotherhood that it proofs that Arakawa studied well both western and eastern alchemical traditions and used them not just for fighting gimmicks but for the themes of the story. Personally I liked that aspect because there are so many stories that use alchemy for fighting but don't use any philosophical sides of it.
Brotherhoods explanation of alchemy might sound lame but the world selfcontained without need of other worlds. 2003's explanation rised more questions than answered. Tectonic plates take account how the eastern alchemy works.
I like the soundtrack of 2003 version, it has many great tracks, Bratja being classic of all anime soundtracks. But Brotherhood's ost wasn't bad either. All variations of Lullaby of Resenbool and Lapis Philosophorum are what comes to my mind when thinking about musics of Brotherhood.
Both series are great having their pros and cons but for me the story of the manga works just better. I like it's balance of wakcy shonen side and it's other layers.
>Handled the characters better.
Not really. Ed barely changed during the course of the 2003 series and Al changed even less.
>I don't like happy endings.
>hurr durr
2003 fans, alright.
>suspension-breaking slapstick humor
This made any sense when you typed it?
Brotherhood is shit.
It has no direction, it's just an animated version of the manga. The director, who's less experimented than Mizushima, didn't understand that anime is a whole different medium which needs a vision and he made no effort to ADAPT the manga. This is obvious especially during "humourous" scenes which are usually drawn in smaller panels in the manga, in order to simplify the pace, and takes the whole fucking screen in the anime. This kind of humour just doesn't work in an anime, it is lame to say the least. The same goes for dramatic moments, which need different composition and framing.
The pace was also terribly rushed, some crucial moments like Hughes' death lost all emotional impact because the studio felt it was useless to focus on it since it has already been animated in the 2003 version.
The artisitic direction was also less appealing. 2003 seems much more cleaner and modern than Brotherhood.
Also, the OST is boring and seems like an extension of soundtracks from shitty edgy animes like Elfen Lied. None of the tracks reach the heights of "Bratja" or "Butou".
>hurr durr Brotherhood is better because it follows the manga
No. It's shit because it follows the manga.
>We provoked a war so, maybe, someone unrelated, could try to make a philosopher's stone for us. Yet at the end the people that tried are the ones related to the villains.
>Also, half of the homunculus are related to the main characters.
>I heard that your mother was dead so I, without any basis, decided you were going to try to resuscitate her, went all the way to your house and took her while you weren't looking.
>Our alchemy is fueled by the other side's lives, which is our real world, by the way.
People like this contrived shit?
I once mentioned in passing that I liked both shows (because I was "finally getting around to reading it"), and the person I was talking to had an exaggerated face and said, "You actually liked it? It has anime Hitler!"
>Judging parts of shows
>Thinking adaptation-original content is always bad
>Brotherhood is the "real" version despite only the source material deserving to be anything close to that
I keep seeing the same stupid argument for every series with multiple adaptations. You know the one. But you also see stuff like this in Dragon Ball threads, so I'm assuming it's just shounenfags.
>It's a cheap tactic used to force people to recognize when they're supposed to laugh
No, it's something that lightens the mood as it should.
Not that either FMA did that well; they have stuff like that in the middle of serious scenes instead of in their own or at the beginning/end, and they have the serious music keep playing over it. It's awkward because they copied where it happened in the manga, where it felt more natural. Also, BONES' style made it seem even more flat and cartoony.
>Brotherhood story is the true story in manga canon
There are significant divergences, and even extremely faithful adaptations shouldn't be considered the same continuity.
Strictly speaking, both anime are the same canon despite having separate continuities, though, because they were made by the same people.
This is an acting critique; you mean contrived.
They started war because they knew they needed it for the ingredients for the stone. Dante and Hoenheim made it under the pressure of the plague. They used war to try to get the Ishvalans to make it and it worked, so I don't know what you're talking about.
In fact all your points are stupid but I'll just address that one.
And the manga is better than the 2003 version despite doing certain key elements well...until the anime original bullshit appeared.
And due to this fact Brotherhood is also better than the 2003 version.
2003 by far, everything about it is better except for what leads to the movie.
The characterization of the villains, especially Greed and Lust, was leagues better in 2003, the OST was better, Brotherhood's wasn't bad but it was just being here being forgettable, the direction was better, even the art style was better and to top it off, the start of 2003 was way stronger than the start of the manga. All of that turned it into being one of the most sold 52eps anime of all times, perhaps even the most sold if you remove Gundam from the equation.
Bones did Brotherhood to try to replicate that feat of strength a second time but it didn't work.
The manga itself is deeply flawed. It was a great work but it turned to a generic shonen after the fifteenth volume.
Right or left?
which one is 2003?
Left = 2003
Right = Brotherhood
none, shounen shit is shit regardless
Brotherhood had lot more "lol grimdarker" colour palette than I remembered.
> Thinking adaptation-original content is always bad
It's not always bad, but in this case it was. The staff that did the first anime version had a good director but a poor writer. When the original material ended they had to come up with a story by themselves and they weren't really successful as that.
Even without knowing anything about the manga I thought the anime value took a nosedive after a certain point.
>both have strong points
Color me surprised.
You donĀ“t /thread your own fucking post retard. Especially with a wrong opinion.
but he's right
No it's Manga > Brotherhood > Shit > 2003
There's a difference between something being uncool and something being laughably bad
We just had the same discussion about HxH OP.
The tone/feel/ pacing/ direction of the old one is better but the latter adapts more faithfully.
This is true to both HxH and FMA however since old FMA deviates much more than old HxH from the original source the outcome differs.
On HxH, 99 is better while on FMA, brotherhood is better. Nothing on old FMA tops Mustang owning Envy, Alphonse sacrifice or Edward beating the truth even if the old one feels better at the beginning.
Can you actually describe why its bad without talking about how "uncool" you think the design is? When people criticize Brotherhood its in regard to issues with its plotting, thematic value, characterization, and direction.
In fact, cool factor seems to be entirely why Brotherhood fans like any character in Brotherhood.
>MFW I will never have an autocannon for an arm
Honestly they both have their strengths and weaknesses.
I think the thing that held back 2003 the most was some of the filler. There were a lot of padded episodes. However, it was also that deliberation which lent a better sense of gravitas to the series. A good example is Hughes, whose death had a much larger impact in '03 thanks to the superior developments and screen time provided for him. Some characters like Scar and Lust are so out-right better in '03 than they were in Brotherhood, though the same could be said in the reverse for certain characters (Bradley and Kimblee are much better in Brotherhood, for example) I generally preferred the tone of '03 compared to Brotherhood though, and the OST in Brotherhood especially just paled in comparison to '03.