this guy got laid. what's stopping you?
This guy got laid. what's stopping you?
erectile dysfunction
He adopted her faggot
Fiance told me after I showed her the picture.
He probably fucks her in the eye hole.
Isnt that the dude from the Foo Fighters?
he didn't adopt her and thats not his kid. he travels around the world and speaks to parents /teachers of kids with this condition and to the kids themselves.
Disgust for womankind (no homo)
whats the wife look like though? anyone can fuck an ugly chick.
>my life is about getting laid
Get a prostitute, you'll be disappointed how boring sex is with randoms.
damn his wife is a cutie. looks kinda young though.
Effort. I'm tired of chasing women. I've fucked my fill of them, and they're pretty much all the the same. I've got bigger shit I'm trying to conquer right now anyway.
this was his previous girlfriend. how the hell is this ugly fuck pulling all the cuties while i cant even get a text back?
He did a show on bbc3 years ago. Wife was a blonde qt and he hit the gym hard. Was prettt based in a few ways considering the hand he was dealt.
why do women all like ugly guys and hate good looking guys like me
niggers and jews
Role playing fag. You aint got not damn fiance
sympathy, generally
women love a charity case
Why not ?
DESU that kid probably couldn't fight him off
Two words my friend, virtue signaling.
DESU is desu?
Not his kid. I bet he gets laid though. If I was him I woulda gone the punk/metal/goth route. You know some of those girls would get off on fucking a demon
I'm fucking ugly too, should I just claim I'm retarded as well? That will surely get me some poosy
A to be honest filter
desu thats fucking weird
Why does T b H come out as desu?
imagine being as retarded as this retard right here
because you're a newfag please kill yourself
I saw that show too. A Jew kid born with no face bones getting pimped by his parents for the freak show. This golden haired guy visited the Jew and played video games with him. Fascinating tale.
What is his condition? Did the grinch steal his chromosomes?
It's easy enough to spot a newfag, but you can't often tell when it's a poster's first HOUR on the fucking site.
this is cool. DESU I'm going to do this until it's explain to me
Game, you ain't got it. Google David deangelo.
I'm just regular ugly so no bird is going to marry me so that people will think she is deep and a good person.
Been here years, never saw this shit desu
Treacher Collins Syndrome.
To be Desu?
Gym. Women want men, not pretty boys.
Well he certainty isn't putting his dick near those teeth.
DESU vault
My dick doesn't work. It makes me want to kill myself, honestly.
They get attention and praise for being with a charity case like him. He's an accessory to their egos.
Homer and Lisa Simpson?
lol kek desu
This guy got fucked by Laura Dern, so anything is possible.
>anyone can fuck an ugly chick.
Only if you're 7/10 or above with a high paying job, status, etc.
I am sexually attracted to women but find myself feeling intense anger/hatred for them.
I see even the most innocent looking girls as "roasties".
I am pretty sure Sup Forums is responsible. Yeah, let's go with that..
It looks like someone stirred up his face with a spoon.
do make app
>t. Incel
You must have a REALLY shitty personality bro
>having a one-night stand with a woman that is into you is the same as having a sexual business transaction
Why do we value weakness. The Chinese are beating us by a mile when we praise this shit. We NEED eugneics now
looks like Stephan Baldwin and David Spades love bastard desu
frequent /r9k/ browser?
He literally said "got laid". If you mean relationship, then say thaty.
Nah bro you gay. Just suck a dick and call it a day.
/r9k/ and Sup Forums have basically the same userbase.
this is impossible
stop wasting your time on stupid shit
there's qts out there man
No, I have never browsed that board. It makes me sick.
Wow you should be a rapper
that girl is probably 15 years old at the most, weirdos
He's hung like a donkey. God felt bad after fucking up his face, so He made it up to him with the gift of enormous genitals
15 is fertile. makes evolutionary sense to be attracted to a 15 year old. from a purely objective perspective, there's absolutely nothing weird about it.
Source on girl? Looks conservative as hell.
she looks like a typical roastie
>autists really believe this
no ur just a faggot
it pretty much is actually
You think?
Do asexual people such as yourself listen to African music?
he has nice hair!
ye go make white children like this guy
ew nevermind this roastie looks like a man
His personality is more appealing to women than mine. By a long shot. Not ashamed to say it
it also doesnt help that shes a fatty
nigger your personality has to be that of a NPC from an 80's arcade game to lose to a freak
Nothing, except Jesus Christ's commandment of waiting till marriage to lie carnal with a woman (who is my wife)
The only reason you fornicate is because you desire the pleasure only God can give and thus you seek it in the flesh since you are in the flesh, we have it in the spirit because we are in the spirit, I felt what it is like to have the pleasure of drugs without the side effects, God is pleasure forever more.
If you seek women over God you are a fool and deserve the darkenig of yoir heart that you receive
I want her to sit on my face desu
>kekistani flag
nigger detected
Mine is. I'm barely a human.
She is fucking perfect.
I'm not asexual though.. I used to listen to rap music but I became self-conscious and realized that half of the shit they rapped about was against my race.
I masturbate a lot and have a penis that is well above average. I am above average in the looks department too. Maybe women just seem like too much effort when I can bust off into a sock.
An orgasm is an orgasm and I can't connect to anyone as a friend let alone as a lover.
incorrect, you underestimate the stupidity of most women, if you have any passion they will be caught in the wind and taken to pound town. Confidence is magic
roastie, manly, fatty, and a liberal
cant get much worse than that. look at this dumb bitch wearing a pussy hat.
Why is she dating him?!?!?
Wait, what's wrong with them? I've never heard of this condition.
It's all just an ego boost.
apparently she goes around giving talks like he does. she has some type of disorder. they met at one of the presentations/talks/meetings.
You just have to be more confident bro
here she is after getting cremed
I've seen a pity fuck, but I've yet to see a pity marriage and pity family. Jesus Christ. This bitch thinks she's doing some sort of "good deed", marrying that monstrosity and bearing his children. Sacrificing your happiness to make a virtue signaling out of your entire life, the leftist mind never ceases to amaze me.
You can tell she looks visibly uncomfortable in this picture. Around her own husband. Jesus Christ, if this whore isn't at least indulging herself in an affair on the side I truly pity her.