Convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt that Hillary Clinton doesn't have kuru.
You can't.
Convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt that Hillary Clinton doesn't have kuru.
You can't.
well i learned something new today
well, she most likely eats brains but she is not a Guinea nigger so it might be herpes.
Pretty sure if you have kuru you are too fucked for even the most sophisticated handlers and doctors to be able to make you presentable.
>It is also known as the "laughing sickness" due to the pathologic bursts of laughter which are a symptom of the disease
What is open herpe sore from decades of sucking vage
The one on the right was just glitter though
she does, from kissing her rapist husband
Huh she might.
There's decent evidence she's connected to ritualistic shit.
But really, her past brain injuries, drug addiction, and age are enough to explain her behavior and mental state.
The only evidence for Kuru would be the hole in her tongue, but how specific is that to Kuru? Does that happen often in those infected with the Kuru prion?
Also, I just want to point out how FUCKING PRIMITIVE THESE PAPUA BLACK PEOPLE ARE!!!
"Corpses of family members were often buried for days then exhumed once the corpses were infested with maggots at which point the corpse would be dismembered and served with the maggots as a side dish."
These people are savages.
Let me just be perfectly clear: white men are responsible for 90% of everything good in this world, they are responsible for Western civilization and the current freedoms we have, they are responsible for the vast majority of scientific discoveries, meaning entertainment and medical, they are responsible for law and order, and they are responsible for all of the 1st worlds luxuries.
Without White men, Ashkenazi Jewish men, and North East men, the world be an absolute shithole with zero redeeming qualities.
>kuru also causes involuntary muscle shakes
Explains a lot actually. Fucking hell lad.
The real "redpill" isn't that pizza is CP, its that pizza is "food"
This helps the postmodern enlightenment. We all need to get cucked.
I doubt it's kuru, since she'd have eat someone infected, and I doubt they couldn't be able to find someone who isn't(a kid for example). It's probably something else, but we'll never know unless her coroner makes a "mistake" and suicides from depression media will somehow know about but his family and friends never noticed, soon after. Thread irrelevant to anything. Stop sliding. Sage.
If true this means she dies soon
>"redpill isn't that pizza is CP"
>"pizza is food"
>CP can serve as food
>pizza is food
lel ashkenazi contributing anything to human development (not being a parasite on Europeans at all kek..)..
Silly kike, gas yourself.
Kuru has similar symptoms to parkinson's, which people have said HRC probably has.
>don't forget to eat your pizzas when you're finished
t. podesta
Other symptoms include:
>Arm and leg pain
>Severe coordination problems
>Difficulty walking (hmm)
>Difficulty swallowing
>Tremors and muscle jerks
Kuru has a long incubation period and takes up to 1 year to kill the victim. There is no known treatment.
Typically. Also it progresses rather quickly. Maybe stem cell treatment could help. Just inject some sacrificed infant or fetus slurry into the noggin.
She is in perfect health! 2020 here we come!
Hillary was diagnosed with subcortical vascular dementia. Same thing Trump suffers from.
How long did you cry for after Neogaf imploded?
reddit was a mistake
Put down the pipe.
Not everyone who dines on human brains gets Kuru. Despite her reputation she has probably eaten fewer than a half dozen corpses.
but women and children are more likely to get it than men
Dungeon prisoners who have had to eat each other to survive are more likely to be carriers too.
Are you saying she's a cannibal? Because that's the only way you can catch such a prion disease.
Kuru is a disease very prominent in the region of New Guinea as the natives used to eat the brains of dead relatives during funeral rituals. (aka cannibalism) Symptoms of the disease include (but are not limited to): difficulty walking, poor coordination, difficulty swallowing, dementia, muscle twitching /tremors, random compulsive laughing or crying.
This could explain Hillary's highly abnormal behaviour and outlandish outbreaks of uncontrollable laughter that made the political forefront during her presidential race.
Don't worry, Bill's ready to help run her campaign! Hillary 2020!
Do you really want to know what you're being fed goy?
Anyone got anymore Zombie Billie pics?
Top Lad
I can't prove there's an invisible teapot orbiting earth.
The hag is old. Old people tongues look like moldy sponges. She's garbage, but shit like this discredits her opponents.
Hillary has parkinson's disease, not kuru. That's why she's so much away from public:
They drugged her up for debates where you can see how meds are wearing off at the end and how she's having troubles to answer quickly.
It also explains her seizures and specially 911-collapse where she was seen shaking in the van. That was not just "overheating" or "pneumonia". Also her weird behaviour, swallowing troubles and creepy "laugh" are obvious signs.
95% of parkinson's patients develop personality changes. Uncontrolled parkinson's rage is also common. Hillary is well know for her ill-temper. They also have troubles making logical decisions.
There's no cure for parkinson's disease, it will only get worse. She will be dead or shaking wreck by 2020.
The Horror
The Horror
>Death usually occurs within 1 year after the first sign of symptoms.
She would have died by now. kek
Which email was that if any?
That's a herpes or syphilis sore from going down on Huma Abedin's pussy.
>unable to speak
Hope she advances to this stage soon.
That's because women and kids ate the brain and other viscera and men ate muscles, she could be eating muscles and not brains.
w...what is this a-user?
wh..what else d-do you know?
the phone too not matching the stage
Just because she eats human flesh, doesn't mean she has mad cow disease..
Oh boy.. here we go again.
This webm. I wonder who filmed it. Not one person in the Secret Service even looked at the person filming.
Peeling back the layers..
You need to redden the eyes more.
No wonder Bill has to rape and murder other women to reach climax. Damn.
They green screened her. Youtube it.
Oh.. dear..
What in the actual fuck is kuru?
Kill it with fire.. hopefully.
Prion disease similar to Mad Cow. Caused by reproduction of misfolded proteins in the brain. Can only be spread to others via consumption of infected brain matter.
The childsex keeps her alive. When an adult has sex with a child the marlocks in their bodies implode, feeding the adults' receptive cavity with energy that causes immortality, so saith the ruler of Bethos.
Cannibal disease. They eat some kids after they rape and torture them. Check out the Hampstead cover up if you have not- we are talking real satanic raping babies then forcing little kids to cut babies head off and shit. No joke. Hampstead cover up.
Does parkinsons make holes in your tongue?
Sometimes a lion plays with it pray before it devours it.
Friend of mine went to China on a business trip.
He was treated to Cobra blood and monkey brains.
died two months later. dont eat brains.
Her human covering is deteriorating
Oh, Jews are demons inside.
i would love to slip my cock in there
She gobbles massive dicks