>Atheist woman shopping for a dog sees a bishop blessing the animals, she run off to the American fagg- I mean Atheist club and is now suing for millions in damages
Explain yourself you atheist faggots
>Atheist woman shopping for a dog sees a bishop blessing the animals, she run off to the American fagg- I mean Atheist club and is now suing for millions in damages
Explain yourself you atheist faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
>animals treated wonderfully
Dem:yeah I would've totally started the shelter myself and not blessed them yeah
I'm trying to play devil's advocate here, and I'm coming up with nothing. This was the type of thing you'd see in droves seven or eight years ago and has died down quite a bit.
Hard to defend something as retarded as this
Animals can't be saved anyway. It's a nice gesture, but entirely pointless
Not the point of the article. If I want to bless my dog I'll fucking bless my dog
I know that you love Christ but let me tell you something.
Here in Greece we have 400 American NGO, and most of them are not leftists, but US christian cults (Evangelicans Protestants Catholics Jehovah's Witnesses and even Greek American Orthodox)
So, stop defending them.
I love Christ too and i recognize that he was a real person not a mythical one, but these bastards is our enemy.
Why people ruin everything. And i mean everything. I just cant call myself anything anymore. The retards have infiltrated every single group there is. Also on the note: (((atheistS)
Atheist act once again like losers and then will probably play D and D afterwards
She's a kike
Calling it now
I know when I shop for dogs, one of the first questions I ask is "has this dog been blessed?"
The fuck does that have to do with atheists acting all retarded and suing over an animal blessing?
Her last name is yaacobi
Good, basing your self identity on social groups is literal juvenile behavior. Grow up, and stop trying to find a fancy label to shape your worldview around.
Obviously this woman is not offended so much by the blessing of animals but by Christians themselves. They hate Christianity and so will do anything they can to persecute Christians.
Militant atheists are the most insufferable assholes to walk the earth. To sue over the blessing of the animals seems to be admitting that a blessing has some sort of effect upon the animals, which would seem to go against atheist beliefs. Fuck all of them.
t. Deist (one step away from atheists)
As an atheist I couldn't give a shit less as long as it doesn't damage the animals, but if they're just praying over them or pouring "holy" water or some shit then I don't see a problem.
>The fuck does that have to do with atheists acting all retarded and suing over an animal blessing?
Church is a motherfucking company today.
If you love Christ, and you want to show your respect to him, go to a Monestary (St. Anthony's Monastery for ex if you live in Jusa) or do some charity, but never give your money to churches and fat bastards with expensive costumes.
The cuck over there, is the real enemy.
>Be atheist
>See guy in a robe making the sign of the cross on a dog.
>Scarred for life.
>blessing a pitbull
now the toddlers it mauls are going to take bonus Holy damage.
Did The blessing cause some evident and inexplicable change in the animal ?
Checked. Leafs still blessed by kek
Now they are forced to pay lawyers to defend themselves -- thousands that COULD have gone to helping the animals.
I bet the mentally ill feminist bitch suing thinks she is a good liberal...very kind, etc.
What are her damages anyway? Does she sue if she turns on the TV and hears Joel Osteen on too?
when you are a christian and follow christianity those are the people whom you follow.
To be fair everybody should sue for hearing Joel Osteen's faggot ass.
this is just a normal day in america, ignore the edgy atheists who think they own the country, or please let us flee into yours
She was literally shaking user!!! She could feel her soul being torn apart!!! That's worth atleast 5 million!!!
>when you are a christian and follow christianity those are the people whom you follow.
Pick one.
Don't blame the dog, blame the niggers that made them that way
im saying that it is christianity that those people follow you do so as well. You are them.
>inb4 atheistcucks rub this off as an outlier
>inb4 hurr derp im n atheist and dont do that xD
>inb4 this is what hapens when atheism is treated like a religion, religion is to blame not atheism! Dx
fucking faggots
I deeply loathe other atheists for this cringey shit.
I'm so sorry people have to put up with this pointless bitching.
>im saying that it is christianity that those people follow you do so as well. You are them.
You are not. That's why Monasteries exist.
If you need help and you have lost your way or something bad happened to you, you going there to ask help from the God.
Church and these people cannot solve problems, they creating problems.
Did these niggers take All Dogs Go to Heaven seriously? If there is a god, doggos sure as fucking shit don't get into the pearly gates.
That said, just let them LARP for self satisfaction, in this case it is hurting literally no one. Animals are just happy for attention.
Would you bless this cat? Not the most appropriate for the topic but are any of you familiar with this channel - it is stupidly brilliant news (pol made it on there):
Bit rude tbqh
Monasteries are for monks. A monks role is to serve the Church, not the public. The role of serving the public falls to the public church, or the friars, or the priests, depending on your sect.
You clearly have a twisted view of the religion you claim to follow
You sound like you are one step away from joining the atheist club that meets every Sunday to mock Christians
what a faggot
Many monks built schools and libraries for the public, some of which they taught at (subjects including math, some biology, and philosophy in addition to faith and scriptures.)
Many such schools still exist today.
Atheists always have attended them, and you can still enrol. In fact, I looked into applying to double check.
Additionally. many monasteries, and ex monasteries ( abandoned but used for charity work) continue to give food and shelter to the poor. As an ex atheist, I volunteered at some of these places in my youth.
I'm also Canadian.
Your prejudice and arrogance clearly skew your perception and leave you quite ignorant.
No wonder Canada is in the state it's in. Shameful.
>Your prejudice and arrogance clearly skew your perception and leave you quite ignorant.
what the fuck are you trying to claim I'm prejudice against?
No, that sounds like a lot of work and not very fun. I'm not interested in taking joy in ridiculing people doing stupid shit, I just wish they would stop doing stupid shit. It is factual that if the Bible is correct, dogs do not get the privilege to go to heaven, so the act of blessing one is wholly pointless and self-serving.
Conversely, if that makes me people happy, you don't need to ruin it and fuck everything up, there's a net negative of happiness from your actions then, and we discourage actions that create more negatives than positives, which is also simple logic.
tl;dr it's illogical and pointless, but if it doesn't hurt anything, no one should care. I question how that can be such an audacious stance to take.
>Monasteries are for monks
Wrong. You can go as a visitor but only if you are Male Adult Christian.
>Why only Males?
I put a print screen who explains the reason.
wrong. dogs and cats have souls, unlike niggers and (((rats)))
>bred them that way
Fixed that.
Christian zionism has taken over the church. Christianity has become totally unrecognizable for the past 70 years.
>Christian zionism has taken over the church
Pic: Father Kleomenis against the Gay Pride who was organized by the American Embassy
this. what possibly could entitle her to their money?
they can't reproduce LOL christcucks so BASED!
>muh insane third world christians screaming at people
HAHA yeah man totally educated and fully understands that Jesus isnt talking to him.
>Here in Greece we have 400 American NGO, and most of them are not leftists, but US christian cults
Fucking based
How is this a problem?
>They claim the animal shelter violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment by forcing a religious viewpoint on people like their client.
>“Religion is a suspect class and governmental policies which classify individuals based on their religion are subject to strict scrutiny,” the lawsuit states.
What did they mean by this
>HAHA yeah man totally educated and fully understands that Jesus isnt talking to him.
Says the leftist pseydo-naturalist progressive anticapitalist faggot with the ipad and the starbucks cofeee who lurking the internet from yesterday.
He was a laywer before he take the mountains.
Now he lives alone at the mountain without money and temptations.
Ironic right anarchogoy?
>"We wuz naturalists en shieeet"
>modern ideas of sanitation
>it wasnt the other way around
personally i dont care, we btfoing spain was enough retalation, after that their empire collapsed
having said that i still want to get rid of christianity
>He doesn't know that dogs go to heaven
Maybe it's just Catholic one, but I've got as of now 3 waiting for me
Have fun in hell you fucking heretic.
>According to the lawsuit, Candice (((Yaacobi))) dropped by the shelter in search of a Chihuahua. Instead, she stumbled upon the animal blessing ceremony and the bishop dressed “in full religious vestments.”
>“I’ve lived in New Jersey for more than 20 years,” American Atheists president David (((Silverman))) said in a statement. “When I walk into a government building to use government services, the government should be absolutely neutral on religious matters. Allowing a Franciscan friar to conduct religious services with staff is the antithesis of neutrality.”
oy vey gib shekels goyim!
You can bless whatever you want and you don't have to call a priest and pay him for this.
>Fucking based
>How is this a problem?
400 USA NGO who helping the jihadists idiot.
this is the type of story we can use to drop red pills on normies
animals will suffer because of this Jewish atheist and her lawsuit
>According to the lawsuit, Candice Yaacobi dropped by the shelter in search of a Chihuahua. Instead, she stumbled upon the animal blessing ceremony and the bishop dressed “in full religious vestments.”
Wow, I wonder what ethnic group she hails from. Pathetic bitch.
I am no bible fag but Enough
the legal system is fucking retarded if this atheist cunt actually becomes a millionaire from this