who even gives a shit about the so called country of Canada?
Who even gives a shit about the so called country of Canada?
wat happened to your hair
too much testosterone happened to my hair. you wouldn't understand, it's an alpha thing.
Very few people take them seriously. They are our funny looking hat
Who cares? we are a bland country.
u look beta af tubby
guilty as charged. for making your mother c*m.
do u shine your dome
why don't you fuck off already boy
im the only one bumping your shit thread
I don't, and want to go back to Cro but you fucks are acting like Serbs now and it's pissing me off
>tfw even the shithole called Croatia shits on us
feels bad man
You the same faggot trying to convince everyone yesterday that you lost hair because of high test?
Listen you delusional faggot, high test is what keeps your hair. Low test is why you lost it.
well.... all the normies and leftys fucking love canada. makes me sick desu senpai.
>be 10 times better than Croatia
>Croatians get mad
its okay because i don't like in Croatia
Canadian diaspora here
I go back every year in the summer, just went this year for 5 weeks
fucking amazing everytime, pays off to speak fluently, read and write and have family for free housing and car
forgot to say, have fun man, and dont be silly wrap your willy
Literally no one gives a shit about either of you.
I mean croats at least serve mohitos to Germans on the beach or whatever the fuck tourist traps do but that's basically the extent of influence.
I don't even remember who won that war it was so unsubstantial.
>Jealous of our healthcare
>Jealous of our fine dining
>Jealous of our fresh water
This thinly veiled jealousy of the greatest liberal country in the world is astounding.
No one likes C*n*d*. Truth be told, they have been getting a break since the new Amerim*tt meme.
I think it's a conspiracy. There is no nation more proud of it's irrelevancy or weakness so it strikes out like a sad little worm at it's betters.