If there was an all out civil war in the U.S, where all the states fought each other, would you fight for your state? Who do you think would win?
If there was an all out civil war in the U.S, where all the states fought each other, would you fight for your state...
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Kentucky would be fine. We're like 90% white, and solidly republican.
it would be guerrilla
Pennsylvania allies with West Virginia and upstate New York to conquer Maryland, Virginia, downstate NY, Delaware, and New Jersey
state lines are artificial as fuck, a war would divide along urban/rural lines.
I wouldn't have to fight. The California soyboys would pass out before even crossing the desert.
>state lines are artificial
Do you have any idea how the states came to look like that?
The states would not fight but the PPL would attempt to overthrow the Globalist state govts and return to the USConst.
Fucking Jewish Propaganda.
Well, I'm from Ohio but I live in Massachusetts, and what I'd do is say fuck this faggot state and go back to Ohio. Fucking Fagatwoshits. Fucking Taxatwospics. Why the fuck do I even live here?
It's not tho, it's a history book about all the border disputes the States had with each other before settling into their current positions.
>Cali-faggots lose
i wouldn't fight for new york. i would defect to texas. fuck new york.
I have a feeling the few whites in MD would be ready to help the PA / WV alliance kill the niggers.
Texas has its own Air Force and power grid.
Get fucked.
South Carolina. Yes, I would absolutely fight for my state.
texas wins, i would gladly fight under the banner of the new texan empire
Western MD and eastern shore would probably side with us. That swath between Bantumore and DC would be the part we'd actually have to invade.It'd be worth it tho; small-scale race war to prep us for the big one
Florida. This place would be an absolute nightmare to invade. Niggers, spics, rednecks, mosquitos, gators, the weather, and all these guns.
Made a quick map of how it would probably play out realistically
Generously made Nebraska and Missouri villains just because the Feds have a lot of important secret bases there (Offutt, Whiteman, etc)
>Not a hero
You can fuck right off, sir. We fought our own Revolution you think we wouldn't fight in another for a greater cause?
You're under the 4GW conflict zone bc you'd be fighting hordes of spics, not because you're villains.
Same applies for most of the other yellow states. Most of the people in those states are good, but there'd be heavy fighting against POCs, commies, and Feds oh my!
I wonder (((who))) created these borders.
>state borders
get the fuck out
spics here are actually kinda patriotic towards texas, same goes for everyone here, i bet schools in your state don't say both the pledge of allegiance and the state pledge each morning.
what's with upstate and genesee? that shit is garbo
t. Pennsylvanian
Checked and I don't think PA even has a state pledge. I wish we were more like Texas in many regards, the genuine love of the state being one of them.
Have some serious doubts about patriotic spics tho; their loyalty will be to Mexico in the end.
I have yet to meet one of these magical "Tejano" pol loves talking about but I can tell you that when it comes to voting in state election Republicans get 30% of the spic vote. The Dems even ran a Mestizo candidate once and Rick Perry rekt him
>Perry carried 218 out of 254 counties, while Sanchez only carried 36. Exit polls showed Perry easily won Anglos (72% to 28%) while Sanchez won African Americans (85% to 15%) and Latinos (65% to 35%). His second inauguration for a first full four-year term began on January 21, 2003 on the Texas State Capitol South Grounds.
I live in Utah. I would probably be genocided along with every other non Mormon as soon as shit popped off. So no.
Vegasfag here, cutting off Cali from electricity and water would be the ultimate comfy.
Only thing that would suck is the diet of Mexican jerky.
they'd probably let you convert if you're white
No, Spics like me that are veterans, and have served born and raised, and love this country.
Its like saying that a person from Boston, identifies as an irish. Will prefer ireland to the US.
We would be on the winning side, of course.
Fellow Florida user you speak truth. Our environment is shit for invaders. Our countryside is dense and packed full of shit that can kill you. If you don't have air-boats you cant invade Florida
>The absolute state of this post.
Maybe you should learn the fucking language, 'ese.