From the looks of it, I think we're likely going with Sup Forums this year.
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From the looks of it, I think we're likely going with Sup Forums this year.
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/Polo/ is really great
Is it happening?
from what i'm seeing i think it is
Sweet. Sup Forums is alright.
They're pretty great
Let's get some drawfags on art, /r/ing Sup Forums and Sup Forums in a student council room with Sup Forums sitting down and Sup Forums trying to teach Sup Forums the basics of installing gentoo or programming
Sup Forums is pretty cool.
So who are the current pairings this year?
Sup Forums-/ck/
/o/-Sup Forums
/m/-Sup Forums
and now
Sup Forums-Sup Forums
You know, /fit-lit/ is pretty catchy to say
/d/ is taking /x/ and /toy/, /x/ is still on the air, but more likely is yes.
They're calling themselves /flit/
I like the new Sup Forums-tan, he looks more like an actual trap now.
More /polo/
I honestly can't tell if they're going with us or not in that thread.
/polo/ is fucking fantastic.
My favorite.
Pretty fucking good
God, that rolls off the tongue so nicely
Holy crap you're right.
Did Sup Forums's new favourite pairing become /fit/-/lit/?
its Sup Forums-Sup Forums-y
If you all like it so much, send some drawfags our way, we've got absolutely nothing so far
Still haven't seen our drawfags yet, maybe we'll send one. Most of the other boards cept /polo/ don't have much art.
Maybe they're still asleep?
>you will never have this much fun with your date
It's okay, we're a girl(male).
I am not following this, Just coming here to tell I hate that Sup Forums-tan.
>All those confused normalfags
They just don't understand love
>/r9k/ failed again
As to be expected
Just make her resemble Maki and call it a day.
Hey Sup Forums, let's play pretend.
/an/ and /k/?
wtf wasn't k fag suppose to have guns that ready to put down some filthy animals
Can we try and draw some in from the drawthreads?
You sure are one dedicated shitposter. Fuck off.
Ok so I think it seems like at this point Sup Forums-Sup Forums-y is official.
If we can that'll be great.
We need more art
I believe we had 4 drawfags from yesterday, no idea where they are.
Welp, somehow Sup Forums also became a trap.
But looks like we're going to the ball with Sup Forums
We did it Sup Forumsnons!
Now we need drawings.
Should we try again to get drawfags from the drawfags general?
Looks like the thread with our old request is still up, I'll wait for them to make a new thread before asking again.
Just ask them anyways
Asked, let's hope we get someone or something.
Is it Yuri if their both girls(male)?
Drawfag-kuns, we miss you ;_;
This is my favorite part of the year.
This year's was great thanks to that big sperg out by /r9k/
>big sperg out by /r9k/
explain further
from what i saw they just played out their board-tan perfectly.
Roleplay /tg/ could be proud of.
Reddit cancer general?
>be robot
>invent pepe
>years later Sup Forums make Pepe their own and win the US elections with it
>Sup Forums decide to repay you by getting you a winter ball date
>have a Sup Forums drawfriend redesign your board-tan
>likely your only chance at your board-tan getting a date with another board-tan
>decide to ignore big brother Sup Forums's advice to take /e/ and ask Sup Forums to get you Sup Forums
>Sup Forums gets you Sup Forums
>hold strawpoll confirming you want Sup Forums
>be robot
>realize this is going well
>immediately form conspiracy from really shitty B movie about highschool bully victim
>find one post in /c/ thread where one guy from Sup Forums asked about a double date
>immediately think that your conspiracy theory was not nearly accurate and decide that Sup Forums just wants /c/ and [s4s] as a double date
>ignore the fact that no one has said anything about this to Sup Forums or /o/
>shitpost yourself into autistic fit
>blame Sup Forums bogeyman for trying to cuck you
>get legitimately scared of being cucked as an anonymous image board by another anonymous image board
>start to think "Sup Forums was right to begin with lets just drop Sup Forums"
>start shitposting civil war between those with balls and those who are genuinely scared over the Sup Forums winter fucking ball
>have second and third strawpoll and have Sup Forums win both
>sperg out over sabotage
>think Sup Forums now want you to be cucked by Sup Forums and are rigging polls
>some people decide to go for Sup Forums anyway
>Sup Forums still says yes despite the raging autism but says the date is platonic and that their only rule is no lewds
>immediately decide to find a drawfag to make lewds
>get dropped by Sup Forums
>have Sup Forums give up on you
>apologize to Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>apologies accepted - Sup Forums even consider going to the ball next year (platonically)
>decide to sperg out and shoot up ball because you sperged out and lost your date
>board can't decide whether to kill Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>/r9k/ civil war
>nothing happens
>be robot
>tfw no gf
Gets me everytime
>/mlp/ gets scared off by the autism of /r9k/
You can't make this shit up. All of this drama over fictional representations of anonymous imageboards. Maybe this is why drawfags seem to be staying away from this.
They even asked out /trash/ before /mlp/ asked them out and got rejected by /trash/
Hello newfag
/an/ and /k/ are long time lovers and got married ages ago, /out/ is their kid.
Yeah, I don't think it was an actual /r9k/ poster that asked, and it certainly wasn't a /trash/ poster that responded. Someone just wanted /r9k/ to look pathetic (they don't need any help).
are the rumors about [s4s] true then?
There were some posts in [s4s] that gleefully admitted to spreading the bedlam, but that could have been shitposters as well. It's turtles all the way down.
I was annoyed about Sup Forums getting redesigned but it looks pretty good.
I miss the old Sup Forums design as well, but this redesign is as you said pretty good
Hopeful we get some lewds soon.
Why is this allowed?
Because God wills it.
Like hand holding?
user, this is a Christian imageboard.
It gets cuter.
I gotta say, I'm a huge fan of that armband.
Looks like Sup Forums is going to turn into a trap now, they got a pol drawfag helping them
>Sup Forums is supplying all the drawfags and decent art
Sup Forums is a cute! A CUTE!
a writefag from pol needs some info on Sup Forums-tan's personality.
Should Sup Forums-tan still have his old personality? I think it might be good to tweak his personality a little.
>Sup Forums's plan was to take over Sup Forums all alone.
>Looks like Sup Forums is going to turn into a trap now
D-doujins when?
>From the looks of it, I think we're likely going with Sup Forums this year.
F/a/g/got is good. I'm alright with this.
>Sup Forumsa/y
This is tickling my funny bone
Trap programming has always been a thing
pair of the year
10/10 pair, we did good guys
Sup Forums writefag willing to write
send him info
well, Sup Forums is the biggest board right now, wouldn't be surprised if they had close to 40% of all Sup Forums members. They just have higher chance to finding someone and they really are doing everything in this year's winter ball.