I will start, the new OVA is disappointing.
Yahari/Oregairu: Confession Edition
Worth it to see 8man protect his waifu.
Kill yourself, retard.
I don't recall 8man defending a Max Coffee
Fuck off with your cancerous threads
Yukino was MAX Coffee all along. He's always been her dark knight.
No, she's just a teenage girl. She's holding 8man's love in your picture
8man drink so much MAXCoffee that his cum taste the same, bittersweet.
Built for breeding
>wants to raise a dog with 8man
She is so cute.
She's a two-faced selfish bitch
What episode is this from?
It's an edit from the VN that came out last month
muh dick
New OVA?
What is it supposed to cover?
muh m8
best girl
Someday, someone or more than one will rape her and then drive her away if she continues to smoke and drink alone at late night
Sensei is one of the few characters that deserve a good and happy end
but it is wrong.
Nothing wrong with a kind young woman finding the love of her life, even if he is a bit younger than her
no, its not
>No new porn about them.
wait? there is porn about them?
There wasn't much to begin with. Such is life.
There's one doujin dedicated to them. The art is shit but it's nothing but them fucking each others brains out so I have to commend them on that
Where are her pants?
It's Irohashit. What did you expect?
If the gender is reversed, it would be. But 8man is so pure, he should only get in someone who is pure, like Saika.
yuo mean skirt?
>But 8man is so pure
corruption is best fetish
Girls don't wear pants.
Sensei not a girl then
you mean
>schoolgirls in anime
dont wear pants
I don't care what people say about this show. This shit had one of the best ED's I ever had the pleasure to listen to.
No, I mean pants. "Where are her skirt" is grammatically incorrect.
It always is if Yukino is involved.
Sensei is an old hag.
That OP img made me cum instantly
8man isn't pure. He's eyefucked the whole cast.
No she isn't. She supports 8man and Yukino whole heartedly. See vol 11
Those thighs belong to Yukino, not you Hachiman. Last I checked she hasn't given them to him.
>hasn't given them to him
It's only a matter of time.
Any news on VN translation?
It is faster to kys and reincarnate as a Japanese
If the other routes are anything like Yumiko's route then the VN should have never have existed
But she is too yucky for him and his eyes ruin his looks to her. He doesn't even like him and she doesn't care about genuine.
If seen a translation of Yui's route and it was pretty shit as well.
I've seen*
Is Iroha actually interested in 8man, or is it posturing?
It was a sloppy cash grab, so we all knew it was going to be garbage. At least the CG is nice, I guess
She's only really interested in Tobe but she doesn't realize it yet.
I'd pay Watari money for this.
He'll do it for free when he finally gets off his fat ass and makes volume 12
>No Totsuka
Yup very disappointing
When will 8man and Iroha go on a double date with this lovely couple?
At least ANOTHER was good. Yui has the only end written by WW and in LN form.
>At least ANOTHER was good
Sure it was Yuipollfag.
Another was garbage.
When Hayama admits what he wants
Reminder that his Y is yaoi.
>Totsuka wins
>YYI commit suicide
Best end
>his eyes ruin his looks
His eyes are her fetish.
She does love to stare at them for minutes on end without saying a thing
they didn't actually kiss, no?
They fucked. His eyes are like another sexual organ.
Yukino is pure, she would never do such lewd acts.
She'll have to eventually if she plans on having Edginman's babies.
Many a maiden's purity has been annihilated with his eye sight
I want twintails yukino back.
Itll be so great if this actually has a cake ending.
>girl introduced 8 volumes in is more popular than main girl outside the hardcore weeb fanbase
You fucked up.
It's because Iroha is a glimpse of the past and how this series used to be decent. It also helps that Yukino is boring. Boring design, boring personality, boring everything.
>Iroha is the most popular, volume 10,5 hype, it's the best volume ever, the date is so amazing
>literally nobody talks about it
delete this
the dream lives user
im at vol 3 fagget
wait the fuck up
Not happening
those timestamps
are japs this lazy to answer
fuck you
Good Irohasu, everyone!
Fuck off
>he prefers talking about the same shit drama over and over and over again
Wait, those are all from a VN? I was under the impression that the onsen image was an edit from Bakuon.
>talking about which girl gets the 8inches for a year has been so much better
Yes, they are.
>this is his first popular romcom show
wait? yuo can canon yukinon sis?
8man can fuck anything with a wet hole in the game. Which is a mark against it. Did we need a Meguri or Orimoto route? Meguri is a nobody and having Orimoto end up with him destroys what makes her relationship with 8man unique.
I don't think you know what that word means.
>Which is a mark against it
This. It also doesn't help that most of it is poorly written and that it ignores characterization just so that Hachiman can end up with your waifu. This VN, ANOTHER and the OVA were not worth the year and a half wait.
learn jap
alternatively, wait a couple of years to a decade.
I was expecting the VN to have more routes than the last one but they could have spent that year and a half wait making sure that the routes were at least decent. Hell, the Yumiko route would have been fine if they didn't go "we've been dating this whole time" shtick and just had them be friends instead because that's what their relationship seemed to be. Same with Orimoto and some of the others