Curious you honest opinion Sup Forums

Curious you honest opinion Sup Forums

I'm a 32 year old software developer. I'm dating a 21 year old student, who came to my city via some sort scholarship program to study in the US. She's Turkish, half Serbian, half Turk. I'm a white boy mutt, Mexican, Irish, German, Polish.

She's living with me now, never asked for money, she says she loves me, and I love her.

Am I a race traitor if I marry her (which I plan to do). Especially curious what some Turkish Sup Forums users have to say.

You're not white, so why would we care what you do?

You’re both shitskins why would it matter?

Something tells me I'm whiter than you are.

Pursue Happiness in Life, not Validation from some lonely anons on a Bolivian Llama farming forum

You already admitted your ancestry wasn't white.

Mexican = not white.
Pole = not white
German = not white.

You're not white.


Idk sounds like you're gay

Not being white is no reason to smile.

Does she have white skin? if so, then nah you're not a race traitor. The bigger question is if she a filthy muzzie. Is she?

I got blonde hair and blue eyes, 6' tall. Whatcha bring to the table?

Yes, but Poles are literally descended from Africans, so it doesn't matter how you look.

Bleach her
I got a mate that's bleaching a Muslim
Algerian gal
Do gods work
Bleach these shitskins

Nah, her father is a Muzzie, but not religious. Her mother is Orthodox Christian, and her father didn't maker her mother convert.

And yes, she has very fair skin.

next thing you're gonna say that Irish aren't whu-wite either ?

honestly dude you are already le 56% face

I am 100% Sicilian dating a Scandanavian/Portugese/Irish/German girl

even I am a race traitor and my italian parents are dissapoint with me

The Irish are the only white race in Europe. They are descendants of the Indo-Europeans, while all other European races are mixed of Africans and Asians.

High Tier White:

Mid Tier White

Low Tier White

Barbaric only white if you come from an upstanding family tier white:


you're not white

>race traitor
nah, don't worry about that

>100% sicilian

oh, right, you're about as pure as the 60-odd pan mediterranean/african factions that raped their way through the island on their way to europe over 3 millennia

>being this delusional about not being part-negroid

You're all good. This white purity stuff is just a meme.

Italians aren't white.

What makes me not white? You see me in the streets I'm pretty sure you'd throw me in the lot.

1. Never move in together
2. Never get married

Good god the memes arent even a joke. You have mixed literal feces into your bloodline. Actually makes me sick.

Nuke shitstain states when?

Your looks don't matter. There are plenty of Russians who could pass for white at first glance but they are literally Asian.

We're living together, and I hope to marry her.

She probably wants that sweet, sweet US citizenship then you are out but meanwhile you can get to bang some roach pussy and brag about it (tho hopefully she won't stab you the moment she is legal.)

That's not what asked stupid, I asked why I'm not white.

nah, i'm picky

mexicans are a mongrel brown collection, so are poles and germans (which is why hitler's obsession with racial purity was laughable given that most of his "nation" was made of sub-states with all sorts of ethnic mixture)

I hope not. She's not looking for citizenship. Our plan is to move to Izmir together

Because your heritage comes from non-white racial grouos, retard. That's not hard too figure out.

Does it though? retard.

If she’s half Serbian then she’s genetically she’s highly European/Caucasian/white

In terms of your genetic legacy your kids will be fine.

You aren’t flushing your genes Disney the toilet like with a nigger or half nigger

Yes. As I said, Mexicans, poles, and Germans are not white. That makes you not white.

>She's Turkish, half Serbian, half Turk.
lol fucking Serbs.

according to you, no offense, but I'll take that with a grain of salt

3 types of Turks exist

The cool ones adore Ataturk and are secular

The shitty ones adore Erdogan and are conservative

The scary ones adore Fethullah Gulen and are brainless drones who serve a crypto zionist Muslim Imam

According to everyone. Unless you're gonna say an Albino born to two Africans is white now too.

>According to everyone
except people that don't think Germans and Poles aren't white

go away /leftypol/ Your divide and conquer wont work here faggot.

Do you makes you happy user. If you're going to move to Izmir with her and get married (eventually), go for it.

Race politics or not, doesn't matter.

Everyone is different. Just get to know her well and date her for a while (3+ years) to really make sure you want to tie the knot.

>She's Turkish, half Serbian, half Turk

Disgusting balkanrapebaby.

All crackers should be shot.

quick quiz : is this Gal White ?

istambul will be constantinople again

looks Turk to me.

pic related is a Yoeruk (meaning Nomad) basically the Amish of Turkey of pure blood.

So yeah they do look white.


thanks homie. She'll be studying here for 2 years. I don't imagine we'll get married in that time.

she's not Yörük.
also there's barely any difference between a Yörük and a Turk. Yörüks are just Turks that didn't stop being nomadic.

As long as you make sure Islam is non-existent in your family, there is no problem.

what's it like having a flag of Kermit the frogs asshole?

All balkanrapebabies should be shot along with crackers.

White genes are of low quality and they pollute one's genetics. Look at hapas for example, they're all crazy because of cracker genes.

Native Europeans are white. This includes Meds, Slavs, Anglos, Krauts, etc.

Op, you're white. Stop worrying about what dumb faggots think about you. You can't change your ancestry. You're probably 80%+ European anyways. Mexicans are Amerindians and Spaniard mixes. They did DNA tests on Mexicans and it turns out that the average bean is 50% Spaniard. Your gf is part European. Turks are European and Turkic mixes. Idk about Serbs.

at least it's not a fuckin LEAF faggot

have some manners

good for you user, best of luck and hope it works out

thats what I said sherlock

We don't have any european dna in us fuck off

Dirty brown poopy Mexican

Still slightly less 'Shamefur' than a 'fucking leaf' on the flag m8


This lacks a lot of understanding about y-haplotypes and migration over the last 3000 years.

Not really. You’re both Uruk-hai.

>implying bangladeshis arent muslim and dont hate modi
I'm a shitskin italian and i know this

w e w

software developer so I'm going to assume you have the autism. If she's a roach from the western part of Turkey chances are she could be white/european ancestry mostly, if not, doesn't matter in your case anyway since you're Mexican.
That's 10% of the turkish population, the rest look like gypsies and have the straight mongol turkic hair and slanted eyes.

What? Now this is where it gets weird. Nothing wrong with a sufficiently white roach pussy, you will breed some type of med. looking, brown haired children with her (provided you are blond as you said). But moving to Turkey, in this day and age? Wew!

I'm Indian you fucking twat. Wasn't particularly referring to Modi anyways tbqh.

>I'm a white boy mutt, Mexican, Irish, German, Polish.
You're not white and no one cares who/what you hook up with because the turd was already added to the mix from the beginning.

I want to live on the coast. I think I was a fish in a past life.

Turks who says they are serbian says it because their grandparents were muslims who lived in yugoslavia before 60s. She isn’t serbian. She says it because it indicates she is European when she hangs out with turks from eastern anatolia. She has higher value in that way.

white subhuman pls

hey, he looks canadian

She's marrying you for a green card!



He said Izmir, it's not so bad there, but Erdogan is wrecking the Lira and his village followers are moving into the western parts from their shit gypsy villages. So yea, not a good idea to move to turkey anytime soon.

Yea, but nah, her mother is Serbian. Sorry to get your hopes up.

close, she's Uzbek-Tatar supermodel, so quite topical for OP's situation

You have a lot of asian and central -stan shit dna, it makes your hair and eyes look like shit.

I grew up in Turkey, and you should go for it man. If her family already knows about you two, then you're good.

Turkish girls are great so long as you're not Turkish yourself.

Don't worry about genetics as you're a mutt, and she's a mutt, and your children, like mine will be Untermensch in the new world.

Hahahhaa, everytime man :,)

its not a big deal. srsly ask yourself if you wanna sacrifice your happiness for pol
what part of turkey is she from?
eastern turks are just turkified hellenics

i would actually say more important is her intelligence, and the intelligence of relatives
what does her father do for a living? her mother? her brother? what does she study?

>expects people on pol to understand genes

yeah kinda looks like this turk actress. can pass here imo.

Steer clear of Turks just because they're fucking nuts, not any of this neckbeard 'race treason' stormfag shit everyone in here is talking about.

western turks*** im dumb

I get what you're saying, but the USD to Lira ratio just works in my favor

Wow. This is extremely accurate. I'm saving this and showing it to my Turkish friends.

>amerigoblin in charge of western turks

no you are not a race traitor to the mutt race as she's a mutt too

She's studying to be a translator French in particular, but also English. Basically, linguistics.

Actually most Turks are of either Hittite or Balkan/Circassian stock; so most don't have Asiatic admixture.

Fuck off Amerigoblin mutt.

> implying no Devshirme, no Balkan rapebabies, nor any people with Greek (ancient or modern) admixture

You're a poor imitation of the Turk who says "wh*te" all the time.

>white boy mutt
Sorry dude, you're a shitskin.

fuck off amerimutt mongrel. go be a human first then try to talk about my history or genetics lmao.

Kime hava atiyorsun amcik?

OP is headed to bed. want to say a few things before I do

1: Her parents known me and love me
2: I've traveled to Istanbul and Izmir, and I love the coast, so I could totally see myself living there, and she would like it as well
3: She treats me better than any Western women every did. Seriously, Turkish men, get your shit together, you have great women there but you treat them like shit.
4: I'm going to marry this girl

Night ya'll

Good luck man. Turkish women aren't as nice to Turkish guys as they are to foreigners; but they are very sweet overall compared to American guys.

All the best to you.

American girls*

Nighty Night, Sleep Tight...

Talk to you later OP


marry each other and then get the fuck out of my country you nigger

good luck to you in murderous hellhole #235. hopefully you can correct it, OVER THERE