Why do millennials worship science as if it is a religion?
Why do millennials worship science as if it is a religion?
People cling to spirituality and authority more than they'll admit. When Christianity went down something had to replace it as the magician and the supreme authority.
Because (((they))) established it as a religion so that white people would be easier to overthrow and control.
They have absolutely no understanding of science and allow (((them))) to alter it as they please, and they don't say a thing. They could say "Gravity is now invalid" tomorrow, and the dipshits would eat it up with a spoon.
The "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!!! XD " crowd is the worst collective group in the history of the world. Science is now largely a political weapon rather than a field of study.
Indoctrination of evolution, this is the root of faithlessness, you must burn that root and be gifted the true vine, which is Jesus Christ, the Creator
why do boomers irreversibly fuck up western civilization for their own selfish gain?
political, social and economic
Because they have no religion but subconsciously crave religious guidance.
Many don't know anything about science other than it's considered valid and intelligent and they want to be considered valid and intelligent.
Race is only skin deep user, it's science.
Because they lack values so they think intellectualism makes up for lack of character.
Don't forget gen Xers
I think it's because a good deal of people have no fucking clue as to how anything around them actually works. So "because science" replaces God or magic.
Because they're taught from a young age to hate everything Western, and a tenet of Western civilization for nearly 2000 years has been the belief in Christianity. Therefore they try to associate their spirituality with something other than Christianity, whether it be claiming to be an Atheist, Pagan, some even substitute with their politics. For some, shit like Communism is their religion.
How do evolution deniers explain the differences in race? Now, I'm not tipping any fedoras here.
t. Catholic
I pointed out to a girl like this the other day that she took things on faith because she would never understand science even as it stands today. Too much to learn and most of us just don't have the ability to grasp the higher stuff, besides.
I also pointed out to her that stuff science taught 100 years ago is discredited and we can expect stuff we know today to be discredited in 100 years - so is it really deserving of such confidence?
Her reply:
>no i don't.
That's what you get for talking to women instead of just breeding them.
people don't even worship science
they worship pop-science
They've been convinced "science" is "Did you know!?" factoids, instead of Popperian Hypothetico Deductivism, and is largely data processing, reviews, and being really fucking bored and annoyed.
They don't. They worship celebrities ("Science" nigger guy, Bill Nye, Tj Kirk).
also Catholic, but didn't Mormons actually explain them as like some kind of abomination?
cause BURRRPP rick and UUUURRRP morty and wubba dubba wub wub big bang theory BUUUURRRP its SCIENCE MORTY
>millennials worship science
anything else other than tapeworm that you wanna drag outta ur ass
No. They believe they love science. Their tecahers told them that Gender Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, or African Studies are at the same levela as Physics, Chemistry or Biology. The minute they get their ideas rejected by actual science, or they're required to solve textbook problems, most of them faint and cry on their insides.
They don't love science. They love the image of the brilliant nerdy guy who is actually smart. And they pretend to be smart so they can indoctrinate people with their garbage ideology.
Public school, TV, lack of reasoning ability, "expert" fallacy, no faith in God therefore easily duped by lying zience charlatans.
Man can live without God. If people reject the real thing they are bound to look for fake substitutes.
Why is Soe such a womanlet? Is she even 5ft?
it ain't even science, it's just some poster with motivational words about science or whatever shite Neil Degrasse Tyson tweets out
give them a peer review journal and they would not even understand the basics of it
Because if science becomes infallible, the "scientists" can shove whatever nonsense down the throats of people they want and it will be believed.
Its been going on for decades.
Though, I find it funny that every time something "big" comes out in the science community, it ends up being debunked or changed 10-20 years later.
These fucks don't know what they're doing, its all a power grab.
What I also find funny is that the further science goes into finding out who we are and where we and the universe came from, it only reaffirms, at least to me, the existence of God.
I'm still not sure what they're gaining from it.
ALso, friendly reminder that Boomers voted for Trump and Brexit while Millennials voted against each.
>How do evolution deniers explain the differences in race? Now, I'm not tipping any fedoras here.
Its american christians that are retarded as fuck.
I'm a christian and i believe in evolution
mendel the father of genetics was literally a priest.
>How do evolution deniers explain the differences in race? Now, I'm not tipping any fedoras here.
Its american christians that are retarded as fuck.
I'm a christian and i believe in evolution
mendel the father of genetics was literally a priest.
They don't worship anything scientific.
They just like to wear it as a veneer in an attempt to appear smarter than everyone else.
>Science is now largely a political weapon rather than a field of study.
That's nonsense, scientific study carries on regardless of some dumb people who pretend to like it and shitty websites making sensationalist garbage articles that have little to do with actual science but try to use it's legitimacy for it's own gain.
The earth is flat hollow and Gorgadonis lives inside it biding his time until the reckoning. That Jesus stuff it nonsense.
It's more about looking intelligent.
>They love the image of the brilliant nerdy guy
said no woman, ever, in private, irl
As a scientist, I hate this fucking shit so much. Science is a process, not a belief system! God dammit!
Humans are hardwired to look for meaning. Whether you believe that trait is profound or not, it is interesting. There's been a cultural push away from traditional meaning (religion) to more contemporary meaning (science). But at it's core, these people still *believe* in science. Whatever that means. The stupid will squabble over "science vs. religion", while the intelligent understand it's just two different languages telling the same story.
If it's about hating everything western they should hate science.
>I'm still not sure what they're gaining from it.
t. boomer living off his bloated lucrative pension after retiring at 48
Only Southern amerimutt christians ,deny science
post more wheatfields. Newfags learn from this.
Because Jews Own the media and have corrupted education and scientific journals
Why would this be a bad thing?
You can't fucking deny science any more then you can deny riding a bike or eating a hot dog. Science is a process, not a system of beliefs. We don't need to fall for the leftist trap of turning science into a religion.
It isn't science that is worshiped. Science is derived from the Latin 'scientia', meaning true knowledge, having a very much analogous meaning to esoteric wisdom. Modern science is itself derived from Lord Bacon, the Tertia Principia Philosophiae, who was a genuine seeker of Truth. This was an idealistic method (as outlined in Novum Organum Scientarium) whose aims were to strip the individual of the four layers of biases that influence the ability to process information.
The last such layer, the Idols of the Theatre, concerns those biases endemic to ideology. When you have a behavioral sink of leftists who seek only information/statements that reinforce their ideology so that they might avoid possible negative feelings (aka bad decision remorse, leading to existential crisis), (((science))) for them amounts to argumentum ad authoritarum (some public figure saying shit, bill nye and science nigger, or even politifact) which reinforces their superficial understanding. They selectively weed out troublesome facts, tending to their garden of delusion.
To confront this head on means accepting that their lifes understanding up to this point may have been wrong, which is something they do not want to deal with. They are complacent with their current insectoid existence, and deep down inside are weaklings and losers as Uncle Ted noted, and therefore will subconsciously "know" they cannot pass this self-created void. This then leads to a lifetime of such a superficial understanding, which is a truly tragic thing to behold; it will take many more lives for them to correct the faults they have wrought in this life.
t. philosophy user (Gaius Tacitus)
They don't. They worship pop science like IFL and SD even though both those sites are heavily biased and have posted politically motivated virtue signalling before.
Hipsters think reporting shitty IFL studies makes them seem smart. As soon as you show them that actual science and astronomy is heavily marred in calculus and drudging through hundreds of pages of stats that 99% have nothing to do with what you are trying to study they shy away very quickly.
These days it's the closest thing to a moral authority they can appeal to in order to lend credibility to their political agendas, which can't stand on their own merit. Not true science mind you, just your Bill Nye pop-science.
>Gender is a spectrum. :)
>Race is a social construct. :)
>Trannies are no longer mentally ill. :)
>Differences in the IQ of different races has nothing to do with biology. :)
Because millennials are told to worship authority figures and the Jews have done everythng they can in the pop culture to make religion a bad guy. The truth is, a lot of scientists are religious and just not allowed to say so or they would be looked down on by their peers and associates. Things will change though.
Because they like believing what they're told and like the idea that only they have the correct answer to life's questions. Kinda like another group of people...
A generation saturated in media with no ability to concentrate or learn complex subjects latch on to scientific authority after an entire childhood of being trained to trust experts. It helps them pretend they're not stupid as fuck.
You think he's wrong? If you haven't observed this yourself: you're just not paying attention.
Because science IS religion..
Real objectivity went out the window with 'research grants' and 'peer review'. Heisenberg 'proved' that the observer collapses wave function.. All bets are off.. Scientists should quit politics, go home, and find some productive work to do.
>Heisenberg 'proved' that the observer collapses wave function
do you have any idea what the notion of scope refers to
stop now before you go full imbecile
They actually hate science, but are too ignorant to know it. Ask them about the scientifically demonstrated differences between the races, genders, etc. See how that goes.
That last one REALLY pissed me off, holy shit.
why do retards still respond to this fucking idiot
Literal studies disprove everything listed
You're a fucking kike trying to undermine anything factual
Yes, a decent percentage of scientists are members of a religion, and a large majority believe in some sort of a creator. This is more true in the purest of sciences closer to the source, such as physics, and less true as you get further away, such as biology. A biologist generally knows no more than the average person about anthropic coincidences and the fact the universe is temporally and spacially finite.
>That qt haircut on the Right hasn’t been Popular for 7 Years
Are you guys seriously anti-science?
How do you determine truth then?
No fucking shit, you stupid retard. That's exactly what I was fucking saying. That's why I said "tomorrow they could say gravity is invalid and the retards would eat it up with a spoon." Learn to fucking read a conversation, God damn.
>Why do millennials worship science as if it is a religion?
Why are people so profoundly retarded they actually fall for sheer nonsense like that? Nobody worships science. That's just the churchcucks biggest fear, but it's not true in the least. Religion is so lame and died on its own. It took a priests raping little kids and a shit religion like Islam to teach us that all the Abrahamic religions are poisons to humanity.
He was being sarcastic
I responded because this was a good opportunity to explain to younger anons something they likely never knew, and which might serve them well. It is a wonderful thing when breads ill-intentioned lead to fruitful discussion, one of the reasons I return to this place occasionally.
>the fact the universe is temporally and spacially finite
>the fact
nice one
good luck with your community college scholarship
we definitely need more prison guards
Libs follow their authority figures the like party members in 1984. It reminds me of when O'Brien said he could float off the floor like a soap bubble if he wished to.
>Why do millennials worship science as if it is a religion?
BECASUE (((science))) has become what religion once was- a small cabal of politically motivated crooks who decide how everyone else understands reality.
They dont.
Most believe in Creationism and say stupid words like Native American.
No race is native to North America, and actual science supports the Solutrean hypothesis.
Dont tell the kids, they need to believe in Turtle-island creationism for the guilt.
It is a scientific fact that is what we observe. There might be something beyond our horizon, but that will always be beyond the realm of science. Either way, an actual infinity is impossible and has never been observed, and never will be. That is true for both space and time, or more correctly, spacetime.
I guarantee I'm more educated than you, and one of my degrees is in science. Go back to your pop culture books dummy.
>Ask them about the scientifically demonstrated differences between the races, genders, etc. See how that goes.
Wow, you're a fucking idiot too.
Here's the deal. Biology says the races are slightly different, no big deal. Craven cowards with inferiority complexes claim one race is better than all the others, everybody knows they're just desperate and sad. Biology says genders are different, fine. Should one gender be denied financial or social opportunity because it has/does not have a benis? Fuck no.
This is why the pathetic "muh whime gemocide " hambeasts need to fuckoff back to their shitholes and leave normal society be.
I have the answer to this, but I’m just going to sage and report for not politics, because you always post the same headline and model.
Take your Tesla out of your ass, faggot. Go troll elsewhere.
If people don't have God they fall for any damn thing.
did you consult your energy crystal when you came up with your bullshit opinion
>science degree
your master of science in massage therapy won't get you any grants you dumb townie
they don't worship science, they worship pseudo-science