Anyone else addicted to this godforsaken site?


Other urls found in this thread:

yes how do i leave


one of us one of us

take your medication

I've been coming here since 2004

your here forever

of course. i have no interest in real life relationships. people are confusing and fickle. you people and your sharp wit do the job.

How fucking new are you?

I'm addicted to happenings and political drama..

You can't escape. After 13 years here, I don't even want to leave anymore.


Is there an escape?

Remember you're here forever
and ever
and ever
and ever
and ever
and ever
and ever

I dont consider anything negative. I love Sup Forums. Been coming here since 2009 and cant imagine my life without you faggots



Dammit Stop posting pics like that. I already eat McDonalds 3 or more times a week because of this picture.

I like arguing with randoms about things

I'm institutionalized

Yes. First came here when the Turks almost overthrew Erdogan.

Now I'm stuck. Get me the fuck out of here

you're here forever m8ey

What other good boards are there? I have only blitzed through them and the majority consist of faggotry and Larpers

I haven't gone a day without coming here in 4 years at least

it's the only place where I feel comfortable 'talking' to people, where we all sort of understand each other and share a mutual disdain for the world

you must be new here... I been on this site so long... let me tell you what...
this place ends up being like an oddball rabbit hole of truth and crazy... you come back here for perspective... large doses of perspective...


Can i ask you a question. Pls be 100% honest. Im genuinely interested.
Are you happy?
Do you have a nice job?
What about your physical health?

Remember you are anonymous there ia no reason to lie. Any one who has been here 10years + can respond as well.

Im in my 4th year and im genuinely scared for my future.

Been coming to Sup Forums since 2006

My Sup Forums addiction got REALLY bad like right after the election. I was coming here a lot, but now I am just fucking on here constantly for some reason.

If anything happened to it I'd legit flip my shit

>Implying we have lungs

Landing on the moon tier

/k/ and /out/

Id go back GLP and hangout with jason lucas and tavistock.


I only come here on the rare occasion I'm not working, making loving to my beautiful, and at church. Sure, it gives me a chuckle or two, but that's all it is. A CHUCKLE.
I am a true member of my beautiful native land. I give back.
YOU sit there all day and post BRAAP and trap posts.
You're depressed. But its not your fault. Right.. RIIGGGHHT.
Get out there and make something for yourself faggot. Life's too short.

You have to find something else to do, something that you're really into. If that something else doesn't get you anywhere though you're just gonna end up back here, trapped forever in the void.

Fuck off. We are full.

There is too much bantz on this board. I'm addicted to reading greek vs Germany shitpost threads, I'm addicted to insulting leafs and australians, I'm addicted to reading hue posts that are surprisingly interesting, I'm addicted to larping obnoxious burger in slav threads and getting shit back from angry romanians


>Philippians 4:8
>King James Version
>8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Most of the crap on this site is depressing garbage. But I'm always returning to see if anybody has posted word of the world being burned up yet, it's what I'm anxiously waiting for.

>oddball rabbit hole of truth and crazy

True that. We live in a time of lies. Places like this have a very special role right now, because there's no public venue to express honest dissent with any level of personal safety.

Plus anime girls.

>think I'm addicted to pornography because I keep staying up till 4 in the morning looking for porn while posting on Sup Forums
>say fuck it and nofap to break the addiction
>continue staying up till 4 in the morning picking fights and shitposting on Sup Forums regardless
worse than I thought

Sorry to tell you this user. You're here forever.

no op here but...

yes ish.
its ok 50k a year
great health could lift more.

Been on this site since Dec 2003
seen lots of changes...
oh lord....

I googled Eagles Hotel California you can never leave memes to post. But this is all that they had



>"wow I am going to delete my facebook and stop looking at porn to spend less time on the computer"
>just end up surffing Sup Forums 6 hours per day

The worst part is that I don't even care. I fucking love this place

is that a reference? If so, ya got me.

Been here for about 10 years. I first started on Sup Forums for the gore and raids as a teen. I started flirting with Sup Forums when it got notoriety before Obama was elected and I came back just before the election. I've been on here daily since Trump got elected.

The world is a thorn

It has no place for me or other white men, so I have withdrawn from it. I can only look on in disgust as it all rots around me. At least I am able to find joy in the suffering of these maggots who have ruined everything.

Don't forget, you're here forever.

Which site

> the power of memes on your typical consumerist imperialistic amerimutt

we're not locked in here with you, YOU're locked in here with US.

ive been trying to get my act together, attempting a CS degree right now, but everytime i log onto my computer i just go on Sup Forums for hours

>one of us one of us
Gooble gobble ONE OF US! We accept her we accept her!

>Are you happy?
no, happiness is a meme
>Do you have a nice job?
No, still in academia
Parents dead, brothers alive
>What about your physical health?
Has been slowly deteriorating after finishing the army, despite my attempts to maintain a basic fitness

I've only been to Sup Forums 8 years though...

I'm happier now than back in the day.
Shit job
No kids, no wife.

I've crashed my life with almost no survivors twice during my time here, two long term relationships also took shits...

This was my only path.

whats your job?

this place is fairly nice.

>Are you happy?
There's more to life than happiness. Like responsibility.
>Do you have a nice job?
Yes, but I'm getting a new one very soon.
Parents dead, a sister I don't talk to
>Physical health
A little bit above the average, but certainly could do better.

You're stuck here forever, because this is the only honest place left on Earth.

I was for the 1st month or so but now I only come here once a day

You're here forever. We are your new family, user.

Farm labor, making a fraction of what I used to in the video game industry.

what are you gonna do when automation sets in?

start here then graduate to /biz/.

You have to go back

I only spend around 4-6 hours a day on here. I do not consider myself addicted.

By then, I hope to have a nice little piece of land away from everything and just subsist, the way man used to.

Holy shit, 8 years!!? At what point do you become De-sensitized where you take nothing personal on Sup Forums? Where insults just bounce off you or even cause you to grin?

yes I am. Because here I have freedom of speech. I don't even want to leave

my dream too. currently poor, no job prospects, mountain of debt, but still clinging to that fantasy. a man can't be happy without land

18 and over mate

>he is insulted by what some autists have to say to him

already there after about a year

Why would you take anything personally on an anonymous forum? That's inherently the point. You're not a person here, you're a set of ideas and expressions.
you can never leave

Thanks doc

copyrighted in US

How fucking new are you bud?

I understand that; but I have noticed sometimes people get literally triggered over being insulted in the most mundane way.

>believing in the moon


6 months broski; I've told others this and I get the following reply "Lurk more faggot" lol

its not in germany. how nice, normally its the other way around

I found Sup Forums in 2006 or so after that kid became the original an hero over a stolen ipod.
I'm pretty happy with life. Decent job. Fiance and I are looking into purchasing our first home. No kids (yet). Good health. I do find Sup Forums nowadays to be far more addictive than early Sup Forums

pretty fucked up that the internet is so moderated that a site with actual free speech would be addictive
>>tfw normies probably crave freedom but do not know it yet

everything here is blanketed by uncountable layers of irony

Lurk more faggot

Thank you for your honest reply.

lol IKR

Lurk 2 more years before posting

These guys aren’t joking, seriously.

Once you’re here, you never leave.


People are longing for free speech in this age of total political correctness, and Sup Forums provides it via lax rules and anonymity.

There is no better place for discussion of anything.

lurk more faggot

I feel like an alien outside.

Because they're new fags who will be here for 1 day probably. This place definitely isn't for everyone - but that's also the point. That's why we're free here. At least for now.

>angry romanians
truly the only other people who get as pissed off as white straight male burgers do, best people to argue with.

This, freedom is addicting. This place allows us an outlet against the gradually increasing madness of the world.

Just walk away from the screen nigga.

This is refreshing. So you can be a functional member of society and still be on 4chin. Well maybe i wont be a failure. Still in academia tho we will see.

Sup Forums destroyed my vibrant social life, it changed my social circle and everything about my life. And honestly? If I could do it all again, I would. I regret nothing.

Even without the political context, this place is still addicting. I don't want to hear about normalfag things and normalfag interests. Sup Forums is interesting because it's full of weird people and misfits.