This is your new maid
This is your new maid
What happened to my old one?
Why can't I be her butler (or maid, if that's what she's into) instead?
She swallowed too much of my semen.
fuck yes
Let's see.
>What went wrong?
>Why is she so perfect?
>Who X here?
>Would you a X?
>Everyday until X
>Daily Reminder
>You will never mumble mumble
>Mumble mumble Prove me wrong - You can't
>You have X seconds to mumble mumble - You can't
>What does X's Y smell like?
>How do we fix X?
>X a Y
>Which X would you Y?
>Sup Forums suddenly hates x
>Why is X the only studio willing to take risks?
>About to watch X what should I expect?
>Don't mind me, I'm just posting mumble mumble.
>There are people on Sup Forums right now who mumble mumble
>What the fuck happened?
>Mumble mumble when?
>What's wrong with VLC?
>Wake up, see this. What do?
>I'll just leave this here
>What's your excuse for not watching X
>X will save anime / I'm here to save anime
>What does Sup Forums think about X?
>What's the most boring anime you've ever watched?
>X is Love
>Haven't seen one of these in a while
>Is X worth watching?
>yfw x wins da y
>Mumble mumble thread? Mumble mumble thread
>What the fuck did I just watch?
>X confirmed for Y
>Best Key girl
>Why do you still watch moeshit?
>She sees your dick
>Why is this allowed?
>Which anime has the worst fanbase?
>What anime is this semen demon from?
>X becomes the MC of the Y. How fucked is X?
>Could X defeat Y?
>Your waifu's face when X
>It's time.
>Your waifu is now X, do you still love her?
>Was it rape, Sup Forums?
>Weekend waifu drawthread
>All your waifus are wonderful, Sup Forums
>You should be able to solve this
>Let's get a X thread going
>Do X if your waifu is posted
>ITT: overrated shit
>What an utterly useless power
>Date-a-live? More like date a slut am I right?
>I want to protect X's smile
>Why can't I hold all these feels?
>This is your X tonight
>Why did X fail/Why wasn't X popular
Found it. It's a variation of the
>This is your X tonight
Thanks, I was confused.
This will just be put in the spam filter. The mods won't do shit.
Does she has a girlpenis ?
I oly accept maids with that traid.
It's also a variation of the Shinka circlejerk
What's wrong with Shinka circlejerk?
Sorry but I will have to ask you to leave, I barely have money to feed myself I don't think I can afford a maid. You must have entered the wrong house.
Some anons don't like getting off. I don't understand it, but I try to respect it.
Circlejerk? That would imply that there are more than one people. Every single Shinka related post on Sup Forums since time immemorial was made by one person, me.
It has no reason to exist. Shinka is nothing special, she's just a bitch
You're a bitch.
You're nothing special.
You're lazy, she's very hardworking.
>filthy ESL scum
>also a degenerate futa/trapfag
No surprises there
I suppose I can settle for a maid that would oblige my M fantasies if that's how it is.
>normalfag who gets grossed out at the most tame fetish on Sup Forums
wew lad.
That hairclip is against the dress code. She's fired.
Dumb Shinkaposter.