>claim to be starving
>have big fat buddha bellies
makes you think
>claim to be starving
>have big fat buddha bellies
makes you think
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I hate outie belly buttons, it looks disgusting.
these overfed kids make me sick
it's like child abuse to let a kid eat so many sweets
Holy fucking shit white people are stupid noways, So this is the mindset of a dying race?
What is Kwashiorkor, Alex?
Not a nigger fan here.
As I know their bellies are full of intestinal worms. They take the worms by drinking unfiltered water... It's kinda sad...
Nah its protein deficiency affecting thier stomachs causing extreme bloating and tumors in the late stage.
its pretty sad until you realize theyre black
So what your saying is they don't need world vision because there bodies can survive on eating cancer.
>t. jealous abo
Yeah, pretty much. Until you realize that in 10-15 years they'll come to Europe as refugees...
Fluid buildup in their stomach due to starvation.
Is that always a symptom with starvation? How close does it mean you are to death? Can it be totally reversed?
>making a post on pol to post for outrage points for your leftist medium article
sounds like a good source of protein
>Implying an abo can use a computer
Looks like he needs to do a little less eating and a little more working. That's the body of a very lazy little overfed shit.
lamo bloated stomach/skinny everywhere else is literally a symptom of starvation ya idiot
Fuck off OP I don't need this kind of laughter
stop posting child porn people
>making fun of niglets is Reddit now
Fuck off jungle chink
Makes me think their parents should have aborted.
Don't skip ab day.
They are going to be the next Tom Platz of abs nigga.
It's a specific type of starvation that leads to that.
>young big lenny
ahaha you'd think this is troll until you realize that americans truly are this fucking dumb.
who wants to have 3 well nourished, educated children when you can have 9 starving children with no education?
There are types of starvation? Does that mean the difference between the morsels they do manage to eat and the macro content of such?
checked and kekd
iirc it's caused by having enough fats and carbohydrates but having a severe deficiency in protein
Do they not have leg day in Africa?
First day here huh?
>niglet has a badonkadonk brap apparatus
>supposed to believe hes starving
damn nigga needs to chew his ramen more
what the fuck man
That's their intestines poking out of their body cavity since it ripped. Gross right?
i'm trying to imagine being enough of a piece of shit to make fun of starving children but i can't really manage it, can anyone help?
the only reason you would have a child in such conditions is to eat it!
but like a turkey you got to fatten it up 1st
it's a protein deficiency that's basically caused because all they can afford to eat is lard, rice and other grains. they have no protein intake, so they don't get the amino acids you need
Spoken like a true democrat
imagine then in 10 years loitering about your town
Doing pretty well for being the newest race on the planet actually.
>>have big fat buddha bellies
they are literally dying you retard
it's a severe electrolyte imbalance that causes fluid retention
lurk more
>Newset race on the planet
Yea if you dont count mixed races which are considered separate races now like Latinos and Indians
grow a gut
Thing is if they didn't have 9 kids they'd all starve to death
Oh yeah, is NOT making fun of them helping anything? What are you doing, faggot?
you won't have to imagine it when they break in and rape your children
"Momma I'm hungry"
u people are stupid, the reason they have overflowing bellies is cuz the lack of protein in their diet doesnt give their stomach muscles enough strength to hold their stomach, organs, etc in place.
t. Medical fag
you really have no idea whats going on
no shit newfag, do a 360 and walk away
Yeah, everyone else in this thread is stupid. Not you.
das rite
why would you suggest that they'd do that?
thing is, we aren't living in the 19th century anymore, you don't need a giant family to work a farm. Get those nogs 'inventing' helicopters to start building tractors
depends on why they're loitering
oh I dunno, they're silly that way
That's kwashiorkor. they have ascites (fluid pooling in the belly) because the lack of protein in the diet results in low albumin levels, which means no osmotic pressure keeping the body fluid where it should be
how can that be?
his belly is full but hes still starving?
Not this bait again. Sage.
well making fun of suffering peoples is indicative of a problem in your character, so you can't really justify it as having value due to it being an action versus inaction. if you could, then going out and killing someone randomly would be alright because the alternative might be not doing anything at all, and that wouldn't be helping anything.
Is that a hooknose I spot?
see the post above yours
people don't become violent criminals because they're "silly"
The people responding to this thread seriously are proof that this site's users having autism is more than just a meme.
they really can't help themselves
They hide their giant black cocks inside their bellies
Where the fuck are you from?
omg you faggots really dont get irony
fuck i can still remember the Ethiopian memes from the 1980's. kek they were good times.
>what is the fastest things on two legs?
An african with a McDonald's Voucher.
i dunno
im lost
sometimes my poo is light brown but its still poo
first you must imagine the thick aroma of rancid doritos and clumpy old semen crusted forever inside old sweatpants that faintly smell like piss merged with spilled off-brand soda; now visualize yourself sitting on your shitty pimpled ass which hasn't been wiped correctly since you were an infant and actually taking the time out of your life to post this trite thread for everybody to sadly witness.
>claims to be poor
>everyone always has fresh buzzut haircuts
really makes you think...
Why do niggers breed so much if there is nothing to eat?
I mean europeans don't breed if they are not paid enough. Those niggers are literally starving. Are they retarded? It's another mouth to feed.
Fucking feels good. Planning ahead is too much work.
fucking lying niggers
African children are a product of rape.
you know their swollen bellies is not from over eating right? Don't make us look so ignorant. Their bellies are swollen from intestinal worms. It's very sad.
Their bodies are literally eating themselves, including their muscles and organs,due to the lack of food.
Their stomachs are swollen, not full.
Also, you're retarded.
It's their parents fault for not being sterilized.
>Sup Forums
>representative of the whole
Kwashkior is protein starvation. They could be getting other nutrients, but if you don't the protein you need, well... this happens.
>on Sup Forums
You'll not last long.
The only way their problems are going to be solved is to stop sending them aid and let natural selection do its job. As it stands they're reproducing faster than they can support themselves even with western intervention
Can't we see user is just trolling there? Laughing because of the triggerclysm it is causing throughout the boards.
I know, right. Put these kids on a fucking diet
sad = feed them
feed them = they grow up
they grow up = they become sexually active
they become sexually active = they make babies
they make babies = sad
sad = ................
Are you so sad that you can’t recognize a simple joke? It’s been posted here for a while now. There’s always more than one pathetic loser attempting to look smarter than he actually is.
>Claim to be starving
>Have big fat potato filled bellies
Makes you think