ITT: Unattractive girls


pic not related?

Bitch looks like a gremlin.

Oh, we're playing this game

pic related

>no tits. as in literally a washboard
>no hips, completely vertical from the knees
>no ass, i've seen better from pics of skeletons from Auschwitz
>literally a bitch and the shittiest tsundere ever

why does she even have fans?

holy shit taste batman.

she might not be best girl, but unattractive? That's crossing the line.

dont talk shit about my waifu louise

pic related

>face like a frog
>no redeemable qualities in personality
>actually as ugly as her character

give me three physical features about her that you find attractive besides your strange fetish for absent breasts.

See this? She's a cheap imitation of a much better girl

Hell, even the skeleton in the back in your image is more attractive.

Ya got me there, user. I agree completely.

But, like I said, I'm trying to find unattractive girls in anime. It's not anyone's fault she's no competition for the goldmine of babes in the show.

>tfw it's much harder to find unattractive girls in anime than I thought...

>even pic related had a gag episode where she was pretty cute

Reina has a sexy voice though, which immediately puts her ahead of Ruru and Mai in my book.

did I won?




(you) thread?

I thought these were girls (male)?

She's cute. The tsundere shit is garbage.


The uglyest girl.

Right, louise fags are a shit and a cancer like trump
please, kill yourself
Give me that favor

100% Lisha


this is actually gross





Such an ugly, disgusting girl

90% of short haired girls.