The absolute state of burger education

Found image related on kikebook.

> be white egg
> is more symmetrical / nice to look at
> has better egg white definition

> be black egg
> asymmetrical, appears imperfect
> poor quality egg whites

How can the average American not see past color? Is it not racist and inherently asinine to suggest two different colored people are equal despite their clearly observed differences?

Other urls found in this thread:


both eggs are broke but people will only riot for the brown one

Mate, the egg on the right is much better than 'white' eggs. 'white' eggs are processed to shit and are horrible.

Your grasp of chickens is outstanding

In a sense, so are Africans. Yet clearly purity doesn't always result in better quality.

please OP, take control of your life and stop giving a shit about petty nonsense like this.

When it comes to races it's nothing about skin color and it's all about IQ. No one would hate on blacks if they were wise scholars, but they are not, they are niggers. There is no racism against Asians, there is bit about jews but that's rather about culture then other things, people don't like being duped.

tl;dr niggers are just retarded

>american education

>Inferior Euro eggs.

Can't even domesticate proper food.

What about chocolate eggs filled with caramel?

What the hell are you talking about? As far as I can tell white eggs are just bleached to look nicer. It's not like they are taking a needle to every white egg and injecting estrogen...... Right user?

>separate but equal

can anyone tell me what the little white dangle - cum looking thing in eggs is? grosses me out...

>no oil or butter

Funny how they always have to use analogies to prove we're all the same instead of actual science. I wonder why that is?

white eggs are bleached in the factory idiot

It's some soyboy taking in all kinds of carcinogenic chemicals from his non-stick pan.

dish out the 300 and buy a le creuset

non stick cast iron enameled

They should have a proper white and black egg comparison.


it's hilarious in the well documented people who say they don't "see color" they sure have alot of excuses for needing to protect blacks

>white eggs are bleached in the factory idiot

There's this other wild theory that they just come out of white chickens. Us rural folks are retards though so that could be wrong.

White egg is better

You guys are impressively ignorant considering how many times have you eat eggs and chickens.

This is the danger of internet education + thinking everything's a conspiracy. Simplicity ceases to even be considered

Farm eggs are better for you as they contain more protein and are hormone injection & antibiotic free. This faggot is giving a subtle hint that "colored" is better. Which is only true for eggs. Not people. Unless you're talking about eyes.

I hate this shit so much.
What kind of monster could enjoy it?

so which part of the nigger egg commits all the damn crime?

You guys don't actually believe that... right?

>What kind of monster could enjoy it?
What, pickled eggs?

How does one process an egg? Legitimately curious.

Century eggs are made literally by burying eggs and leaving them for a few months to rot.
They are foul in every sense, taste, smell, and look

Well you take it from its birthplace, wash and disinfect it in a special room, stamp a number on it, put a bundle of them into a small box, then cook it

I don't own chickens, but I've known people who do. My understanding was that most eggs are just eggs, whatever color they are has more to do with the chicken's diet, or maybe species, than anything.

Who the FUCK told you that brown eggs are low quality compared to white eggs?

I specifically go out of my way to find organic brown eggs. Definitely higher quality.

Leftism is a synonym for autism now.

This is your IQ on sheep fucking.

I'll eat any egg as long as it's not GMO

This picture is retarded.
The right is dark because it's overcooked.
You can do this to any egg.
Anti-GMOfags are the worst.

OP is Sup Forums tier.
Start believing in slide threads. You are in one.

If you retards had any idea what a scam (((organic))) certification really is.

Also this

I just want to be in a carton with the same color eggs as me. Is that too much to ask?

>Eggshells is differnt color so humins is diffrnt
That's the most idiotic analogy I've ever heard of. We're all just a little bit stupider for having read it. And what in the Sam Hill does it have to do with Americans in particular?
> is more symmetrical / nice to look at
And your *premise* is absurd. Fuck it I'm punching out.

Can back this up, I work on a home run chicken farm and the people we sell eggs to have said the natural brown eggs we sell are better tasting than white store bought eggs

I don't get how you monsanto shills are always so quick to reply with this nonsense. I've literally never made an egg that looks like the right.

theres no 56% egg

Actually mixed chickens make mixed eggs.

Seems about right.

Fresh eggs taste better and if theyr'e out picking and scratching you'll get a bit more color in the yolk. If you buy leghorn hens you'll get white eggs or buy Auracana hens and get all sorts of color eggs. With eggs the shell color is dependent on the bird breed, yolk color on diet, and the flavor is dependent on eating them fresh.

>monsanto shills

You've never seen a chicken in real life before, have you?

No, the color of the egg has to do with the type of chicken. Smaller chickens with white earlobes may lay white eggs and bigger red earlobes may lay brown or tinted eggs.

The chicken's diet only affects the flavor and color of the egg yolk. A white egged chicken with a good diet will taste better than a brown egged chicken with a poor diet and vice versa.

The reason why the "brown egged chickens have better tasting eggs" meme exists is because red lobed chickens are bigger and require a larger diet. Also, the most common chicken you'd find on a private farm is brown egg chickens, who would most likely focus on quality over quantity since they're personally caring for them themselves.

>overcooking eggs

Those two eggs have nothing on my organixlc free range chicken eggs. Soeaking of color, the yolks of my eggs wre a deep rich orange yellow, vastly superior to thwse pale eggs. Yo eggs is urban living in dirty cities. My eggs is home on the range. Yo eggs is niggas, my eggs is white colla.

welcome to my house

they bleach the fucking eggs you stupid niggers

everything is supposed to look uniform for american autists and they dont want spots or speckles on the eggs so they just bleach them white

>t. cityboi

I want chickens.
I want to breed them for food and eggs.
Doubt I could muster the heart to slaughter one though.

You obviously have never raised or dealt with chickens, as some varieties do indeed lay white eggs. There is no bleaching involved. Heck, use your head and think about the cost in the immense amounts of bleach that would be required to process the sheer totality of eggs consumed in the country per day and the needless cost to the bottom line. Also, consider calcium is white, and white is the natural color of calcified eggs if no pigment was added by the cells doing production.

not everything makes sense in the nigger/white lense you autistic faggot. brown eggs are higher quality than white eggs. does this = niggers being better than whites? NO. idk if this is too complicated a thought process for your autism brain but whatev

I spoke to this italian guy at work that had chickens. Chickens that lay brown eggs lay more eggs so thats why you see them in the supermarket. White eggs look better and are probably better quality though simply because brown eggs are a sign that a farmer is interested in faster production methods and greater profits.

>that a farmer is interested in faster production methods and greater profits.
We live under capitalism.
If you're not interested in profit you're doing it wrong

Well maybe there will be a niche market for people who want white eggs. I'd pay more for them.

90%+ of eggs in the US are white and i can assure you it isnt because of quality

ive always heard the darker (more orange than yellow) yolk is a sign of higher quality

Please stop posting these.

I get nauseous just looking at them.

But wait.. I thought white people were evil

It's almost like humans aren't eggs and the difference between races is more than just skin color.

>I've literally never made an egg that looks like the right.
So... you know how to boil an egg. Congratulations. I've made ones on the right by not hearing the timer and forgetting like a spastic.

I find your faith in the satire lacking.

Intelligence, genetics, and nature versus nurture are factors. We are all not created equal. That’s the dirty little secret. We may be all pink on the inside, but we are all different ultimately.

its an atrocity to Martin Luther King Jr. , the man stated that an individual should be judged not by his skin, but by the content of his character. The image depicted gives the false impression that the character of men is equal, when it is not, and that somehow all those with brown or white eggshells have the same content of character, when this is obviously not the truth. Don't trust that bullshit


hey op, check it out

Ah ha, but you see, white chickens only exist because natural brown chickens are bleached in factories.

despite only being 13% of the population, neggers commit over half the homicide

As eggs age the lose that ridge in the whites. The white egg is fresher.


Some BLEACHED EGGS are not eaten (thrown into the trash or kept away for too long) and hatch to become WHITE chickens.

you guys are retarded
>Image result for brown vs white eggs
There's also no difference in yolk or taste. As for shell color: Genes determine shell color, Dr. Bui said. White-feathered chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs; red or brown ones with red earlobes lay brown eggs; and the Ameraucana breed, also known as the Eastern egg chicken, lays eggs with blue shells.

Wtf this thread is still open? Jesus christ, Sup Forums, what have you become?

It's the equivalent of a placenta/umbilical cord

>be French
>ate eggs from farm's chicken when younger
>bought them afterwards
>tried many eggs, bio, not bio, cage-raised chicken's, liberty-raised chickens
>never saw a white one

>white leghorn chickens
Guess we don't raise those here.

Pic related, we have shitloads, but not the white leghorn ones

>inb4 no whites in France, what a surprise

I'm sorry I snapped at you guys in the rest of the world for calling us Americans stupid earlier.

White eggs and brown eggs are functionally identical and any discrepancy in nutrition/quality is due to age and the hens diet. The gene that causes egg coloring comes from the cock and has zero effect on anything other than pigment. As a side note, chickens that lay white eggs have white earlobes while colloid egg layers do not. Eggs can be brown or white or blue or pink or green, speckled or uniform, oblong or almost spherical, bumpy or smooth, they are all the same under the shell, they aren't dyed or bleached or any of that.

Yup. Only right answer here

But he is literally wrong. Feather color Haas no bearing on egg color. I have white rocks that lay brown eggs, and I have brown Leghorn's that lay white eggs.

Only bleach that would be used chlorine in the wash process and it's only enough to cleanse the egg. Another right answer

Missed that part. You are right about that. It's the earlobe color. Feathers don't matter at all.

>white eggs are just bleached to look nicer.

those are duck eggs you dog nonce

And now, I wait.

i forgot completely one time... one exploded.. good times.

How'd she reply?

I agree. Some are so stupid here in Europe they created white retards by beign retarded themselves. I don't get how they made it but the way they think is like an illness.

No reaction for now but it was 10 minutes ago.
I'm fairly certain my account is muted or what do they call it when they silence it for a few hours before your tweets get visible.

Just my 8th account that will be banned again anyway.
If you think twitter is censoring you, it's way worse in France.
We have virtually no free speech here.

that is a case where its obvious that its gmo. when its gmo water it can make it look deceptively better then organic.

I dont get it, black eggs commit 75-90% of egg crimes? Black eggs struggle in egg education despite numerous programs to help them succeed? Black eggs are being used as a weapon by (((square eggs))) to turn every egg into a tan egg with a weak thin shell? Soy fed white chicken eggs like to mingle with black eggs in large egg cities?

Just what did they mean?

>can see she replied in the image
>reply is cut off

Why user?

>if you're egg look like disgusting pic right its your fault goy.
big organic shills out in full farce tonight shilling.

The same people are happy to proclaim that Africans are better runners than Asians, Whites, Jews, etc. (true, of course). But they don't realise the Pandora's box this acknowledgment opens up.

On the screen, that was the other comments on her tweet.
But she may have answered since, I can't see.

Looks like many people jumped on it.

She clearly replied to someone else you goober
